DIS - Case Record for 09-1701-EL-EEC Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: EEC-Energy Efficiency Credits
Date Opened: 12/17/2009
Date Closed: 8/21/2013
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
08/07/2013Service Notice2
08/07/2013Finding and order that the application be approved and DP&L refund to the customer any assessed charges under its EEDR Rider during the exemption period approved by this order; that the record of this case be closed.3
05/02/2013Letter stating that the rider exemption between Appleton Papers, Inc. and the Dayton Power and Light Company shall no longer apply post June 1, 2012, pursuant to the terms of the agreement filed by PUCO Staff.1
02/15/2013Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Matthew R. Pritchard on behalf of Appleton Papers.2
02/15/2013Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Matthew R. Pritchard on behalf of Airgas Inc.2
09/20/2012Staff report filed by Greg Scheck.2
07/25/2011Notice of Withdrawal by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Kyle L. Verrett.3
07/12/2011Notice of Substitution of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Kyle L. Verrett.3
06/30/2011Notice of withdrawal of counsel filed by M. Idzkowski on behalf of OCC.2
10/06/2010Notice of withdrawal of counsel, L. McAlister, filed on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Clark. 5
02/19/2010Reply to Appleton Papers, Inc. Memorandum Contra, Motion to Intervene by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Allwein, Christopher J. Mr. and the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.12
02/12/2010Appleton Papers, Inc.'s memorandum contra the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's motion to intervene electronically filed by Mr. Samuel C. Randazzo.12
02/03/2010Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Allwein, Christopher J. Mr.9
12/17/2009In the matter of the joint application of The Dayton Power and Light Company and Appleton Papers, Inc. for approval of a reasonable arrangement to incorporate customer participation in PJM's Demand Response Programs into DP&L's Demand Reduction Program electronically filed by Mr. Samuel C. Randazzo.11