DIS - Case Record for 09-0516-EL-AEC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/08/2020 Notice of withdrawal of Counsel Thomas W. McNamee electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly M Naeder on behalf of PUCO.
10/04/2019 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Mr. Matthew R. Pritchard on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. and Ohio Gas Company and Messer Energy Services, Inc. and Presrite Corp. and Premier Power Solutions, LLC and Eramet Marietta, Inc. and Industrial Energy Users-Ohio and Marathon Petroleum Company LP and TDS Telecom and ASHTA Chemicals Inc. and Ohio Telecom Association and Greenwich Neighbors United and Minford Telephone Company and Vanlue Telephone Company and Arcadia Telephone Company and Middle Point Home Telephone Company and Little Miami Communications and Oakwood Telephone Company and Telephone Service Company and Cleveland Thermal and Continental of Ohio and Energy Spectrum Inc.
04/16/2019 Notice of withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Scott E. Elisar on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC.
01/14/2019 Withdrawal of Counsel and Addition of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Mr. Matthew R. Pritchard on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc.
08/10/2017 Correspondence electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
10/28/2015 Contracts between Eramet Marietta, Inc. and Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Scott E. Elisar on behalf of Eramet Marietta Inc.
10/14/2015 Service Notice
10/14/2015 Opinion & Order that the stipulation of the signatory parties is reasonable and should be adopted and approved and that AEP Ohio take all necessary steps to carry out the terms of the stipulation and this opinion and order.
09/30/2015 Service Notice
09/29/2015 Attorney Examiner Entry granting joint motion to cancel the briefing schedule. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Bryce McKenney, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
09/29/2015 Joint Motion to Cancel Briefing Schedule and Request For Expedited Ruling of The Ohio Consumers’ Counsel and Eramet Marietta Inc. electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Dane Stinson.
09/28/2015 Transcript in the matter of Eramet Marietta, Inc. and Columbus Southern Power Company hearing held on 09/25/15 at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 243215, room 11-C electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Spencer, Michael O. Mr.
09/28/2015 PUCO Exhibit Filing: OCC Exh. 1.
09/25/2015 Direct Testimony of Michael P. Haugh on Behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Grady, Maureen.
09/25/2015 Notice of the Addition of Counsel by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Grady, Maureen.
09/24/2015 Notice of Appearance of Counsel on Behalf of Ohio Power Company electronically filed by Ms. Christen M. Blend on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
09/22/2015 Attorney Examiner Entry scheduling a hearing for 09/25/2015 in accordance with Finding (4). - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Bryce McKenney, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
09/22/2015 Service Notice
09/21/2015 Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Scott E. Elisar on behalf of Eramet Marietta Inc.
03/26/2015 Public comment in favor filed by C. Keim, Marietta Chamber of Commerce.
03/20/2015 Public comment in favor filed by Steven Brown, United Steelworkers Local 1-00639-01.
03/11/2015 Public Comment in Support filed by J. Matthews, Marietta, Ohio Mayor.
03/06/2015 Public comment in favor filed by Washington County Commissioners.
02/26/2015 Reply Comments electronically filed by Mr. Steven T Nourse on behalf of Ohio Power Company.
02/26/2015 Public comment in favor filed by T. Webster, Chairman Southeastern Ohio Port Authority.
02/13/2015 Comments by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Grady, Maureen R. Ms.
02/13/2015 Public comment in support, filed by L. Gentile, Ohio Senate.
02/10/2015 Public comment in support filed by Debbie Philips, State Representative, 94th District.
02/06/2015 Comments and Objections of the Ohio Energy Group (OEG) electronically filed by Mr. David F. Boehm on behalf of Ohio Energy Group.
02/06/2015 Public comment expressing support for Eramet Marietta's modification to their reasonable arrangement currently pending before the PUCO filed by A.Thompson, State Representative 95th House District.
01/22/2015 Confidential document target: Application filed by S. Elisar on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc. (12 pages)
01/22/2015 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by S. Elisar on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc.
01/22/2015 Eramet Marietta Inc.'s application to amend reasonable arrangement filed by S. Elisar.
03/28/2014 Notice of withdrawal of Joseph E. Oliker filed by F. Darr on behalf of McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC.
12/22/2011 Supreme Court Document The following decision, announcement or notice of action by the Supreme Court of Ohio with respect to this case is provided solely for the information and convenience of the reader, and should not be construed as a part of the record of this case before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and may be subject to formal revision before it is published in the Ohio Official Reports. The Court’s opinions from 1992 to the present are available online from the Reporter of Decisions at http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/ROD/ - Slip Opinion (Mar. 22, 2011) [Cite as In re Application of Ormet Primary Aluminum Corp., 129 Ohio St.3d 9, 2011-Ohio- 2377.] electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
03/04/2011 Service Notice
03/03/2011 Entry ordering that the motion for protective order filed by Eramet be denied, in accordance with Finding (16); that on March 10, 2011, the reasonable arrangement reports be released to OCC, in accordance with finding (17). (HPG)
11/16/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, Joseph M. Clark in these proceedings filed by McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Oliker.
10/08/2010 Notice of the withdrawal of Lisa G. McAlister and the substitution of Samuel C. Randazzo as counsel for Eramet Marietta, Inc. filed by S. Randazzo.
10/06/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, L. McAlister, filed on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Clark.
09/09/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel for Eramet Marietta, Inc. filed by L. McAlister.
08/13/2010 Reply to OCC's memorandum contra motion for protective order filed by L McAlister on behalf of Eramet Marietta Inc.
08/09/2010 Memorandum contra Eramet Marietta, Inc.'s motion for protective order by the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by M. Grady.
07/22/2010 Motion of Eramet Marietta Inc. for protective order and memorandum in support filed by L. McAlister.
05/26/2010 Service Notice
05/26/2010 Supreme Court Transmittal papers for SC# 10-723.
04/26/2010 Notice of appeal of the Columbus Southern Power Company filed by S.. Nourse. (Supreme Court #10-0723)
03/24/2010 Service Notice
03/24/2010 Entry ordering that the application for rehearing filed by Eramet be granted, that the application for rehearing filed by CSP be denied, and that the application for rehearing filed by OCC and OEG be granted, in part, and denied, in part.
02/12/2010 Letter stating that Eramet Marietta, Inc. has complied with the Commission's direction to the best of their ability and requests the Commission approve their application to commit their capabilities to Columbus Southern Power filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc.
12/11/2009 Service Notice.
12/11/2009 Entry on rehearing ordering that the applications for rehearing filed by Columbus Southern Power Company, Ohio Consumers' Counsel, the Ohio Energy Group, and Eramet be granted.
11/25/2009 Columbus Southern Power Company's memorandum contra application for rehearing filed jointly by Ohio Consumers' Counsel and Ohio Energy Group filed by M. Resnik.
11/25/2009 Columbus Southern Power Company's memorandum contra application for rehearing filed by Eramet Marietta, Inc. by S. Nourse.
11/23/2009 Memorandum contra Columbus Southern Power Company's application for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and the Ohio Energy Group filed by M. Grady on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and D. Boehm on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group.
11/23/2009 Memorandum contra application for rehearing of Columbus Southern Power Company, the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, and the Ohio Energy Group filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc.
11/16/2009 Application for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by M. Grady and the Ohio Energy Group by D. Boehm.
11/16/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of Eramet Marietta, Inc. filed by L. McAlister.
11/13/2009 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company by M. Resnik.
10/28/2009 Final executed contract for services rendered on and after October 28, 2009 filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc.
10/15/2009 Service notice.
10/15/2009 Opinion and order ordering the joint stipulation and recommendation be approved as modified by the Commission.
09/08/2009 Columbus Southern Power Company's reply brief filed by M. Resnik.
09/08/2009 Reply brief of the Staff submitted on behalf of the Staff of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
09/08/2009 Reply brief by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and The Ohio Energy Group filed by M. Grady on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and D. Boehm on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group.
09/08/2009 Reply brief of Eramet Marietta, Inc. filed by L. McAlister.
08/28/2009 Transcript for hearing held on August 14, 2009 before Attorney Examiners G. Price and R. Hussey in Columbus, OH - Eramet Volume IV electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
08/24/2009 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support of Eramet Marietta, Inc. filed by L. McAlister.
08/24/2009 Post-hearing brief of Eramet Marietta, Inc., redacted version, filed by L. McAlister.
08/24/2009 Post-hearing brief by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and the Ohio Energy Group filed by M. Grady on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and D. Boehm on behalf of the Ohio Energy Group.
08/24/2009 Post-hearing brief filed by M. Resnik on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company.
08/24/2009 Initial brief on behalf of the Staff of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by T. McNamee.
08/24/2009 Composite index for transcript for hearings held on August 4, 5 and 10, 2009 before Attorney Examiner's G. Price and R. Hussey in Columbus, Ohio filed by Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
08/24/2009 Confidential document: Excerpt from transcript filed by Armstrong & Okey, Inc. on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc and Columbus Southern Power Company. (10 PAGES)
08/24/2009 OCC Exhibits 1 and 2 of transcript electronically filed on August 24, 2009. (Part 1 of 2)
08/24/2009 OCC Exhibits 1 and 2 of transcript electronically filed on August 24, 2009. (Part 2 of 2)
08/24/2009 Composite Index for transcript for hearings held on August 4, 5, & 10, 2009 before Attorney Examiners G. Price and R. Hussey in Columbus, OH electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
08/24/2009 Transcript for hearing held on August 10, 2009 before Attorney Examiner's G. Price and R. Hussey in Columbus, OH - Volume III electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
08/24/2009 Confidential document: Post-hearing brief of Eramet Marietta, Inc. filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc. (24 PAGES)
08/19/2009 Confidential document: OCC exhibits 6, 7, 8, 9-A and Joint Stipulation filed by Maria DiPaolo-Jones on behalf of Armstrong & Okey. (56 PAGES)
08/19/2009 Transcript, Volume II, for hearing held August 5, 2009 before AE's G. Price and R. Hussey, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
08/18/2009 Confidential document: OCC Exhibits 4 and 5 of transcript for hearing held 8/4/2009 filed by Maria DiPaols Jones , Armstrong & Okey. (116 PAGES)
08/18/2009 Transcript, Volume 1, for hearing held August 4, 2009 before AE's G. Price and R. Hussey, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
08/14/2009 Correspondence stating to look favorably upon Eramet's application and act quickly to secure reasonable power rates for the company filed by D. Caldwell. (FAX)
08/12/2009 Rebuttal testimony of AMR A. Ibrahim filed by M Grady on behalf of OCC.
08/11/2009 Correspondence approving the proposal of Eramet Marietta, Inc. filed by K. Brown.
08/11/2009 Correspondence asking to take under consideration the impact and ramification of the increase in power rates of Ohio River Valley filed by S. Cook, president on behalf of Washington County Commissioners.
08/07/2009 Motion in Limine and memorandum in support of Eramet Marietta, Inc. filed by L. McAlister.
08/06/2009 Supplemental prepared testimony of Robert B. Fortney filed by T. McNamee on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/05/2009 Joint stipulation and recommendation filed by L. McAlister on behalf of the Ohio Energy Group and T. McNamee on behalf the staff of the Public Utilities Commission.
08/05/2009 Correspondence letter concerning the current electricity rate plan for AEP, filed by M. Jacoby, consumer.
08/04/2009 Correspondence regarding an attachment that was inadvertently omitted from the direct testimony of John A. Willoughby filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Eramet Marietta Inc.
08/03/2009 Correspondence in support of proposal filed by K. Brown, consumer.
08/03/2009 Correspondence letter regarding rate arrangement filed by M. Jacoby on behalf of the Southeastern Ohio Port Authority.
07/31/2009 Direct testimony and exhibits of J. Craig Baker on behalf of American Electric Power Service Corporation filed by M. Resnik.
07/31/2009 Prepared testimony of Robert B. Fortney on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by T. McNamee.
07/31/2009 Direct testimony and exhibits of Amr A. Ibrahim on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by M. Grady.
07/29/2009 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support of Eramet Marietta, Inc. filed by L. McAlister.
07/29/2009 Redacted direct testimony of Robert L. Flygar filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc.
07/29/2009 Confidential document target for Direct testimony of Robert Flygar and Frank Bjorklund filed on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc. by L. McAlister.
07/29/2009 Direct testimony of John A. Willoughby filed on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc. filed by L. McAlister.
07/29/2009 Redacted direct testimony of Frank Bjorklund filed on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc.filed by L. McAlister.
07/24/2009 Notice to take depositions upon oral examination and request for production of documents, filed by G. Poulos on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
07/24/2009 Notice to take depositions upon oral examination and request for production of documents, filed by G. Poulos on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
07/24/2009 Notice of the addition of counsel by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, filed by M. Grady.
07/23/2009 Service Notice.
07/23/2009 Entry ordering that the revised procedural schedule set forth in finding (3) be adopted; that the motion for admission pro hac vice of Gregory Timmons be granted. (RH)
07/22/2009 Motion to modify the procedural schedule and for an expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc.
07/20/2009 Motion for admission pro hac vice of Gregory Timmons, memorandum in support filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Eramet Marietta, Inc.
07/16/2009 Entry granting the motions to intervene by CSP, OEG, and OCC; it is further ordered that this matter be set for a prehearing conference on July 31, 2009 at 10 a.m. at the office of the Commission, and that the hearing should commence on August 6, 2009 at 10 a.m. at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor, hearing room 11-F, Columbus, OH 43215. (RH)
07/16/2009 Service Notice.
07/15/2009 Letter stating that OEG adopts its memorandum in support of its motion to intervene as its comments and objections in this case filed by D. Boehm on behalf of the Ohio Energy Group.
07/13/2009 Letter stating that OEG adopts its memorandum in support of its motion to intervene as its comments and objections in this case filed by D. Boehm on behalf of the Ohio Energy Group. (Fax)
07/09/2009 Comments of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by G. Poulos.
07/02/2009 Service Notice
07/02/2009 Entry ordering that OCC's motion to shorten the discovery response time is denied, as set forth in finding (4); that discovery and replies of parties shall be served by hand delivery, email, or telefax, in accordance with finding (5); and that That any other interested party wishing to intervene in this matter shall file a motion to intervene and set forth any comments and objections to the application by July 9,2009, as detailed in paragraph (6).
07/01/2009 Memorandum contra Ohio Consumers' Counsel's motion to shorten discovery response time filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power filed by S. Nourse.
07/01/2009 Motion to intervene and comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company filed by S. Nourse.
06/30/2009 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by D. Boehm on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group.
06/29/2009 Memorandum contra OCC's motion to shorten the discovery response time of Eramet Marietta Inc. filed by T. Froehle.
06/26/2009 Motion to intervene, motion to shorten the discovery response time, and request for expedited ruling on motion to shorten the discovery response time, memorandum in support filed by G. Poulos on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/19/2009 In the matter of the application for establishment of a reasonable arrangement between Eramet Marietta Inc. and Columbus Southern Power Company.