DIS - Case Record for 08-1217-TP-EMG Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
01/28/2009 Tariff for the final Harrison County 911 Service activation electronically filed by Maryann Mackey on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
01/27/2009 Case Action Form closing case with an effective date of 1/27/09 electronically filed by Karen L. Kalmar on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
01/14/2009 Service Notice
01/14/2009 Finding & Order adopting the Harrison County 9-1-1 final plan for use in the operation and maintenance service effective January 29, 2009; that Verizon, AT&T Ohio and Windstream be granted authority to provide Harrison County 9-1-1 emergency service at the respective monthly subscriber charges of $.24, $.12 and, $.25, in accordance with the Harrison County 9-1-1 final plan and notify their Harrison County subscribers of the availability and use of 9-1-1 service in accordance with Finding (5).
01/08/2009 Letter stating that Verizon North Inc. files its subscriber charges for its customers in Harrison County for 9-1-1 service which will be implemented effective January 28, 2009 for PUCO Tariff No. 7 filed by C. Cole.
01/05/2009 Update of the monthly subscriber line charges to Windstream Western Reserve customers in Harrison County for PUCO Tariff No. 8, effective January 28, 2009 filed by K. Hobbs.
12/22/2008 Revised tariff PUCO No. 20 for Harrison County 9-1-1 service, electronically filed by Maryann Mackey on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
11/17/2008 Final plan for E9-1-1 service for Harrison County with an implementation date of January 28, 2009 filed on behalf of Verizon North Inc. by C. Cole.
11/14/2008 In the matter of the application of Verizon North, Inc.to revise tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 7.