DIS - Case Record for 08-0923-EL-ATA Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: ATA-Application for tariff approval
Date Opened: 7/31/2008
Date Closed: 5/27/2010
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
05/27/2010Case Action Form Case Action form closing case electronically filed by Mr. Scott E Farkas on behalf of PUCO2
05/13/2009Transmittal papers for Supreme Court appeal 09-669.22
05/13/2009Transmittal papers for Supreme Court appeal 09-669.22
04/13/2009Notice of appeal of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Hotz. (SC# 09-0669)65
02/11/2009Service Notice10
02/11/2009Entry on rehearing ordered that the applications for rehearing by OEC and by OCC and Sierra be denied. 14
01/26/2009Memorandum in opposition to the application for rehearing of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and the Sierra Club Ohio Chapter filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by E. Watts. 18
01/26/2009Memorandum Contra applications for rehearing filed by J. Clark on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.10
01/16/2009Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Ohio Environmental Council by B. Royer. 16
01/16/2009Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of The Sierra Club Ohio Chapter filed by H. Eckhart and OCC filed by A. Hotz.38
12/23/2008Tariff pages for PUCO No. 19 of Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company filed by D. Storck.16
12/22/2008Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 and 20, filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc.133
12/17/2008Service Notice11
12/17/2008Entry ordering the incorrect references, on pages 40 and 43, to Case Nos. 08-974-EL-UNC and 08-975-EL-UNC shall be corrected to refer to Case Nos. 07-974-EL-UNC and 07-974-EL-UNC. (JK)2
12/17/2008Opinion and order stating that the stipulation be adopted as modified; application for approval of a standard service offer by Duke Energy be granted, to the extent set forth; Duke shall notify customers of the changes approved by this opinion and order and that the Commission's docketing division file a copy of this order in cases 08-974-EL-UNC and 08-975-EL-UNC.44
12/16/2008Letter in regard to the letter filed by Duke Energy on 12/15/08 filed by S. Randazzo.2
12/15/2008Letter regarding a decrease in rates effective January 1, 2009 if the Fuel and Purchased Power Rider and System Reliability Tracker is approved filed by P. Smith on behalf of Duke Energy.1
12/02/2008Reply brief of the Ohio Energy Group filed by D. Boehm. 7
11/26/2008Reply brief filed on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group by D. Boehm. (FAX)7
11/26/2008Reply brief filed on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council by B. Royer.9
11/26/2008Reply brief filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by J. Clark.38
11/26/2008Reply brief filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.29
11/26/2008Reply brief submitted on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by T. McNamee.16
11/26/2008Duke Energy Ohio's reply brief filed by E. Watts.14
11/19/2008Letter advising that the Village of Terrace Park joins the Stipulation and Recommendation filed on October 27, 2008 filed by R. Malloy. 3
11/18/2008Brief filed on behalf of the Ohio Energy Group by D. Boehm. 8
11/17/2008Merit brief filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by P. Colbert. 23
11/17/2008Brief filed on behalf of the Ohio Energy Group by D. Boehm. (FAX)9
11/17/2008Post hearing brief filed on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by T. McNamee. 20
11/17/2008Brief on encouraging and promoting residential governmental aggregation under senate bill 221 filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by A. Hotz. 23
11/17/2008Initial brief filed on behalf of the Ohio Environmental Council by B. Royer. 26
11/17/2008Initial brief filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by J. Clark. 17
11/14/2008Notarized errata sheet of Kevin Murray for the deposition conducted of him by counsel for Duke Energy on November 7, 2008 filed by J. Clark. 4
11/12/2008Exhibits for transcript electronically filed for hearing held on November 10, 2008 before AEs Jeanne Kingery and Scott Farkas, Franklin County. 4
11/12/2008Transcript for Duke Energy hearing held 11/10/08 before AEs J. Kingery and S. Farkas electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.356
11/10/2008Deposition of Kevin M. Murray. 57
11/10/2008Deposition of Wilson Gonzalez.102
11/10/2008Motion to strike parts of Paul Smith's second supplemental testimony for Duke Energy Ohio and memorandum in support filed on behalf of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel by A. Hotz. 11
11/10/2008Letter stating that the City of Cincinnati joins the Stipulation and Recommendation filed on October 27, 2008 filed on behalf of the City of Cincinnati by T. O'Brien. 2
11/05/2008Supplemental testimony of Kevin M. Murray filed by J. Clark on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.18
11/05/2008Notice to take deposition of Wilson Gonzalez, witness for OCC, upon oral examination and request for production of documents filed by A. Spiller on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.6
11/05/2008Direct testimony of Wilson Gonzales filed by A. Hotz on behalf of OCC.18
11/04/2008Notice to take deposition of Kevin Murray, witness for Industrial Energy Users Group, Ohio upon oral examination and request for production of documents filed by A. Spiller on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.6
10/31/2008Prefiled testimony of Tamara S. Turkenton filed by PUCO staff. 11
10/31/2008Service Notice. 10
10/31/2008Entry granting Duke's motion, and that the procedural schedule be modified as set forth in finding (6). (SF)3
10/31/2008Notice of withdrawal of counsel of Daniel J. Neilsen filed by J. Clark on behalf of Industrial Energy Users- Ohio.3
10/30/2008Duke Energy Ohio's motion to set a procedural schedule, memorandum in support and for expedited treatment filed by P. Colbert.8
10/28/2008Second supplemental testimony of Paul G. Smith filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.20
10/27/2008Correspondence supporting energy efficiency programs with additional information filed by D. Marshall on behalf of Eagle Energy, LLC.3
10/27/2008Direct testimony of Michael Gorman filed by D. Mancino on behalf of The Commercial Group.32
10/27/2008Addendum to the stipulation and recommendation filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.6
10/27/2008Direct Testimony of Kevin M. Murray filed by J. Clark on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.21
10/27/2008Stipulation and recommendation filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.67
10/22/2008Service Notice10
10/22/2008Entry ordering that OCC's motion be granted and that the procedural schedule be modified as set forth in finding (4). (JK)3
10/21/2008Motion for extension of time to file intervenor testimony and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support, filed by A. Hotz on behalf of the OCC.11
10/20/2008Report profiling specific energy efficiency programs in other states and shows how they benefit homeowners, businesses and industry, filed by A. Gomberg on behalf of Environment Ohio.49
10/15/2008Entry ordering that the procedural schedule be modified as set forth in finding (4). (JK)2
10/15/2008Letter stating DE-Ohio will withdraw all additional testimony supporting the transfer of its previously used and useful generating assets filed by P. Colbert.4
10/15/2008Notice to take deposition upon oral examination and request for production of documents filed by A. Hotz on behalf of OCC.5
10/15/2008Service Notice10
10/08/2008Reply to Duke Energy Ohio's memorandum in opposition to the motion to stay negotiations between Duke Energy Ohio and the parties by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, Communities United for Action, The Sierra Club and The Natural Resources Defense Council filed by A. Hotz.11
10/03/2008Memorandum in opposition to the motion to stay negotiations between Duke Energy Ohio and the parties by the OCC , Ohio Partners For Affordable Energy, Communities United For Action, The Sierra Club and The Natural Resource Defense Council filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.12
10/01/2008Service notice.11
10/01/2008Entry ordering OCC's motion for a continuance be denied; OCC's motion to compel discovery be granted; appellants' joint request for certification be denied; additional local public hearings be scheduled as set forth in finding (18); Duke publish notice as required by finding (19). (JK)10
09/29/2008Motion and memorandum in support to stay negotiations between the company and the parties filed by A. Hotz, Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel; C. Mooney, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy; N. Morgan Communities United for Action; H. Eckhart, The Seirra Club and The Natural Resource Defense Council.15
09/29/2008Reply to Duke Energy Ohio's memorandum in opposition to OCC's motion for continuance and extensions of time, or in the alternative, motion to compel filed by A. Hotz on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.40
09/29/2008Motion for leave to file out of time by Communities United For Action (CUFA) filed by N. Morgan. (original)2
09/29/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by Communities United For Action files by N. Morgan.3
09/26/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by Communities United For Action filed by N. Morgan. (FAX)3
09/26/2008 Memorandum in support of motion for leave to file out of time by Communities United For Action (CUFA) filed by N. Morgan. (FAX)1
09/26/2008Memorandum contra joint interlocutory appeal, request for certification to full Commission and application for review by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, The Sierra Club, The Natural Resource Defense Council and Communities United for Action filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 11
09/24/2008Memorandum in opposition to the motion for a continuance and extensions of time, or in the alternative, motion to compel by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' filed by A. Spiller on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 12
09/22/2008Joint interlocutory appeal request for certification to full commission and application for review by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, The Sierra Club, The Natural Resource Defense Council and Communities United for Action, memorandum in support filed by A. Holz, H. Eckhart and N. Morgan. 12
09/19/2008Motion for a continuance and extension of time or, in the alternative, motion to compel discovery by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and memorandum in support filed by A. Hotz. 85
09/17/2008Entry ordered that local public hearings in the proceeding be held Tuesday, October 7, 2008, at 12:30 p.m. at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, Main Building, Room 344-346, 3520 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45223 and Tuesday, October 7, 2007, at 6:30 p.m. at Union Township Civic Center Hall, 4350 Aicholtz Road, Cincinnati , Ohio 45245; that motions to intervene filed by various parties be granted in accordance with findings (5) and (7); that Communities United for Action comply with finding (6); that motions for admission pro hac vice filed on behalf of various individuals be granted in accordance with finding (8). (JWK)5
09/17/2008Service Notice10
09/16/2008Confidential document target for attachment 4 - supplemental direct testimony of Richard G. Stevie. (2 pgs)1
09/16/2008Supplemental direct testimony of Richard G. Stevie on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.23
09/16/2008Motion and memorandum in support for protective order to protect the confidentiality of information contained in the supplemental direct testimony attachment 4 of Richard G. Stevie filed on behalf of Duke Energy, Inc. by E. Watts.7
09/16/2008Supplemental direct testimony of Theodore E. Schultz on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.11
09/16/2008Supplemental direct testimony of Paul G. Smith on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.17
09/11/2008Motion for admission Pro Hac Vice of Grace C. Wung filed on behalf of D. Mancino.8
09/11/2008Motion for leave to file out of time, motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the "Commercial Group" Wal-Mart Stores East LP, Sam's Club East and Macy's Inc. by D. Mancino. (Original)14
09/09/2008Refiled motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Greater Cincinnati Health Council by D. Hart. 7
09/09/2008Motion for leave to file out of time, motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Commercial Group by D. Mancino. (FAX)15
09/09/2008Motion for admission Pro Hac Vice of Grace C. Wung filed to represent The Commercial Group filed by D. Mancino. (FAX)8
09/08/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Morgan Stanley Capital Group, Inc., filed by D. Mancino.12
09/08/2008Motion and memorandum in support for admission Pro Hac Vice of Gregory K. Lawrence filed by D. Mancino.8
09/05/2008Entry ordering that the evidentiary hearing in these proceedings be continued until November 3, 2008, and the procedural schedule be extended as set forth in finding (5), it is further ordered that the parties comply with the filing and service requirements set forth in findings (7) and (8). (JWK)3
09/05/2008Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. and Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc. by M. Petricoff. 6
09/05/2008Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Integrys Energy Services, Inc. by M. Petricoff. 7
09/05/2008Motion for admission Pro Hac Vice of Cynthia A. Fonner filed by S. Howard.3
09/05/2008Notice of withdrawal of counsel, Sally Bloomfield from the City of Cincinnati, Thomas J. O'Brien should be designated as counsel of record for the city filed by T. O'Brien.7
09/05/2008Motion pro hac vice to admit Craig G. Goodman to practice before the Commission in this proceeding, filed on behalf of the National Energy Marketers Association by S. Howard. 3
09/05/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by S. Howard on behalf of National Energy Marketers Association. 7
09/05/2008Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Direct Energy Services, LLC by H. Petricoff.7
09/05/2008Service Notice.7
09/04/2008Reply to Duke Energy Ohio's memorandum in opposition to the joint motion for continuance of the hearing and extensions of time, filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by A. Hotz. 10
09/04/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Village of Terrace Park by R. Malloy. 4
09/04/2008Joint motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support of The Ohio Association of School Business Officials, The Ohio School Boards Association and The Buckeye Association of School Administrators fled by M. Howard Petricoff.7
09/04/2008Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support of The University of Cincinnati filed by M. Howard Petricoff.7
09/04/2008Joint motion to intervene and memorandum in support of The American Wind Association, Wind on Wires, and Ohio Advance Energy filed by S. Bloomfield. 5
09/03/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Village of Terrace Park by R. Malloy. (FAX)4
09/03/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation by L. Gearhardt. 6
09/03/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of People Working Cooperatively, Inc. by M. Christensen. 7
09/02/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of People Working Cooperatively, Inc. by M. Christensen.6
09/02/2008Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. Douglas E. Hart on behalf of Greater Cincinnati Health Council.7
09/02/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers' Association by L. Bell. 8
08/29/2008Motion for Leave to Intervene of Direct Energy Services, LLC and memorandum in support electronically filed by Howard Petricoff on behalf of Direct Energy8
08/29/2008Motion for Leave to Intervene of Integrys Energy Services, Inc. and memorandum in support electronically filed by Howard Petricoff on behalf of Integrys Energy Services, Inc.8
08/29/2008Notice of withdrawal of counsel, electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of T O'Brien and the City of Cincinnati. 4
08/29/2008Memorandum in opposition to the joint motion for continuance of hearing and extension of time and response to joint motion for local public hearings filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.10
08/28/2008Motion to Intervene electronically filed by Stephen M Howard on behalf of National Energy Marketers Association8
08/28/2008Motion Pro Hac Vice electronically filed by Stephen M Howard on behalf of National Energy Marketers Association4
08/28/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by H. Eckhart on behalf of The Natural Resources Defense Council.7
08/28/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by H. Eckhart on behalf of The Sierra Club, Ohio Chapter.7
08/26/2008Joint motion for continuance of the hearing, extensions of time and memorandum in support filed by J. Roberts on behalf of OCC; by N. Moser on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council; by D. Rinebolt on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.13
08/26/2008Joint motion for local public hearings and memorandum in support filed by J. Roberts on behalf of OCC; by N. Moser on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council; by D. Rinebolt on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy. 13
08/22/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by Communities United for Action electronically filed by Mr. Noel M Morgan on behalf of Communities United for Action6
08/21/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by B. Royer on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc.7
08/20/2008Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support of Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. and Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc. electronically filed by Howard Petricoff on behalf of Constellation NewEnergy and Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc.7
08/20/2008Motion for admission pro hac vice of Cynthia A. Fonner electronically filed by Howard Petricoff on behalf of Constellation NewEnergy and Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc.4
08/14/2008Service Notice3
08/14/2008Motion of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy to intervene, memorandum in support, and motion to practice pro hac vice filed by D. Rinebolt.9
08/13/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by T. O'Brien on behalf of The City of Cincinnati.3
08/13/2008Entry ordering that the technical conference scheduled for August 21, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., will be webcast. (JK)2
08/13/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by J. Clark on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.6
08/07/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by B. Royer on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council.7
08/06/2008Service Notice.2
08/05/2008Entry ordering that the procedural schedule for this proceeding be adopted as set forth in finding (4); that a technical conference will be held on August 21, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor, Hearing Room 11-E, Columbus, Ohio 43215; that the evidentiary hearing commence on October 20, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, Hearing Room 11-C, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (JK)4
08/05/2008Motion for intervention and memorandum in support filed by M. White on behalf of The Kroger Co.5
08/05/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by A. Hotz on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.8
08/04/2008Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed by D. Boehm on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group.5
07/31/2008Application; Volume 2 of 2, Section 2 filed on behalf of Duke Energy.86
07/31/2008Application; Volume 2 of 2, Section 1 filed by Duke Energy Ohio.130
07/31/2008Confidential document target for testimony of Judah Rose, Christopher D. Kiergan, Richard G. Stevie, James S. Northrup and attachments filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy. 1
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Paul G. Smith on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 34
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Daniel L. Jones on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.8
07/31/2008Direct testimony of James S. Northrup on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.20
07/31/2008Direct testimony of James M. Lefeld on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.9
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Judah L. Rose filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.83
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Christopher D. Kiergan on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.21
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Richard G Stevie, PhD. on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.40
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Theodore E. Schultz on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.30
07/31/2008Motion for protective order and memorandum in support to protect the confidentiality of information contained in the direct testimony and attachments to the direct testimony of Christopher D. Kiergan, the direct testimony and work papers of Judah Rose, the direct testimony of James Northrup, and the integrated resource plan contained in part C of Duke Energy Ohio's application for approval of an electric security plan filed by P. Colbert.7
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Sandra P. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.25
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Charles R. Whitlock on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.21
07/31/2008Direct testimony of William Don Wathen Jr. on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.36
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Tony R. Adcock on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.28
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Todd W. Arnold on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.32
07/31/2008Direct testimony of James B. Gainer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.12
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Barry W. Wood Jr. on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.7
07/31/2008Direct testimony of Barry W. Wood Jr. on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.7
07/31/2008In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio for approval to amend its tariff.33