DIS - Case Record for 08-0123-EL-BTX Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: BTX-Application for a Certificate/ Gas or Electric
Date Opened: 2/8/2008
Date Closed: 9/30/2013
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
09/30/2013Entry ordered, that the case be closed and the certificate of environmental compatibility and public need be withdrawn. 2
09/30/2013Service Notice2
07/08/2013Motion to withdraw certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Robert J. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems Inc.7
03/23/2010Service Notice3
03/22/2010Opinion and order stating that the stipulation be approved and adopted; the certificate be issued to ATSI for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the project as proposed along the preferred route; the certificate contain the 33 conditions set forth in Section V of this opinion, order and certificate. (OPSB)28
11/25/2009Transcript for hearing held October 27, 2009, American Transmission Systems, Inc. before hearing examiners, R. Hussey and K. Bojko.16
11/24/2009Exhibit continued. (Part 3 of 3)176
11/24/2009Exhibits continued. (Part 2 of 3).190
11/24/2009Exhibits for transcript electronically filed 11/24/2009. (Part 1 of 3)201
11/24/2009Exhibits 1-2, staff exhibit 1 and joint exhibit 1 filed for transcript filed electronically 11/24/2009.82
11/24/2009Transcript for hearing held on 11/09/09 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Hennebert, Julieanna Mrs.21
11/16/2009Transcript for hearing held on November 2, 2009 before Hearing Examiner; Rebecca Hussey at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Hennebert, Julieanna Mrs.7
11/06/2009Joint stipulation and recommendation, findings of fact, and conclusion of law filed by M. Parke on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and J. Jones, PUCO staff.18
10/22/2009Proof of publication for Summit and Portage counties filed by J. Toth on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company.9
10/09/2009Service Notice8
10/09/2009Letter of notification to show proof that FirstEnergy sent out proof of Notice of Public Hearings to property owners and public officials filed by J. Toth on behalf of FirstEnergy.32
10/08/2009Staff Report electronically filed by Mr. James S. O'Dell on behalf of PUCO43
10/07/2009Proof of publication. (Summit & Portage Counties)14
08/10/2009Service Notice2
08/10/2009Entry ordering that ATSI's motions for protective orders be granted, as discussed in finding (4); that ATSI's application be effective on August 20, 2009, as discussed in finding (6); that hearings in this case be scheduled on October 27, 2009, at 6:00 p.m., in R.B. Chamberlin Middle School Auditorium, 10270 Ravenna Road, Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 and the adjudicatory hearing will commence on November 2, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad Street, Hearing Room 11-F, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793.4
08/06/2009Correspondence regarding the Chamberlin-Shalersville Transmission Line Supply Project, Ohio Power Siting Board application fee filed by J. Toth on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company.2
07/31/2009Second motion and memorandum in support for protective order for the reply to the Staff's first data request filed by M. Parke on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated.6
07/31/2009Confidential document: Response to Staff's first data request filed by M. Parke on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. (6 pgs.)1
07/14/2009Affidavit of proof of service of certified application on additional public officers filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. by J.Toth.11
07/14/2009Certificate of Service filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems by J. Toth.3
06/25/2009Affidavit of proof of service of certified application on public officers filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems Incorporated by J. Toth.2
06/25/2009Affidavit of proof of service of certified application on public officers filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. by J.Toth.78
06/08/2009Correspondence to inform that the application filed with OPSB on April 6, 2009, has been found to comply with Chapters 4906-01, et seq., of the Ohio Administrative Code filed on behalf of the OPSB by A. Schriber.2
04/06/2009Confidential document target: Motion for protective order, filed by M. Parke on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
04/06/2009Application for Certificate continued. ( Part 3 of 3 )176
04/06/2009Application for Certificate continued. (Part 2 of 3)196
04/06/2009Application for a certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the Chamberlin/Shalersville Transmission Line Project filed by M. Parke on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company. (Part 1 of 3)195
04/06/2009Motion and memorandum in support for admission pro hac vice of Morgan E. Parke filed by M. Beiting, Esq. on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company. 4
04/06/2009Motion and memorandum in support by American Transmission Systems, Incorporated for protective order for certain information produced to staff filed by M. Parke. 6
04/01/2008Service Notice1
04/01/2008Entry granting ATSI's motion. (KWB)2
03/26/2008Letter regarding the waiver request of the transmission line rules on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. dated February 8, 2008, filed by K. Lambeck. 1
03/14/2008Proof of publication, filed by R. Schmidt, Jr. on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. (Cuyahoga, Portage, and Summit Counties)11
02/08/2008 In the matter of the motion for waiver and memorandum in support of American Transmission Systems Inc. for the Chamberlin/Shalersville Transmission Line Project. 8