DIS - Case Record for 07-0219-GA-GCR Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: GA-GAS
Purpose Code: GCR-Gas adjustment clause
Date Opened: 1/10/2007
Date Closed:
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
07/27/2009Memo archiving case with an effective date of 7/27/09.1
05/07/2008Opinion and order ordering that the stipulation of the parties be approved and adopted; that DEO take all necessary steps to carry out the terms of the stipulation and this order.11
05/07/2008Service Notice2
02/12/2008Transcript continued. (Part 2 of 2)48
02/12/2008Transcript and exhibits for hearing held January 29, 2008 before AE C. Pirik, Franklin, County. (Part 1 of 2)201
01/30/2008Late filed Exhibit 1 of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. agreeing and consenting to the the stipulation and recommendation marked and admitted as Joint Exhibit 1 filed by J. Bentine.1
01/28/2008Service Notice2
01/25/2008Entry granting Dominion East Ohio Gas Company the motion for extension of time until January 29, 2008 to file its direct testimony. (CP)2
01/22/2008Motion for extension of time to file direct testimony filed on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio by A. Campbell.3
01/18/2008Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by A. Hotz on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.7
01/16/2008Service Notice2
01/16/2008Entry ordering that the motion for an extension of time until January 22, 2008, to file its direct testimony be granted. (CP)2
01/14/2008Motion for extension of time to file Direct Testimony filed on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio by M. Whitt.3
12/19/2007Notice of substitution of counsel filed by J. Bentine.3
12/18/2007Corrected Service Notice2
12/13/2007Entry ordered that the motions for intervention filed by IGS and Integrys be granted. (CP)3
12/13/2007Service Notice2
11/30/2007Report on the management and performance audit of gas purchasing practices and policies of East Ohio Gas Company.125
11/29/2007Gas cost recovery filings # 126-130 independent accountants' report filed on behalf of Dominion East Ohio Gas Company filed by B. Klink.68
11/28/2007Independent accountants' report on applying agreed upon procedures.3
11/28/2007Gas cost recovery filings # 126-130 independent accountants' report filed on behalf of Dominion East Ohio Gas Company filed by B. Klink.66
10/24/2007Motion for intervention and memorandum in support filed by B. Singh on behalf of Integrys Energy Services, Inc.6
10/24/2007Motion for admission pro hac vice of Linda L. Hookham and memorandum in support filed by B. Singh on behalf of Integrys Energy Services, Inc.4
05/09/2007Entry ordering that management/performance audits of the gas purchasing practices and policies of the Companies be conducted in accordance with the provisions of RFP No. U107-GCR-1 and the findings of this Entry; that each Company enter into a contract with its designated audits pursuant to RFP No. U07-GCR-1 and the findings of this Entry; that the cost of the audits be paid by the Companies pursuant to the findings of this Entry.3
05/09/2007Service Notice2
04/18/2007Entry ordered that the Commission's March 28, 2007, entry be revised, nunc pro tunc, in accordance with finding (3).2
04/18/2007Service Notice2
03/28/2007Service Notice2
03/28/2007Entry ordering that public hearings shall be conducted in accordance with Finding (6); that the audits for the audit periods set forth in Finding (2) be filed with Commission; that the Commission Staff submit the Request for Proposal for conducting each management/performance audit to various auditing and consulting firms, as required under Chapter 4901:1-14, O.A.C., and Finding (8); that the Companies bear the cost of the management/performance audit as provided in Finding (9); that the notice required in Finding (7) shall be published as individually applicable, in a section of the newspaper other than the legal notice section; that the Companies and the auditors shall observe the requirements set forth herein.6
03/16/2007Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by B. Singh on behalf of Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.7
01/24/2007Entry ordering that hearings be held with each company on the following dates: Duke Ohio, December 11, 2007, Dominion East January 29, 2008, Vectren, March 18, 2008, Columbia, April 1, 2008.6
01/24/2007Service Notice1
01/10/2007Service Notice1
01/10/2007Entry ordering that the E-filing pilot project be expanded to GCR and AIS cases as well as transcripts; that waiver of procedural requirements contained in Rules 4901-1-02 to 4901-1-04, O.A.C., be granted; that parties once authorized in the 06-900 docket, may begin E-filing the appropriate documents and/or in the appropriate cases as set forth in Finding (2).4
01/10/2007In the matter of the regulation of the purchased gas adjustment clauses contained within the rate schedules of Dominion East Gas Ohio Company and related matters.1