DIS - Case Record for 07-0171-EL-BTX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/08/2020 Notice of withdrawal of Counsel Thomas W. McNamee electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly M Naeder on behalf of PUCO.
01/16/2019 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel for Samuel C. Randazzo and Designation of Counsel of Record electronically filed by Mr. Frank P. Darr on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
05/11/2016 Correspondence that all work has been completed filed by W. Beach on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company.
07/18/2014 Administrative Law Judge Entry granting the Companies' June 17, 2014 motion for an extension of protective order in the case for an indefinite period of time; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Administrative Law Judge, Ohio Power Siting Board
07/18/2014 Service Notice
06/27/2014 Service letters for the Geauga County Transmission Line Supply Project filed by S. Humphreys FirstEnergy Service Company.
06/17/2014 Motion for Extension of Protective Order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Robert J Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems Inc.
12/24/2013 Letter in response to the Opinion and Order and Certificate issued on November 24, 2008 filed by T. Krauss on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company.
08/08/2012 Response letter sent to: George and Natalie Davet filed by K. Wissman on behalf of OPSB.
07/27/2012 Correspondence and Request for Route Modification electronically filed by Mr. Christopher J Allwein on behalf of Mr. George K. Davet and Mrs. Natalie Davet.
03/14/2012 Correspondence Letter from Kathleen M. McGee to the Ohio Power Siting Board regarding direct testimony submitted on September 8, 2008 electronically filed by Mr. Christopher J Allwein on behalf of Ms. Kathleen M. McGee.
02/06/2012 Appendix J -vegetation clearing, herbicide use and signage plan prepared by FirstEnergy Service Company on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp.
02/06/2012 Appendix C - right-of-way of road vehicle use minimization plan - revision 1 prepared by FirstEnergy Service Company on behalf of FirstEnergy Corporation.
02/06/2012 Appendix K-construction access plan prepared by URS on behalf of FirstEnergy.
12/22/2011 Supreme Court Document The following decision, announcement or notice of action by the Supreme Court of Ohio with respect to this case is provided solely for the information and convenience of the reader, and should not be construed as a part of the record of this case before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and may be subject to formal revision before it is published in the Ohio Official Reports. The Court’s opinions from 1992 to the present are available online from the Reporter of Decisions at http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/ROD/ - Slip Opinion (Jan. 26, 2010) electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board
09/14/2011 Correspondence stating that the American Transmission System and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company had submitted updated drawing submitted to the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by S. Humphrys in behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company.
08/18/2011 Start of Construction notification of the Geauga County 138kv transmission Line supply project. filed by T. Krauss
08/04/2011 OSPB letter authorizing commencement of construction filed by Klaus Lambeck on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board.
06/09/2011 Report by FirstEnergy for Ohio Power Siting Board ("Board") Staff" review and approval of the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project Right-of-Way Off Road Vehicle Use Minimization Plan filed by T. Krauss on behalf of FirstEnergy Corporation.
06/09/2011 Report of Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project Appendix J - Vegetation Clearing, Herbicide use and signage plan filed by ATSI on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp.
06/03/2011 Notice of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan on behalf of First Energy Corporation, filed by URS.
06/03/2011 Notice of the Construction and Restoration Plan that addresses requirements and restrictions for stream and wetland crossings related to American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company's construction of the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by URS.
06/03/2011 Notice of the Threatened & Endangered Species Plan addresses requirements and restrictions for identified threatened and endangered animal and plant species during American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company's construction of the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by URS.
06/03/2011 Notice providing details of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company's plans for residential landscape planting filed by FirstEnergy Service Company.
06/03/2011 Notice that ATSI's and CEI's plans to contact property owners about Project construction activities filed by M. Walczak on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
06/03/2011 Report of Geauga County 138 Kv Transmission Line Supply Project of Appendix H - Wetland & Stream Preservation Plan prepared by URS on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp.
06/03/2011 Report on Geauga County 138 Kv Transmission Line Supply Project Appendix K - Construction Access Plan on behalf of FirstEnergy Corporation, filed by URS.
05/24/2011 Response of FirstEnergy filed by T. Kraus concerning information is being provided to the Board's Staff as part of the applicant's implementation of Condition 23 of the Board's Opinion, Order and Certificate issued on November 24,2009.
05/10/2011 Letter regarding the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by T. Krauss on behalf of FirstEnergy.
05/03/2011 Staff review and approval of the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed on behalf of FirstEnergy by T. Krauss.
04/28/2011 Correspondence regarding the Geauga County 138 k V Transmission Line Project Vegetation Clearing, Herbicide Use and Signage Plan dated April 27, 2011 filed on behalf of FirstEnergy by T. Krauss.
04/27/2011 Correspondence containing February 22,2011 - Application No. 2009-01427, Nationwide Pennit No. 12 as Published in the Federal Register, Volume 72, No. 47, on Monday, March 12, 2007 and April 22,2011 - Request for Modification of Department o fthe Army Pennit No. 2009-01427 filed on behalf of FirstEnergy by T. Krauss.
04/14/2011 Notification of Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project Residential Landscape Plan dated April 11, 2011 filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems Inc. by T. Krauss.
04/07/2011 Letter stating that three construction laydown areas are planned for the project and are shown on the enclosed drawings field by T. Krauss on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
04/07/2011 Letter stating that two sets of detailed drawings for review and approval are enclosed field by T. Krauss on behalf of American Transmission System.
03/24/2011 Comments of the Ohio Historical Society's Ohio Historic Preservation Office filed by D. Snyder on behalf of the Ohio Historic Preservation Office.
03/17/2011 Service Notice
03/17/2011 Entry ordering that the motion by the Companies for continued protective treatment of information filed on September 28, 2007, November 8, 2007, and November 26, 2007 be granted for a period of 36 months until April 6, 2014. (KLS)
02/18/2011 Motion to extend seal on portions of record of these proceedings and memorandum in support, filed by R. Schmidt Jr. on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
10/13/2010 Response letter sent to: Robert C. Sidley filed by K. Wissman on behalf of OPSB.
10/06/2009 Entry ordering that the motion by American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for continued protective treatment of information filed on September 28, November 8, and November 26, 2007, be granted for a period of 18 months from the date of this entry. (KLS)
10/06/2009 Service Notice.
09/16/2009 Reply to CARE's objections and brief in opposition to applicant's motion to extend seal on portions of the record filed by R. Schmidt Jr. on behalf of applicants, American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
09/09/2009 Objections and brief in opposition to applicants' motion to extend seal on portions of record filed by J. Crocker on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
08/25/2009 Motion to extend seal on portions of record of these proceedings and memorandum in support filed by C. Schraft on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
04/13/2009 Supreme Court transmittal papers.
04/13/2009 Service notice.
03/30/2009 Transmission line project Indiana Bat Mist Net Survey - March 3, 2009, final report for Geauga County filed by T. Krauss on behalf of FirstEnergy.
03/13/2009 Notice of appeal of Citizen Advocating Responsible Energy filed by J. Crocker. (S.C. #09-481)
01/27/2009 Service Notice.
01/26/2009 Entry on rehearing ordering that CARE's application for rehearing be denied.
01/23/2009 Service Notice
01/23/2009 Entry ordering that Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy's January 14, 2009 motion to strike is denied.
01/20/2009 Memorandum contra Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy's motion to strike filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by J. Clark.
01/16/2009 Memorandum of applicants, American Transmission System, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, in opposition to CARE's motion to Strike lEU-Ohio's objections to the application for rehearing filed by C. Schraff.
01/15/2009 Service Notice
01/15/2009 Entry granting application for rehearing to CARE for the purpose of affording the Board additional time to consider the issues raised. (JKS)
01/14/2009 Motion to strike IEU-Ohio's objections to application for rehearing filed by J. Crocker on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
01/07/2009 Correspondence stating that the Ohio Power Siting Board should reject CARE's application for rehearing in its entirety filed on behalf of IEU-Ohio by J. Clark.
01/07/2009 Memorandum in response to the application for rehearing of intervenor CARE filed by C. Schraff on behalf of applicants, American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
12/26/2008 Service Notice
12/23/2008 Entry ordering that the motion for an extension of time until Wednesday, January 7, 2009, to respond to CARE's application for rehearing is granted. (JS)
12/22/2008 Motion to extend time to respond to application for rehearing of interventor Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy and memorandum in support, filed by C. Schraff on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. Company.
12/19/2008 Application and memorandum in support for rehearing of intervener, Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy filed by B. Parsons.
11/26/2008 Service Notice
11/24/2008 Opinion and order ordered that a certificate be issued for the construction, operation and maintenance of the project along the preferred route; that the certificate contain the 43 conditions set forth in Section V.
11/12/2008 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, Daniel J. Neilsen for Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by Joseph M. Clark.
10/31/2008 Reply in support of applicants' motion for protective order for certain information contained in applicants' reply brief filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. by C. Schraff.
10/30/2008 Intervenor Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy's brief in opposition to the applicants' motion for protective order filed by J. Crocker.
10/28/2008 Reply brief of The Village of Orwell filed by D. McCombs. (Original)
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by A. Heath.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by A. Wishart.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by R. Kristoff-Swan.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by a. Kosies.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by F. Mullet.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by N. Bruening.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by S. Bruening.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by T. Butts.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by M. Zronek.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by J. Zronek.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by J. Rose.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by T. Evans.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by L. Bellini.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by K. Teichman.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by J. Jonath.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by N. Starkey.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by J. Wroblesky.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by S. Jonath.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by L. Keppler.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by M. Keppler.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by T. Pilarczyk.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by L. Breedlove.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by S. Breedlove.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by M. Smith.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by C. Radigan.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by J. Botts.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by J. Klinger.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by C. Swan.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by F. Smith.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by W. Reeves.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by J. Kepp.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by C. Morrison.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by R. Hurd.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by F. Moses.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by B. Noss.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by D. Smith.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by M. Saunders.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by T. Ross.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by C. Whitney.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by N. Kothers.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by W. Motil.
10/27/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by C. Brown.
10/27/2008 Reply brief of The Village of Orwell filed by D. McCombs. (FAX)
10/27/2008 Signed petitions strongly opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by various petitioners.
10/27/2008 Signed petitions opposing both suggested routes to the proposed FirstEnergy Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Supply Project, designated to go through Thompson, Montville and Huntsburg Townships filed by J. Galan on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
10/23/2008 Reply post hearing brief on behalf of the Staff of The Ohio Power Siting Board, filed by T. Lindgren and M. Malone.
10/23/2008 Letter stating that the Geauga Park District will not be filing a reply brief filed by S. Bloomfield.
10/23/2008 Letter stating that the City of Chardon will not be filing a reply brief filed by S. Bloomfield.
10/23/2008 Reply brief of intervenor filed by J. Crocker and B. Parsons on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
10/23/2008 Reply in support of certification of Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line supply project, filed by R. Schmidt Jr. on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. (redacted version)
10/23/2008 Motion for protective order for certain information contained in reply brief and memorandum in support of, filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
10/23/2008 Confidential document: reply of applicants filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems Inc. and The Cleveland Illuminating Company.
10/23/2008 Reply brief filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
10/21/2008 Emergency motion to strike intervenor Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy initial brief and memorandum in support, filed by D. McCombs on behalf of The Village of Orwell. (original)
10/20/2008 Motion to unseal initial brief and response to The Village of Orwell's motion to strike on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy filed by J. Crocker and B. Parsons.
10/20/2008 Redacted version of initial brief filed by J. Crocker and B. Parsons on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
10/20/2008 Reply to emergency motion of The Village of Orwell filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of the applicants.
10/17/2008 Emergency motion to strike intervenor Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy initial brief and memorandum in support, filed by D. McCombs on behalf of The Village of Orwell. (FAX)
10/16/2008 Post-hearing brief of George K. Davet filed by M. Romano.
10/16/2008 Initial brief in support of the certification of the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Supply project filed by D. McCombs on behalf of the Village of Orwell. (original)
10/16/2008 Post-hearing brief on behalf of the Staff of Ohio Power Siting Board.
10/16/2008 Post-hearing brief filed by D. Ondrey on behalf of Geauga Park District.
10/16/2008 Confidential document: Initial brief filed by B. Parsons on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
10/16/2008 Initial brief filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
10/16/2008 Initial brief in support of certification of Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Supply project filed by C. Schraff on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
10/16/2008 Notice of filing initial brief under seal filed by B. Parsons on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
10/16/2008 Post-hearing brief of the City of Chardon filed by J. Gillette.
10/15/2008 Initial brief in support of the certification of the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Supply project filed by D. McCombs on behalf of the Village of Orwell. (FAX)
10/03/2008 Confidential document target for Transcript Vol I for hearing held on September 16, 2008. (13 pgs)
10/03/2008 Confidential document target for Transcript Vol II held on September 17, 2008. (42 pgs)
10/02/2008 Transcript for American Transmission hearing held on October 1, 2008, before attorney examiner J. Stoneking and G. See, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
10/02/2008 Response letter sent to J. Carson filed by A. Schriber, OPSB.
10/02/2008 Confidential document: Transcript, Volume 4, for hearing held 10/1/08. (40 pages)
10/01/2008 Transcript Volume III of American Transmission Systems hearing held September 18, 2008, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
10/01/2008 Transcript Volume II of American Transmission Systems, Inc. hearing held September 17, 2008 before administrative law judge J. Stoneking, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
10/01/2008 Transcript Volume I of American Transmission Systems, Inc.hearing held September 16, 2008 before attorney examiner J. Stoneking, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
09/25/2008 Rebuttal testimony of James S. O'Dell Utilities Department/Facilities, Siting & Environmental submitted on behalf of the Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by Staff.
09/25/2008 Written rebuttal testimony of James M. Galm, Ph.D,P.E. on behalf of Citizens Advocation Responsible Energy filed by T. Lee
09/25/2008 Rebuttal testimony of Theodore Robert Krauss, P.E. on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by C. Schraff.
09/25/2008 Rebuttal testimony of Arron Geckle on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illumining Company.
09/25/2008 Rebuttal testimony of James A. Sears, Jr. on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
09/24/2008 Letter expressing protest over the preferred route and the alternative route on Clay St. filed by D. Garey.
09/24/2008 Letter opposing the proposed route of 138kV electrical transmission lines through the City of Chardon and along the Maple Highlands Bike Trail filed by D. Spotz.
09/24/2008 Corrected first page of transcript of Hearing held at City of Huntsburg, Huntsburg Town Hall, Second Floor, 16534 Mayfield Road, Huntsburg, Ohio before J. Stoneking AE, on Wednesday, September 10, 2008, at 6:00 P.M.
09/23/2008 Duplicate letter: stating that the new substation should be considered in Orwell filed by R. Takacs.
09/23/2008 Additional letter in protest of both the preferred route and the alternate route on Clay St. filed by D. Garey.
09/23/2008 Duplicate letter: objection to the project in Geauga County filed by C. and W. Radigan.
09/22/2008 Transcript and exhibits for hearing on Wednesday, September 19, 2008, in Huntsburg, Ohio before J. Stoneking. (Part 1 of 4)
09/22/2008 Transcript & Exhibits continued. (Part 4 of 4)
09/22/2008 Transcript & Exhibits continued. (Part 3 of 4)
09/22/2008 Transcript & Exhibits continued. (Part 2 of 4)
09/18/2008 Response letter to William and Carol Radigan on behalf of Ohio Siting Board filed by Staff
09/18/2008 Response letter to Angela J. Donato on behalf of Ohio Siting Board filed by Staff
09/18/2008 Response letter to Clark M. Adam on behalf of Ohio Siting Board filed by Staff
09/18/2008 Response letter to Dr. James K. Bissell on behalf of Ohio Siting Board filed by Staff
09/18/2008 Duplicate letter stating the negative impact on the forest filed by Dr. J. Bissell Director of Conservation on behalf of Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
09/18/2008 Response letter to Dan and Diane Garey on behalf of Ohio Siting Board filed by Staff
09/16/2008 Prefiled direct testimony James S. O'Dell, Utilities Department/ Facilities, Siting & Environmental on behalf of the Staff of The Ohio Power Siting Board.
09/15/2008 Response to intervener's motion to unseal public records filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by R. Schmidt Jr.
09/12/2008 Testimony of Robert J. Bohland, CMFGE filed on behalf of Energy Management Consulting by R. Bohland.
09/12/2008 Geauga Park District's memorandum contra Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy's motion to strike the testimony of Anthony J. Coyne filed by D. Ondrey and S. Bloomfield.
09/12/2008 Response of intervenor Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy's to applicants' motion to exclude McGee testimony filed by T. Lee and M. Byers.
09/12/2008 Motion, memorandum in support and exhibit filed by Intervenor Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy to unseal public records by T. Lee.
09/11/2008 Motion to strike the testimony of Anthony Coyne filed on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy by T. Lee.
09/10/2008 Motion and memorandum in support to exclude testimony of Kathleen McGee filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by R. Schmidt.
09/09/2008 Correspondence letter from James M. Galm objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project, filed by Sherrod Brown, United States Senator.
09/09/2008 Corrected copy of Philip King's testimony correcting the page numbering errors that occurred in the testimony filed September 8, 2008, filed on behalf of the City of Chardon, Ohio by S. Bloomfield.
09/09/2008 Direct testimony of George K. Davet filed on behalf of himself as intervenor by R. Hanna.
09/08/2008 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held on August 28, 2008 at the Huntsburg Town Hall, Huntsburg, Ohio before AE's J. Stoneking and G. See, Geauga County.
09/08/2008 Correspondence letter opposing the proposed route of 138 kV electrical transmission lines through the City of Chardon and along the Maple Highlands Bike Trail filed by R. Mueller.
09/08/2008 Response letter sent to; Helen Urbanic filed on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/08/2008 Correspondence concerning FirstEnergy's Geauga County Project filed by concerned citizens, J. Ewert-Krocker, R. McKinney and K. Oliver.
09/08/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County-138 kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed on behalf of J. Hines, K. Oliver, N. Wilson of Hershey Montessori School.
09/08/2008 Prefiled testimony continued. (Part 2 of 3)
09/08/2008 Prefiled testimony continued. ( Part 3 of 3)
09/08/2008 Prefiled testimony for Aaron Geckle, Theodore Robert Krauss, P.E., James A. Sears, Jr., Dr. Lynn Forster, David R. Kozy, Jr., and James Nicholas filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by R. Schmidt, Jr. (Part 1 of 3)
09/08/2008 Direct testimony of Anthony J. Coyne filed on behalf of Geauga Park District by S. Bloomfield.
09/08/2008 Direct testimony of Philip King filed on behalf of the City of Chardon by S. Bloomfield.
09/08/2008 Initial direct testimony of Charles V. Lausin filed by J. Crocker on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
09/08/2008 Direct testimony of Brian A. Ross filed by J. Crocker on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
09/08/2008 Prefiled testimony of Thomas G. Curtin on behalf of Geauga Park District.
09/08/2008 Initial direct testimony of Nancy Kothera on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy filed by J. Crocker.
09/08/2008 Initial direct testimony of Randolph H. Bennett on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy filed by J. Crocker.
09/08/2008 Initial direct testimony of Michael S. Youshak on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy filed by J. Crocker.
09/08/2008 Initial direct testimony of Kathleen M. McGee, J.D., M.A.I. on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy filed by J. Crocker.
09/08/2008 Initial direct testimony of James M. Galm, P.E., Ph.D. on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy filed by J. Crocker.
09/08/2008 Initial direct testimony of Dr. Francis L. Merat, PH.D., P.E. on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy filed by J. Crocker.
09/08/2008 Direct testimony of David B, Hartt on behalf of The City of Chardon filed by S. Bloomfield.
09/05/2008 Response letter to: Jim Swassing and Peggy Michael, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/05/2008 Response letter to: Kevin O'Reilly, Trustee, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/05/2008 Initial testimony of Chris Parker filed on behalf of himself and the Munson Township Cyclists by C. Parker.
09/05/2008 Transcript for proceedings held Wednesday, August 27, 2008, at 4:38 p.m., held at the Ledgemont Elementary-Middle School, 16200 Burrows Road, Thompson, Ohio before Administrative Law Judge, Janet Stoneking, and Administrative Law Judge, Greta See.
09/04/2008 Duplicate letter filed by, R. Sharpe.
09/04/2008 Notice of witness withdrawal filed on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy by J. Crocker.
09/04/2008 Petition objecting to the construction of high voltage electrical transmission lines over the Maple Highlands Trail and through the City of Chardon.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: George and Joann Tackla, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: Ronald and Bonnie Marx, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: Christine C. Takacs, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: Kenneth Ovark, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: Deborah W. Pruce, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: Karen Doering, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: Patricia L. Murphy, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: William E. Niehus, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: Priscilla Hall, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: Andrew and Deborah Blackley, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: John and Patricia Mallen, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: Joseph Bortnick, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Response letter to: Peter J. Gillette and Family, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
09/04/2008 Duplicate letter filed by R. Cromared.
09/04/2008 Service Notice
09/04/2008 Entry granting the petitions for intervention by the Village of Orwell and George K. Davet; that the petition for intervention of Chris Parker is denied; that the parties are to participate in the next case status conference as stated in finding (6). (JS)
09/03/2008 Response letter to: Clara Schous, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/03/2008 Response letter to: Ronald B. Sharpe, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/03/2008 Response letter to: Robert J. Takacs, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/03/2008 Response letter to: Margarete Wachsmuth, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/03/2008 Response letter to: Beverly J. Spear, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/03/2008 Response letter to: Carl and Mary Ann Rispoli, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/03/2008 Response letter to: Arthur J. Kimpton, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/03/2008 Response letter to: Susan Speak Callahan, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/03/2008 Response letter to: Sadie Byler, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/03/2008 Response letter to: Jack and Debbie Blazey, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/03/2008 Response letter to: Kathleen Justice, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/02/2008 Duplicate letter filed by V. Ploe.
09/02/2008 Duplicate letter filed by M. Savides.
09/02/2008 Duplicate letter filed by T. Zeitz.
08/29/2008 Duplicate letter filed by T. Zeitz.
08/29/2008 Response letter to: Jack & Debbie Blazey, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
08/29/2008 Response letter to: Vivian M. Ploe, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/29/2008 Response letter to: Michael C. Savides, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/27/2008 Proof of Publication. (Geauga and Lake Counties)
08/26/2008 Notice of deposition for George K. Davet filed by C. Schraff.
08/26/2008 List of property owners served filed by C. Schraff on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
08/25/2008 Resolution 08-101 urging the Ohio Power Siting Board to certify, a route other than the "Combination Route" filed by C. Kozenko on behalf of Geauga County.
08/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by J. Park.
08/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by John and Barbara Hanson.
08/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by K. Schuler.
08/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by K. Stray.
08/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by J. Huckaby.
08/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by B. Knapp.
08/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by J. Galm.
08/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by J.Olejarz.
08/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by William, Patricia and Robert Jonath.
08/25/2008 Response letter sent to: The Honorable Daniel R. Claypool on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/25/2008 Response letter sent to: The Honorable Deborah Newcomb on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/25/2008 Response letter sent to: Russell T. Tucholski on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/25/2008 Response letter sent to: Thomas Zeitz on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by Charles and Gayla Cleversy.
08/22/2008 Proofs of publication filed by C. Schraff on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. (Cuyahoga, Ashtabula, Lake Counties.
08/21/2008 Response letter sent to: Carl Grover on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/21/2008 Response letter sent to: Pamela Brousseau on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/21/2008 Response letter sent to: John P. Park on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/21/2008 Duplicate letter filed by K. Binnig.
08/20/2008 Applicants' proof of notice of public hearings to property owners and public officials filed by R. Schmidt, Jr. on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
08/20/2008 Response letter sent to: Pamela Brousseau on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by the office of the Chairman.
08/20/2008 Response letter sent to: M. & K. Binnig on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by the office of the Chairman.
08/20/2008 Correspondence expressing strong opposition to the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by P. Brousseau.
08/20/2008 Response letter sent to: Barbara A. Knapp on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/20/2008 Response letter sent to: John and Janice Huckaby on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/20/2008 Correspondence in regard to the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by K. and M. Binnig.
08/19/2008 Duplicate letter filed by Mary and Garry Ramsey.
08/19/2008 Duplicate letter filed by Patricia and Robert Jonath.
08/19/2008 Correspondence strongly opposing to the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. and G. Cleversy.
08/19/2008 Motion to intervene of Chris Parker on behalf of himself and the Munson Township cyclists.
08/18/2008 Motion to intervene of Chris Parker on behalf of himself and the Munson Township cyclists.
08/15/2008 Answers and responses to Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy's third set of interrogatories on behalf of the applicants American Transmission Systems, Inc., and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, filed by R. Schmidt.
08/15/2008 Response letter to Joseph W. Mayernick on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/15/2008 Response letter to Mary Lou Ramsey on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/14/2008 Service Notice
08/14/2008 Entry ordering that the Companies comply with the directive in finding (7); that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (9) be adopted; that the adjudicatory hearing in this case be scheduled to resume on Tuesday, September 16, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor, Hearing Room C, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793. (JKS)
08/14/2008 Response letter to William and Patricia Jonath on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by A. Schriber.
08/13/2008 Correspondence letter expressing concern over the economic impact of the 138kV Power Line that First Energy is requesting filed by D & V Heywood.
08/13/2008 Service Notice
08/13/2008 Response on behalf of intervenor City of Chardon to motion by intervenor Citizens to continue September 2, 2008 adjudicatory hearing date filed by J. Gillette.
08/13/2008 Memorandum in opposition to George K. Davet's motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
08/13/2008 Answers and responses to Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy's second set of interrogatories and requests for production filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of the applicants.
08/12/2008 Staff report filed.
08/12/2008 Duplicate letter filed by D. Ibold.
08/12/2008 Response letter to Dennis Ibold on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/12/2008 Duplicate letter filed by M. Newton.
08/12/2008 Response letter to Donald Heywood on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/12/2008 Response letter to Anthony and Katie Sanguedolee on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/12/2008 Response letter to Jan Olejarz on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/12/2008 Response letter to Kenneth Stray on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/12/2008 Duplicate letter filed by B. Titus.
08/12/2008 Duplicate letter filed by C. Connors.
08/12/2008 Duplicate letter filed by S. Balogh.
08/12/2008 Correspondence in opposition of Citizen's motion to continue the September 2, 2008 hearing date filed on behalf of Geauga Park District by D. Ondrey.
08/12/2008 Memorandum contra Citizen's Advocating Responsible Energy's motion to continue September 2, 2008 adjudicatory hearing date filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
08/12/2008 Memorandum in opposition to CARE's motion for continuance and memorandum in support filed by R. Schmidt, on behalf of applicants American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
08/11/2008 Proof of publication; Ashtabula, Lake, Cuyahoga, and Geauga counties.
08/08/2008 Correspondence stating that the Claridon Township Trustees passed a motion to rescind Resolution # 08-11 and then passed a resolution in opposition of the use of Maple Highlands Trail filed by L. Hlifka on behalf of Claridon Township.
08/07/2008 Service Notice
08/07/2008 Motion and memorandum in support of motion to continue September 2, 2008 adjudicatory hearing date, filed by T. Lee and B. Parsons on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
08/06/2008 Entry ordering that a local public hearing be scheduled for Wednesday, September 10, 2008, at 6:00 p.m. at the Huntsburg Town Hall, second floor, 16534 Mayfield Road, Huntsburg, Ohio 44046; that the Companies publish notice of application and hearing in accordance with finding (7); and that the Companies send a letter to each property owner as set forth in finding (8). (JKS)
08/05/2008 Response letter to Warren Jevnkar on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/05/2008 Response letter to James M. Galm on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/05/2008 Response letter to Kimberly A. Schuler on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/05/2008 Response letter to Donald D. Douglass on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/05/2008 Response letter to John & Barbara Hanson on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lamberk.
08/05/2008 Response letter to Thomas J. Nolfi on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/05/2008 Duplicate letter filed by J. Keener.
08/04/2008 Response letter to John Keener on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
08/01/2008 Witness list filed on behalf of the City of Chardon by S. Bloomfield.
08/01/2008 Witness list filed on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy by J. Crocker.
08/01/2008 Witness list on behalf of the Geauga Park District filed by D. Ondrey.
08/01/2008 Witness list filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by R. Schmidt, Jr.
08/01/2008 Witness identification notice of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by D. Neilsen.
07/30/2008 Motion to intervene and brief in support of George K. Davet filed by R. Hanna.
07/28/2008 Third set of interrogatories to American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by J. Crocker on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
07/28/2008 Response letter to D. Wade on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to D. Hurt on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to R. Gurich on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to A. Klemeneic on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to J. Dorka on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to C. Prinkey on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to D. Townsend on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to G. Ramsey on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to M. McDermott on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to S. Bonick on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to D. Patternac on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to W. Balog on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to S. Sanzenbacher on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to D. Kosovich on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Response letter to L. Stakich on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/28/2008 Letter in support of the new transmission lines that FirstEnergy is proposing to build in Geauga County filed by M. Binnig, consumer.
07/28/2008 Response letter to H. Wholf on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/25/2008 Second set of interrogatories and document requests to American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by J. Crocker on behalf of the Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
07/24/2008 Notice of appearance of counsel filed by S. Bloomfield on behalf of the City of Chardon.
07/22/2008 Response letter to Senator Grendell regarding the First Energy proposed transmission line project in eastern Geauga County filed by A. Schriber.
07/21/2008 Motion to intervene of the Village of Orwell filed by D. McCombs.
07/21/2008 Letter and petition opposing the construction of high voltage electrical transmission lines over the Maple Highlands trail and through the City of Chardon filed by P. Schmitt.
07/21/2008 Third set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents to Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy, (CARE), filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
07/18/2008 Letter in support of the new transmission lines that FirstEnergy is proposing to build in Geauga County filed by W.W. Rowley, President on behalf of Mercury Plastics, Inc. (Duplicate Letter)
07/18/2008 Letter in support of the new transmission lines that FirstEnergy is proposing to build in Geauga County filed by B. Billy, Jr., V.P. Operations on behalf of Neff-Perkins Company. (Duplicate Letter)
07/18/2008 Letter in opposition, expressing concerns regarding the proposed construction of high voltage transmission lines filed by L. Fox, RN, MSN, APRN, BC. (Duplicate Letter)
07/16/2008 Letter stating the objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project as proposed by the FirstEnergy Corporation filed on behalf of Maple Country Chapter of National Wild Turkey Federation by M.J. McDermott, President.
07/11/2008 Service Notice
07/11/2008 Entry ordering the procedural schedule set forth in finding 3 be adopted; Staff will file a written report regarding the application in accordance with findings 3 and 4; a telephonic case status conference be scheduled on August 18, 2008 at 1:30 p.m.; the hearings in this case be scheduled at times and places designated in finding 6; the Companies publish notice of the application and hearings in this matter in accordance with finding 7. (JS)
07/10/2008 Letter saying that they remain unconvinced that First Energy cannot build this line along the County Line or State Route 11 filed by T. Grendell, State Senator 18th District.
07/10/2008 Letter expressing opposition to the proposed use of the Geauga County Park District's Maple Highland's Trail as a corridor for the above transmission line project filed by Concerned Citizens.
07/10/2008 Response letter to Patrick Hayes, Board President Buckeye Trail Association on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/10/2008 Response letter to Robert and Kathleen Cromwell on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/10/2008 Response letter to Kurt Multer on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/10/2008 Response letter to Chris Parker on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck
07/02/2008 Response letter to: George J. Mutter, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/02/2008 Petition objecting to the construction of high voltage electrical transmission lines over the Maple Highlands Trail and through the City of Chardon filed by J. Joaquin.
06/30/2008 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the City of Chardon by J. Gillette.
06/30/2008 Response letter sent to Betsey Luce filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/26/2008 Response letter to: Barbara D. Inderlied, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
06/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by N. Shipman and G. Shipman.
06/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by R. Snyder.
06/23/2008 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by D. Neilsen.
06/23/2008 Notice of appearance of Sally W. Bloomfield as co-counsel, filed on behalf of Geauga Park District by S. Bloomfield.
06/23/2008 Correspondence letter expressing support for the Geauga 138KV transmission line supply project filed by R. Bohland.
06/23/2008 Duplicate letter filed by J. Svete.
06/23/2008 Correspondence letter expressing concern over the economic impact of the Geauga County 138KV transmission supply project filed by E. Lajeunesse.
06/23/2008 Response letter to: Mary Voss, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
06/23/2008 Response letter to: Gary and Nina Shipman, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
06/23/2008 Response letter to: Bonnie Sipos, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
06/23/2008 Responses and objections to American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company's second set of requests for admission, interrogatories, and requests for production of documents filed on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy by J. Crocker.
06/20/2008 Duplicate letter filed by R. Bohland.
06/20/2008 Amended Resolution No. 26-08 which opposes the construction of both overhead and underground transmission lines within The Maple Highlands Trail Park filed by T. Curtin.
06/19/2008 Response letter sent to: Elizabeth A. Lajeunesse filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
06/19/2008 Response letter sent to: Jacqueline M. F. Samuel filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
06/19/2008 Response letter sent to: R. H. Synder filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
06/19/2008 Response letter sent to: Keith and Mariann Tompkins filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
06/19/2008 Response letter sent to: Robert J. Bohland filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
06/19/2008 Response letter sent to: Donna Boggs filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
06/19/2008 Duplicate letter filed by E. Wirstrom.
06/19/2008 Duplicate letter filed by F. Likins.
06/19/2008 Responses and objections of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy to American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company's second set of requests for admission filed by J. Crocker.
06/19/2008 Response letter sent to: Diane Valen filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
06/19/2008 Response letter sent to: Suzanne Warren filed on behalf of OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/19/2008 Response letter sent to: Pam Shaker-Maurer filed on behalf of OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/19/2008 Duplicate letter filed by M. Brakey.
06/18/2008 Entry denying CARE's motion to relocate the adjudicatory hearing to Geauga County; that the Companies' and CARE's joint motion for a protective order is granted, in part, and denied, in part, as discussed in Finding (6); that CARE's motion for a site inspection and motion for a telephonic status conference is denied, as moot; that the Park District's petition for intervention is granted; that a teleconference bridge number (614-644-1080) be set for June 23, 2008, at 1:30 p.m. in accordance with Finding (10). (JKS)
06/18/2008 Service Notice
06/17/2008 Correspondence of Chester Township withdrawing is notice of opposition to the application of American Transmission Systems, Inc and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for the construction of the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line filed by Chester Township Board of Trustees, R. Cotman, J. Caputo and C. Lawrence.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Linda Goulding filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Joseph T. Svete filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; The Honorable William Poole, Jr. filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Lori Fox filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Elizabeth Wirstrom filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Freeda Likins filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Derek J. Miller filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Timothy L. Snell filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Susan L. Hoffacker filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Paul Miller filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Steven Trudick, Jr. filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Muriam P. Kuhl filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Mary Holland filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/13/2008 Response letter to; Susan V. Curtis filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
06/11/2008 Response sent to: Ted Berman filed by K. Lambeck.
06/11/2008 Response letter sent to: Jody J. Meyers filed by K. Lambeck.
06/11/2008 Response letter sent to: Michael W. Brakey filed by K. Lambeck.
06/11/2008 Duplicate letter opposing the construction of high voltage transmission lines along The Maple Highlands Bike Trail and through the community of Burlington Green in Chardon filed by J.Strojan.
06/11/2008 Response letter sent to: Thomas G. Curtin filed by K. Lambeck.
06/11/2008 Response letter sent to: Dennis J. Ibold filed by K. Lambeck.
06/11/2008 Response letter sent to: Gary Guhde filed by K. Lambeck.
06/11/2008 Response letter sent to: Jerry Petersen filed by K. Lambeck.
06/11/2008 Response letter sent to: David A. Nobel filed by K. Lambeck.
06/11/2008 Response letter sent to: Christina A. Knauer filed by K. Lambeck.
06/11/2008 Response letter sent to: Donald Winton filed by K. Lambeck.
06/10/2008 Reply brief in support of motion to conduct Telephonic Status Conference submitted by Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy ("CARE") filed by T. Lee and M. Byers.
06/10/2008 Correspondence of Resolution Nos. 2008-040 and 20-08 opposing the construction of transmission lines within the Maple Highlands trail filed by D. Noble on behalf of Geauga Park District.
06/10/2008 Correspondence strongly objecting the construction of high voltage transmission lines along and over the bike trail and through the City of Chardon filed by G. Guhde on behalf of Chardon Lakes Golf Course, Inc.
06/10/2008 Correspondence strongly objecting the construction of high voltage transmission lines along and over the bike trail and through the City of Chardon filed by D. Ibold on behalf of Village Station Associates.
06/10/2008 Correspondence strongly objecting the construction of high voltage transmission lines along and over the bike trail and through the City of Chardon filed by J. Peterson and J. Hayden on behalf of Burlington Oval Condominiums.
06/10/2008 Correspondence strongly objecting the construction of high voltage transmission lines along and over the bike trail and through the City of Chardon with Resolution No. 20-08 filed by T. Curtin on behalf of Geauga Park District.
06/10/2008 Correspondence strongly objecting the construction of high voltage transmission lines along and over the bike trail and through the City of Chardon filed by J. Rothenbuhler on behalf of Middlefield Cheese House, Inc.
06/10/2008 Correspondence strongly objecting the construction of high voltage transmission lines along and over the bike trail and through the City of Chardon filed by C. Knauer on behalf of Spirit Hill Farm.
06/09/2008 Response letter sent to: Judith H. Began filed by K. Lambeck.
06/09/2008 Transcript for hearing held May 21, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. before Ms. Janet Stoneking, Attorney Examiner, American Transmission Systems electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
06/06/2008 Correspondence letter regarding the proposed transmission lines of the Geauga Park District filed by consumers.
06/06/2008 Duplicate letter supporting the Stacy Power Line route filed by R. Warner.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to Jason Sauey filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to Alan Skinner filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to Walter Mandell, M.D. filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to Michele A. Newton filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to Anthony and Katie Sanguedolce filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to Fred Dively filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to Deborah Herold filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to Elizabeth A. Cupp filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to Michael R. Newton filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to D. Cathan filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to B. Rasmussen filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to G. Wandrey filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/06/2008 Response letter sent to J. Strojan filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/05/2008 Correspondence letter regarding the Transmission Lines, the City of Chardon, filed by T. Zeitz.
06/05/2008 Correspondence in support of the new transmission line that FirstEnergy is proposing to build in Geauga County, filed by C. Connors.
06/04/2008 Response letter sent to Chuck Connors, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/04/2008 Response letter sent to Steven Balogh filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/03/2008 Response letter sent to B. Elly filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/03/2008 Response letter sent to W. Rowley filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/03/2008 Response to Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy's motion to conduct telephone status conference filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
06/02/2008 Motion to intervene of the Geauga Park District filed by T. Hicks
06/02/2008 Response letter sent to R.T. Warner filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/02/2008 Response letter sent to Hans Rothenbuhler & Son, Inc. and Middlefield Cheese House, Inc. filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
06/02/2008 Response letter sent to John Epprecht, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/30/2008 Response letter sent to James Stotter filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/30/2008 Correspondence letter regarding the proposed Geauga County transmission line project filed by R. Warner.
05/30/2008 Correspondence letter regarding the proposed Geauga County transmission line project filed by J. Rothenbuhler.
05/29/2008 Response letter sent to Sue A. Schade filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/29/2008 Supplemental response to staff interrogatory request No. 16 filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
05/29/2008 Second set of requests for admission, interrogatories and requests for production of documents to care filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
05/29/2008 Response letter sent to: Jerry R. Eldred filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/28/2008 Proof of posting notice of cancellation of public meeting filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of applicants American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
05/28/2008 Response letter sent to Robert Evans, filed by K. Lamabeck, OPSB.
05/28/2008 Response letter sent to Carl Krysiak filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/28/2008 Correspondence letter regarding the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by B. Titus.
05/27/2008 Response letter sent to Joanne Litwinick filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/27/2008 Response letter sent to George J. Mutter filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/27/2008 Response letter sent to Barbara Titus, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/23/2008 Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy's motion to conduct telephonic status conference filed by B. Parsons.
05/23/2008 Response letter sent to Mayor Simpson, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/22/2008 Joint motion and memorandum in support of applicants American Transmission Systems Incorporated and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy for issuance of a protective order to protect from disclosure certain confidential information produced during discovery filed by C. Schraff.
05/20/2008 Correspondence regarding the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by C. Parker.
05/19/2008 Response to Interrogatory No. 16 of Staff's first set of interrogatories directed to applicants filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. , and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
05/16/2008 Correspondence regarding the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by C. Albert.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to J. Hunter, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to D. Bennett, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to R. Cotman, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to M. Hunter, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to B. Pilarczyle, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to R. & J Sayle, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to J. Nevison, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to E. Hopkins, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to A. Reasor, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to J. Bechtel, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to B. Newman, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to J. Adams, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to J. Hunter, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to S. Gingerich, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to C. Hunter, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Resolution #426 adopted on April 22, 2008, on behalf of the Board of Trustees of Chester Township, Geauga County, Ohio, filed by K. Austin.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to L. Connors, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/14/2008 Response letter sent to M. Motil, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
05/09/2008 Response letter to: Hugh Mason on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/09/2008 Response letter to: Gerry Wroblesky on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/09/2008 Response letter to: John Murphy on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/09/2008 Response letter to: Randall and Cathleen Sweet on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/09/2008 Response letter to: William Burton on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/09/2008 Response letter to: Joshua Burton on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/09/2008 Response letter to: Sara Shininger on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/09/2008 Response letter to: Kathy Adams on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/09/2008 Response letter to: Thomas G. Bandiera on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/09/2008 Response letter to: Joanne Litwinick on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/09/2008 Response letter to: Anne C. Reed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/09/2008 Letter expressing concern over the impact of the proposed corridor by FirstEnergy filed by P. and W. Jonath.
05/08/2008 Service notice.
05/07/2008 Resolution in support filed by L. Hlifka, on behalf of the Claridon Township Trustees.
05/07/2008 Entry granting the Companies motion for a continuance of the two local public hearings, and that the Companies comply with the directives in finding 3; that the adjudicatory hearing commence on May 21, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad St, 11th floor, hearing room F, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793. (JS)
05/05/2008 Letter opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV transmission line project filed by Z. Lebedesa.
05/05/2008 Duplicate letter opposing the proposed project filed by P. and W. Jonath.
05/05/2008 Letter objecting to the Geauga County 138kV transmission line project filed by L. McClure.
05/05/2008 Response to CARE's motion for site review filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of applicants.
05/05/2008 Reply brief is support of motion to relocate hearing filed by T. Lee and M. Byers on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
05/02/2008 Memorandum in opposition to Citizens Advocating Responsible Energies motion to relocate adjudicatory hearing filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc.and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
04/25/2008 Memorandum contra motion to relocate adjudicatory hearing and motion for site inspection filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by T. McNamee.
04/21/2008 Response and memorandum in support to applicants' motion for continuance filed on behalf of Intervenor Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy by J. Crocker.
04/17/2008 Motion to conduct site inspection and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy by T. Lee.
04/17/2008 Motion to relocate adjudicatory hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy by T. Lee.
04/15/2008 Response to Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy's first set of interrogatories and document requests to American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by R. Schmidt.
04/15/2008 Motion for continuance and memorandum in support filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems Incorporated and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by C. Schraff.
04/15/2008 Responses to Staff's first set of interrogatories directed to applicants and request for production of documents, filed on behalf of American Transmission systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by R. Schmidt.
04/11/2008 Duplicate correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by K. Klima.
04/11/2008 Duplicate correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by R. Jonath.
04/11/2008 Duplicate correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by M. Christman.
04/11/2008 Returned letter.
04/08/2008 Responses and objections of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy to first set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by J. Crocker.
04/02/2008 Letter stating that Huntsburg Township Board of Trustees wishes to intervene in the adjudicatory public hearing to be held in Huntsburg Township on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 filed by N. Saunders.
04/02/2008 Response letter sent to: Douglas and Elaine Carter filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
04/02/2008 Response letter sent to: Edward L. Montagner filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
04/02/2008 Response letter sent to: Nancy J. Saunders filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Julie Burton, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Mark and Trudy Todd, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Richard and Lynn Davet, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: J. Albert Klauss, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Gary E. Studen, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Judith Venaleck, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Glen Emelko, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Elizabeth Madigan, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Pete and Debra Guren, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Carol A. Day, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: John Fisher filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Joan Jerke filed on behalf of OPSB, K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Becky DeWeese filed on behalf of OPSB, K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Minnie Jerke filed on behalf of OPSB, K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Jim Kellogg filed on behalf of OPSB, K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Ann Stonek filed on behalf of OPSB, K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter to: Ray and Helen Kellogg filed by OPSB, K. Lambeck.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to K. Nolan, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to V. Folsom, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to P. Bennett, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to N. Zamrzla, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to I. Olp, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to A. Futsch, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to L. Bramley, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to S. Guren, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to B. Beeman, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to J. and D. Petrovic, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to L. Bennett, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to W. Lucas, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to D. Witlicki, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to E. Adams, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to B. Kahn, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to M. Nelisse, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to J. Nelson, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/31/2008 Response letter sent to J. Foote, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/28/2008 Response letter sent to Ms. Klima filed by D. Gentry-Davis, OPSB.
03/27/2008 First set of interrogatories directed to applicants and request for production of documents on behalf of Staff filed by T. Lindgren.
03/27/2008 First set of interrogatories and document requests filed by J. Crocker on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
03/21/2008 Letter objecting to the power line locations filed by M. Christman.
03/21/2008 Response letter sent to A. Peterson filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/21/2008 Response letter to R. Peterson filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/21/2008 Response letter to E. Montagner filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/21/2008 Response letter to J. Lottes and T. Sickafuse filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/21/2008 Response letter to; Anita K. Whitlock filed by OPSB by K. Lambeck.
03/21/2008 Response letter to; Gayla L. Cleversy filed by the OPSB by K. Lambeck.
03/21/2008 Response letter sent to Kay Schock filed by K. Lamback, OPSB.
03/21/2008 Response letter to Robert M. Surell filed by K. Lamback, OPSB.
03/18/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Thomas Curtin.
03/18/2008 Duplicate correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Kimberly Klima.
03/18/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Kimberly Klima.
03/18/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Jack and JoAnn Grace.
03/18/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Robert W. Jonath.
03/18/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Sara Guren.
03/18/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by rachel McKinney.
03/18/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Caroline Schue.
03/18/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by James Brace.
03/18/2008 Response letter to: Robert W. Jonath.
03/18/2008 Response letter to: James C. Brace.
03/18/2008 Response letter to: Carolyn Schue.
03/18/2008 Response letter to: Rachel McKinney.
03/18/2008 Response letter to: Sara Guren.
03/18/2008 Response letter to: Thomas G. Curtin, Executive Director, Geauga Park District.
03/18/2008 Response letter to: Mark and Kathleen Binning.
03/18/2008 Response letter to: Jack and JoAnn Grace.
03/18/2008 Response letter to: Kimberly Klima.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Julie Burton.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Lydia Ruwan.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Laurie Ewert-Krocker.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Audrey Heinen.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Elaine L. Bruening.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Anthony C. Losasso.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Maggie Dellmore.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by James A. Barnes.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Karen M. Barnes.
03/14/2008 Duplicate correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Carol A. Brace.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by John McDonald.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Sarah McDonald.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Frank Majewsi.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Sarah Yambor.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Paul A. Probala.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Breanna Wolcott.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Frank and Sierra McKeon.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Don and Suzette Miller.
03/14/2008 Correspondence addendum wetland delineation stream assessment, and threatened and endangered species habitat survey, alternate route Geauga County 138 kV Electric Transmission Line.
03/14/2008 Correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by T.J. Asher.
03/14/2008 Duplicate correspondence concerning the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by Robert W. Jonath.
03/14/2008 Entry ordering public hearings be scheduled as follows: May 12, 2008 at 4:30 p.m., at Ledgemont Elementary-Middle School, gymnasium, 16200 Burrows Road, Thompson, Ohio 44086; the second hearing, May 13, 2008, at 1:00 p.m. at the Huntsburg Town Hall, second floor, 16534 Mayfield Road, Huntsburg, Ohio 44046, and an adjudicatory hearing on May 21, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at the office of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor, hearing room F, Columbus, Ohio 43215, and that the Companies publish notice of the application and hearings in this case. (JS)
03/14/2008 First set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
03/14/2008 Service notice.
03/13/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by R. Jonath.
03/13/2008 Response letter mailed to R. Jonath from K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by J. Novak.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by A. Novak.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by T. Schaeffer.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by L. Bell.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter asking consideration for transmission line location due to a new park in this area filed by Geauga Park District by T. Curtin.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by W. Havel.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by J. Webster.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by M. Dahlhausen.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by D. McFarland.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by D. Bell.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by E. Webster.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by R. Piunno.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by R. Baker.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by M. Piunno.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by L. Riha.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by A. Davidson.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by C. Doerr.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by L. Davidson.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by M. Doerr.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter in objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by A. Youshak.
03/12/2008 Correspondence letter objecting to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Doerr.
03/10/2008 Service notice.
03/07/2008 Entry ordering the local public hearing will be held on Monday, May 12, 2008 at 4:30 p.m. at the West Geauga Middle School, gymnasium, 8611 Cedar Road, Chesterland, Oh.44026; the adjudicatory hearing will still commence on Wednesday, May 21,2008, at 10 a.m. at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor, hearing room F, Columbus, Oh.,43215,; and the companies publish notice of the application and hearings in this matter.
03/04/2008 Service Notice
03/03/2008 Entry ordering that the Companies' motions for a protective order are granted as discussed in finding (3); that CARE's petition to intervene is granted; that a public hearing in this case be scheduled on May 12, 2008 at 4:30 p.m., at the Geauga County Commissioners' Office, Building 8, conference room 470 Center Street, Chardon, Ohio 44204 and a adjudicatory hearing will commence on May 21, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor, hearing room F, COlumbus, Ohio 43215 ; that the Companies publish notice of application and hearings in this matter in accordance with findings (7) and (8). (JS)
02/25/2008 Duplicate letter filed by S. Guren
02/22/2008 Duplicate letter filed by M. Binning.
02/19/2008 Letter opposing the Geauga County 138kV transmission line project filed by Jack and JoAnn Grace.
02/14/2008 Response letter to Jack and JoAnn Grace on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by Staff
02/14/2008 Response letter to Sara Guren on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by Staff
02/01/2008 Response to motion to intervene by Citizen Advocating Responsible Energy filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
01/31/2008 Duplicate letter filed by D. Geddis.
01/31/2008 Duplicate letter filed by T. Asher.
01/31/2008 Duplicate letter filed by T. Asher.
01/29/2008 Duplicate letter filed by T. Asher.
01/28/2008 Response letter sent to; Director Curtin filed by K. Lambeck.
01/28/2008 Letter objecting the construction of the preferred route for the 138 kV transmission line which would make more environmental disturbance than the alternative route filed by T. Asher.
01/22/2008 Duplicate letter filed by S. Stanley.
01/22/2008 Duplicate letter filed by M. Schaeffer.
01/22/2008 Duplicate letter filed by D. Sanislo.
01/22/2008 Correspondence in favor of the transmission line that FirstEnergy is proposing to build in Geauga County filed by E. Ytsma on behalf of Sajar Plastics.
01/22/2008 Duplicate letter filed by T. Asher.
01/22/2008 Duplicate letters filed by Steve Driehaus, State Representative; Dr. Manuel and Mrs. Karen Estrella; Michael Schaeffer.
01/15/2008 Response letter sent to: Jennifer Dalton filed by K. Lambeck.
01/15/2008 Duplicate letter filed by T. Asher.
01/15/2008 Duplicate letter filed by D. Sanislo.
01/15/2008 Duplicate letter filed by M. Estrella.
01/15/2008 Duplicate letter filed by M. Schaeffer.
01/15/2008 Duplicate letter filed by M. Estrella.
01/15/2008 Petition to intervene and memorandum in support filed by T. Lee on behalf of Citizens Advocating Responsible Energy.
01/14/2008 Duplicate letter filed by E. Yisma.
01/14/2008 Duplicate letter filed by Manuel and Karen Estrella.
01/11/2008 Response letter to T.J. Asher on behalf of OPSB filed by A. Schriber.
01/10/2008 Response letter to Ducan M. Simpson on behalf of OPSB filed by K. Lambeck.
01/10/2008 Correspondence letter objecting the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. Schaeffer.
01/10/2008 Correspondence letter objecting the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by T. Asher.
01/09/2008 Affidavit of proof of service of certified application on public officers filed by T. Krauss on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company.
01/09/2008 Duplicate letter filed by Karen and Manuel Estrella.
01/08/2008 Response letter to Michael Schaeffer on behalf of OPSB filed by K. Lambeck.
01/08/2008 Response letter to Ph.D. Manuel M. Estrella on behalf of the OPSB filed by K. Lambeck.
01/08/2008 Response letter to T.J. Asher, Happy Hunting Ground LTD on behalf of OPSB filed by K. Lambeck.
01/02/2008 Application revision, Volume 2. (Part 5 of 5)
01/02/2008 Application revision, Volume 2. (Part 4 of 5)
01/02/2008 Application revision 1 continued, Volume 2. (Part 3 of 5)
01/02/2008 Application revision 1, Volume 2 (Part 1 of 5)
01/02/2008 Application revision 1 continued. Volume 2 (Part 2 of 5)
01/02/2008 Application revision continued. Volume 1 (Part 2 of 2)
01/02/2008 Application revision Volume 1: Typographical corrections, clarification of wetland and stream data and preferred route modification filed on behalf of FirstEnergy by T. Krauss. (Part 1 of 2)
12/27/2007 Response letter to Kenneth and Laura Terlop, filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
12/27/2007 Response letter to Scott Balogh, filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
12/27/2007 Duplicate letter filed by P. Guren.
12/27/2007 Duplicate letter filed by M. Brakey.
12/27/2007 Response letter sent to Charles J. Beck filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
12/20/2007 Response letter to Kenneth and Laura Terlop on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck
12/20/2007 Letter expressing objection to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project as proposed by FirstEnergy Corporation filed by P. Guron.
12/18/2007 Letter stating the objections to the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by P. Guren.
12/18/2007 Correspondence concerning application fee for the Geauga County 138 k V Transmission Line Supply Project filed on behalf of applicants, American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by T. Krauss.
12/17/2007 Letter supporting the proposed alternative route filed on behalf of the Troy Township Trustees by S. Miller.
12/14/2007 Response letter sent to Michael W. Brakey, Brakey Consulting, Inc. filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of the OPSB.
12/12/2007 Response letter sent to David and Ann Reilley filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of Staff.
12/07/2007 Response letter to: Margaret H. Lahner, Psy. D., on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
12/04/2007 Duplicate letter filed by C. Bennett.
12/03/2007 Duplicate letter filed by George and Natalie Davet.
11/30/2007 Response letter to: Chalmers and Mary Bennett, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/29/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. and M. Bennett.
11/29/2007 Response letter to: Terrance M. Zion, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by A. Schriber.
11/29/2007 Correspondence letter opposing the proposed Geauga County 138Kv Transmission Line Supply Project filed by the Board of Montville Township, Geauga County, Ohio.
11/29/2007 Duplicate letter filed by G. Stemen.
11/28/2007 Letter stating that the application has been found to comply with Chapters 4906-01, et seq., of the O.A.C. filed by Chairman, Alan Schriber.
11/27/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by T. Zion.
11/27/2007 Response letter to: George and Natalie Davet, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/27/2007 Duplicate letter filed by B. Del Vecehio..
11/27/2007 Response letter to: Donald R. Hibler, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/27/2007 Response letter to: Terrance M. Zion, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/27/2007 Duplicate letter filed by G. Stemen.
11/27/2007 Response letter to: Daniel and Claudia Townsend, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/27/2007 Response letter to: Clarence Burr, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/26/2007 Confidential document target: Supplemental response to staff's first informal data request filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems Inc. (4 pgs).
11/26/2007 Third motion for protective order for certain information produced to staff and memorandum in support filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by C. Schmidt.
11/23/2007 Duplicate letter filed by C. Burr.
11/23/2007 Duplicate letter filed by G. Stemen.
11/23/2007 Duplicate letter filed by S. Douglas & M. Crow.
11/23/2007 Duplicate letter filed by VBA Properties Co. LLC.
11/23/2007 Duplicate letter filed by C. Wolf.
11/23/2007 Duplicate letter filed by H. Abrams.
11/21/2007 Duplicate letter filed by D. Guren.
11/21/2007 Duplicate letter filed by B. DelVecchio.
11/21/2007 Duplicate letter filed by T. and D. Billy.
11/21/2007 Duplicate letter filed by P. Van Jura.
11/21/2007 Duplicate letter filed by R. and M. DiFranco.
11/21/2007 Duplicate letter filed by M. and J. Romano.
11/21/2007 Duplicate letter filed by H. McCoy.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by H. Zion, Jr.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by A. Zion-Fishel.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by W. & R Weema.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. and E. Nelisse.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. Molan.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by G. Osco.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by A. & P. Probala.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by T. and L. Knaser.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by J & A Lausin.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by R. and C. Zerecheck.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by Barbara & Dr. I. J. Youshak.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by F. Alaqua and J. Patsolic.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by J. Cook.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. L. Ramsey.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by J. Brace.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by A. and A. Zgonc.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by G. and E. Ferenczi.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by J. and M. Lausin.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by L. Bendlak.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by F. and S. Rhoten.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by E. and S. Blankenship.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by D. and J. Sanislo.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by I. Klag.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by K. Dietrich.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. and G. Cleversy.
11/20/2007 Response letter to Carl W. Wolf filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
11/20/2007 Response letter to Anthony Melaragno filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
11/20/2007 Response letter to Ronald and Heidi Abrams filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposed with strong objections to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Beardsley Myers.
11/20/2007 Response letter to Scott and Michelle Crow filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing in the strongest objections to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by R. McKinney.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Zion.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by B. and L. Ross.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by D. Najfach.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by R. Onders.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by J. Drotos.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by B. Yanc.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. Smith.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by T. Najfach.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by E. and B. Zehe.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. Youshak.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. Moseley.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by William, Patricia and Robert Jonath.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Beardsley.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by H. L. Davis III.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by J. and M. Jarc.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. Quigley.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Estadt.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by J. and H. Vucetic.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Schue.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Brown.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by R. and D. Cvelbar.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed 138kV transmission line project filed by K. and R. Peterson.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing strongly the proposed 138kV Transmission Line passing through Huntsburg Township filed by P. Seliskar, C. Adams and N. Kothera.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by J., C., and M. Rose.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing to the proposed 138kV Transmission Line Project in Geauga County filed by D. May.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed electrical transmission line in Geauga County along route 528 filed by C. Zubruch.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by H. Schad.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. and M. Varner.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by A. and M. Kozelj.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. Weibel.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by M and K. Binnig.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by B. Noss.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by K. Vickery.
11/20/2007 Correspondence strongly opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by T. Stone.
11/20/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by William, Patricia and Robert Jonath.
11/20/2007 Correspondence objecting in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by D. Spetich.
11/16/2007 Letter opposing the proposed Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by T. and D. Billy.
11/15/2007 Correspondence opposing the proposed Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by Kenneth and Regina Peterson.
11/15/2007 Response letter to: Peter T. Seliskar on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/15/2007 Response letter to: Aaron D. Tucker on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/15/2007 Response letter to: Gary B. Stemen on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/15/2007 Response letter to: Keith and Ryann Chapman on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/15/2007 Response letter to: Rocco and Mary Rose DiFranco on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/15/2007 Response letter to: Paul Van Jura on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/15/2007 Response letter to: Thomas and Darlene Billy on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/15/2007 Response letter to: Matthew and Jennifer Romano on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/15/2007 Response letter sent to Nick and Lorri Pitorak by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/15/2007 Response letter to : Kenneth and Neva Smith on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/15/2007 Response letter to : Brian Veebie on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/15/2007 Response letter sent to Alex Holbert from K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/15/2007 Response letter to : Debra Hershey Guren on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
11/15/2007 Response letter sent to John and Alma Lausin from K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/15/2007 Correspondence opposing proposed transmission line route filed by R. Schulman.
11/15/2007 Correspondence opposing proposed transmission line route filed by M. Rose.
11/14/2007 Letter opposing the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by H. McCoy.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Beardsley.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by D. May.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Zurlych.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by G. Swontek.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Schue.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by J. and H. Vucetic.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by R. Mihevic and D. Cvelbar.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. Quigley.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Brown.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Estadt.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by H. Schad.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by H. Davis III.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by J. and M. Jarc.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by A. and M. Kozelj.
11/09/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by Myrtle & Calvin Varner.
11/09/2007 Response letter to S. Garling and G. Osco, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/08/2007 Response letter to C. Zubruch, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to H. Schad, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to C. and M. Varner, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to D. May, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to C. Schue, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to A. and M. Kozelj, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to C. Estadt, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to J. and M. Jarc, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to M. Rose, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to D. Cvelbar and R. Mihevic, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to C. Brown, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to H. Davis lll, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to H. and J. Vucetic, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to G. Swontek, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Response letter to M. Quigley, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB
11/08/2007 Confidential document: proprietary information filed by C. Schraff on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc.
11/08/2007 Second motion and memorandum in support on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for protective order for certain information produced to staff, filed by R. Schmidt.
11/07/2007 Correspondence opposing Geauga Co. 138kV Transmission Line Project, filed by C. J. Beardsley.
11/07/2007 Correspondence opposing Geauga Co. 138kV Transmission Line Project, filed by R. Schwendeman.
11/07/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by R. McKinney.
11/07/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by C. Zion.
11/07/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by F. Alaqua and J. Patsolic.
11/07/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by R. and C. Zerecheck.
11/07/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by Ed, Betty and Lisa Zehe.
11/06/2007 Response letter to F. Alaqua and J. Patsolic, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to J. Blough, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to R. McKinney, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to E. and B. Zehe, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to R. and C. Zerecheck , filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Correspondence opposing Geauga Co. 138kV Transmission Line Project, filed by C. Zion.
11/06/2007 Response letter to D. Spetich, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to T. Stone, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by T. and L. Knaser.
11/06/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by J. Brace.
11/06/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. Ramsey.
11/06/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by G. and E. Ferenczi.
11/06/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by B. and Dr. I. J. Youshak.
11/06/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by D. Najfach.
11/06/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by M. Moseley.
11/06/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by J. Drotos.
11/06/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by J. Cook.
11/06/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by H. Zion Jr.
11/06/2007 Response letter to A. and P. Probala, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to A. Fishel-Zion, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to W. and R. Weema, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to M. Molan, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to B. Noss, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to K. Peterson, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to S. and F. Rhoten, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to C. and G. Cleversy, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to B. and L. Ross, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/06/2007 Response letter to C. Beardsley-Myers, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
11/02/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by K. Dietrich.
11/02/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by B. Newman.
11/02/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by William, Patricia and Robert Jonath.
11/02/2007 Correspondence opposing the Geauga County 138 kV Transmission Line Project filed by William, Patricia and Robert Jonath.
10/31/2007 Response letter to M. Youshak regarding his concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to M. Smith regarding her concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to M. Moseley regarding her concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to J. Brace regarding he concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to B. Newman regarding her concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to S. Garling and G. Osco regarding their concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to H. Zion Jr. regarding his concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to T. and L. Knaser regarding their concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to G. and E Ferenczi regarding their concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to J. Cook regarding his concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to M.L. Ramsey regarding her concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to Dr. I.J. Youshak regarding his concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to K. Vickery regarding her concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to Mark and Elaine Nelisse regarding their concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/31/2007 Response letter to I. Klag regarding her concerns with the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County-138kV Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/30/2007 Letter regarding the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project, filed by D. Najfach, T. Najfach, L. Najfach, and C. Najfach.
10/29/2007 Letter regarding the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by Drotos Family Limited Partnership.
10/29/2007 Letter regarding the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by Derrick L. and Jaclyn M Sanislo.
10/29/2007 Letter regarding the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by Mark and Kathleen Binnig.
10/29/2007 Letter regarding the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by Albert E. and Ann E. Zgonc.
10/29/2007 Letter regarding the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by Myrna P. Weibel.
10/29/2007 Letter regarding the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by Eddie A. Sr. and Sharon L. Blankenship.
10/29/2007 Letter regarding the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by Joseph W and Melanie K Lausin.
10/29/2007 Letter regarding the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Project filed by Letitia E. Bendlak.
10/24/2007 Response letter to: Joseph and Melanie Lausin, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
10/24/2007 Response letter to: Albert and Ann Zgonc, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
10/24/2007 Response letter to: Ms.Myrna P. Weibel, on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
10/24/2007 Response letter to: Ms.Letitia E. Bendlak, on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board file by K. Lambeck.
10/19/2007 Response letter to E. & S. Blankenship regarding the American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project, filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
10/16/2007 Response letter to: Jonaths on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
10/12/2007 Response letter to : Mark and Kathleen Binnig on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
10/12/2007 Response letter to : Derrick Sanislo on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
10/01/2007 Motion by American Transmission Systems, Incorporated and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for protective order for certain information produces to staff and memorandum in support filed by R. Schmidt.
10/01/2007 Response letter to: Mr. & Mrs. Kruty on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
09/28/2007 Motion of American Transmission System Incorporated and Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for protective order for certain information produced by Staff and memorandum in support filed by R. Schmidt.
09/28/2007 Application for certificate continued. (Part 5 of 5 - Volume 2)
09/28/2007 Application for certificate continued. (Part 4 of 5 - Volume 2)
09/28/2007 Application for certificate continued. (Part 3 of 5 - Volume 2)
09/28/2007 Application for certificate continued. (Part 2 of 5 - Volume 2)
09/28/2007 Application for certificate continued. (Part 1 of 5 - Volume 2)
09/28/2007 Confidential document: Proprietary and trade information filed by R. Schmidt on behalf of American Transmission Systems and Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. (6 CD ROMS)
09/28/2007 Application of certification continued. (Part 2 of 2 - Volume 1)
09/28/2007 Application for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need for the Geauga County 138 KV Transmission Line Supply project which involves the construction of up to approximately 14.7 miles of 138 KV transmission line to serve portions of Geauga and Ashtabula Counties in Northeast Ohio. (Part 1 of 2 - Volume 1)
09/25/2007 Correspondence concerning the installation of power lines down Clay Street in Huntsburg and research results of the dangers of human exposure placing such lines in an area that is residential filed by concerned consumer, T. Cappello.
08/28/2007 Correspondence letter in response to The Troy Township Board of Trustees' August 6, 2007 letter filed by E. Detweiler.
08/10/2007 Response letter to Susan E. Miller on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
07/16/2007 Correspondence letter in opposition to the 138kV transmission lines American Transmission System, Inc. proposes to construct in Geauga County filed by M Carpenter.
07/10/2007 Response letter sent to:Mr & Mrs. Binning filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
07/10/2007 Correspondence letter expressing concern and opposition to the 138kV transmission lines that American Transmission Systems, Inc. proposes to construct in Geauga County filed by Marsha and Virgil Carpenter.
06/20/2007 Response letter to Tina Walters filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
06/20/2007 Response letter to Virgil and Martha Carpenter filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Wissman.
06/19/2007 Correspondence letter in opposition for the proposed electrical substation filed by T. Walters.
06/08/2007 Response letter to: Marguerite Poropat filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
06/01/2007 Response letter to Clifton Dobbs filed by Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
05/22/2007 Letter opposing CEI's plan to run a 138kV transmission line, filed by M. Poropat.
05/22/2007 Letter opposing CEI's plan to run a 138kV transmission line, filed by K. Mitchell.
05/18/2007 Letter of concern regarding recent decision by First Energy to consider putting a high-powered line down Clay Street filed by C. Stafford.
05/18/2007 Response letter to Gayla L. Cleversy filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
05/10/2007 Response letter to: Mr. Dennis filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
05/10/2007 Response letter to: Mr. & Mrs. Varricchio filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
05/08/2007 Correspondence letter in opposition to Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by D. Geddis.
05/08/2007 Response letter to: Perfetto Family filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
05/07/2007 Additional information filed by J. Sant on behalf of American Transmission System, Inc. (FAX)
05/07/2007 Response letter sent to: Ms. RoseMary Geddis filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
05/07/2007 Response letter to: Colette L. Stafford filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
05/02/2007 Response letter to Mr. Dragolich filed by PUCO Staff.
04/30/2007 Response letter to: Randall E. James, Ph.D. filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/30/2007 Response letter to: Mr. Thomas Cappello filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/30/2007 Response letter to: Jeffrey and Betty Rutti filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/30/2007 Response letter to: Mr. John M. Hadley filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/27/2007 Response letter sent to Karen Heinsons by OPSB staff.
04/27/2007 Response letter sent to Sharon Blankenship by the OPSB staff.
04/27/2007 Response letter sent to William and Carol Radigan by OPSB staff.
04/25/2007 Response letter to: Cathleen L. Hadley-Samia filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/25/2007 Correspondence in opposition of the 138 kV proposal to construct in Geauga County to: Anne Harnish, Acting Director, Ohio Department of Health filed on behalf of concerned homeowner, John Siebert.
04/25/2007 Response letter to Dan Garey returned to OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/23/2007 Response letter to; Mr. and Mrs. Romeo M. Ciofani filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/23/2007 Response letter to; John and Jodie Siebert filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/23/2007 Returned response letter to; Derrick Sanislo filed by OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/23/2007 Correspondence in opposition to the proposed 138kV transmission lines filed by concerned homeowner, C. Dobbs.
04/23/2007 Correspondence in opposition of the proposed plan, 138kV transmission lines filed by concerned homeowner, A. Gillespie.
04/23/2007 Correspondence in opposition of the proposed 138kV transmission line along Clay Street filed by concerned homeowner, D. Garey.
04/23/2007 Response letter to Mr. Scott Rhoten filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/20/2007 Response letter to Donald W. Geddis from K. Lambeck OPSB.
04/18/2007 Response letter filed by D. Garey.
04/18/2007 Response letter to Cathy Myers filed by Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/16/2007 Response letter to Eric J. Urban filed by Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/16/2007 Response letter to Martha Burzanko filed by Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/16/2007 Response letter to Fred Mullet filed by Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to Stephanie Heinsons filed by the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to William and Carol Radigan filed by the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to Deborah Gallagher filed by the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to The Honorable Alexa Holbert filed by the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to Catherine J. Beardsley filed by the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to Judy Geizer, MT (ASCP) filed by the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to Karen Heinsons filed by the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to Clifton B. Dobbs filed by Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to Ada Gillespie filed by the Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to Charles and Mary Reiter filed by Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to Frances Perry filed by Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/13/2007 Response letter to Dan Garey filed by Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck.
04/12/2007 Letter in strong opposition to the 138kV transmission line that American Transmission Systems, Inc. proposes to construct in Geauga County, filed by George and Natalie Davet.
04/12/2007 Response letter concerning the submission of an application of American Transmission Systems filed by OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/05/2007 Response letter to Derrick Sanislo in regard to American Systems, Inc. / Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project.
04/05/2007 Response letter to Suzette Miller in regard to American Systems, Inc. / Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project.
04/05/2007 Response letter to Shawn Ritts in regard to American Systems, Inc. / Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project.
04/05/2007 Response letter to R. Kuehn in regard to American Systems, Inc. / Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project.
04/05/2007 Response letter to Karen Ritts in regard to American Systems, Inc. / Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project.
04/05/2007 Response letter to Kim Mitchell in regard to American Systems, Inc. / Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project.
04/04/2007 Letter concerning First Energy Corporations certification of the Geauga County 138kV transmission line project filed by R. Kuehn on behalf of Thompson Township Board of Trustees.
04/03/2007 Response letter to: Ms. K. Mitchell, filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/03/2007 Response letter to: Mr. J. Walters, filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/03/2007 Response letter to: Mr. N. Pitorak, filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
04/03/2007 Response letter to: Mrs. Majiwski filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
03/30/2007 Response letter to Ms. Cappello in regard to American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by PUCO Staff.
03/30/2007 Response letter to Mr. Loar in regard to American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by PUCO Staff.
03/30/2007 Response letter to Mr. Jonath in regard to American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by PUCO Staff.
03/30/2007 Response letter to Mr. Wilson in regard to American Systems, Inc. / Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project.
03/30/2007 Correspondence letter with concerns of the locations and installation of a proposed electrical transmission line filed by C. Reardon.
03/28/2007 Response letter to Ms. Kendzierski in regard to American Systems, Inc. / Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project.
03/28/2007 Response letter sent to Kenneth Townsend from K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/27/2007 Response letter to Ms. Reardon in regard to American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by PUCO Staff.
03/27/2007 Correspondence in regard to American Transmission Systems, Inc. / Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by D. Miller.
03/27/2007 Response letter to Mr. Townsend in regard to American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by PUCO Staff.
03/27/2007 Response letter to Ms. Hale in regard to American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by PUCO Staff.
03/27/2007 Response letter to Ms. Zanella in regard to American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by PUCO Staff.
03/22/2007 Response letter to Don Miller in regard to American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by PUCO Staff.
03/21/2007 Response letter to Roberta Cheraso in regard to American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by PUCO Staff.
03/21/2007 Response letter to Frank Wilson in regard to American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed by PUCO Staff.
03/21/2007 Response letter to William, Patricia, and Robert Jonath regarding the American Transmission Systems, Inc./ Geauga County -138kV Transmission Line Project filed by PUCO staff.
03/20/2007 Response letter to: Mrs. S & Mr. D Petrovich filed on behalf of OPSB by K. Lambeck.
03/16/2007 Response letter to Ms. Morse regarding the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County -138kV Transmission Line Supply Project, filed by Ohio Power Siting Board.
03/16/2007 Response letter to Ms. Mortland regarding the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
03/16/2007 Response letter to Ms. Clifton regarding the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc./Geauga County -138kV Transmission Line Supply Project, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
03/16/2007 Response letter to Mr. Plesko regarding the proposed American Transmission Systems, Inc/Geauga County-138kV Transmission Line Supply Project filed on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board by K. Lambeck, Chief.
03/12/2007 Letter with concerns of the locations and installation of new power lines and substation, filed by consumer Gale A. Mortland.
03/09/2007 Notifications of the public informational meetings, which were filed on March 8, 2007 included notifications of the public informational meeting held on March 6, 2007, as well as the public informational meeting which was held on March 5, 2007, filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. by C. Schraff.
03/08/2007 Proof of publication (Ashtabula Co., Cuyahoga Co., Lake Co., and Geauga County), filed on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. by C. Schraff.
02/21/2007 In the matter of the application of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and Ohio Power Siting Board for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need for the Geauga County 138kV Transmission Line Supply Project.