DIS - Case Record for 06-1485-TP-ARB Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/08/2009 Case status form archiving case effective 07/08/09.
07/01/2009 Memo archiving case with an effective date of 7/1/09.
01/18/2008 Memo closing case with an effective date of 1/18/08.
09/19/2007 Entry ordering that, pursuant to finding 6, Verizon's adoption of the AT&T interconnection agreement renders this matter moot and this proceeding shall now be terminated.
09/19/2007 Service Notice
09/11/2007 Verizon's notice of adoption of interconnection agreement between AT&T Communications of Ohio and United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq, filed by T. Lodge.
09/11/2007 Verizon's response to Embarq's memorandum contra Verizon's motion to re-open the record, filed by T. Lodge.
09/05/2007 Original affidavit of Andrew F. Vanslyke filed by B. Donahue on behalf of United Telephone Co.of Ohio dba Embarq.
09/05/2007 Letter regarding a clerical error in a previously filed motion ( August 20, 2007), and a substitute page to correct the error filed by T. Lodge on behalf of Verizon Business.
09/04/2007 Memorandum contra of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq to Verizon's motion to re-open the record filed by J. Stewart.
08/30/2007 Memorandum contra of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq to Verizon's application for rehearing filed by J. Stewart.
08/24/2007 Entry ordering the parties not to file a final version of the ICA until further directed by the Commission to do so. (JML)
08/24/2007 Service Notice
08/23/2007 Response in opposition to Verizon's motion for stay filed by J. Stewart on behalf of Embarq.
08/20/2007 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of application for rehearing filed by T. Lodge on behalf of Verizon Access Transmission Services.
08/20/2007 Motion for stay and request for expedited ruling, memorandum in support filed by T. Lodge on behalf of Verizon Access Transmission Services.
08/20/2007 Motion to re-open the record, memorandum in support, filed by T. Lodge on behalf of Verizon Access Transmission Services.
07/25/2007 Service Notice
07/25/2007 Order on rehearing stating that, on rehearing, access charges between Verizon and Embarq are payable as described in finding 11; that the ICA language for Section 55.4, shall consist of the language proposed by Embarq in the ICA on May 2, 2007; that parties shall file the final version of the ICA by August 25, 2007.
07/23/2007 Response to Embarq's submission of supplemental authority filed on behalf of Verizon by T. Lodge.
07/20/2007 Submission of supplemental authority on behalf of Embarq by J. Stewart.
07/11/2007 Service Notice
07/11/2007 Entry ordering that the application for rehearing is granted for reasons specified in accordance with Finding (9).
07/09/2007 Verizon's response to Embarq's motion for clarification and application for rehearing and Embarq's motion for stay, request for expedited consideration, and application for rehearing filed by T. Lodge.
07/03/2007 Motion for stay, request for expedited consideration and application for rehearing of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq filed by J. Stewart.
06/29/2007 Motion for clarification and application for rehearing of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq filed by J. Stewart.
06/28/2007 Service Notice
06/27/2007 Entry approving the conforming language submitted by the parties on June 11, 2007; that the parties file their final interconnection agreement by July 13, 2007.
06/11/2007 Joint submission in response to Opinion and Order of May 30, 2007 filed on behalf of MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC dba Verizon Access Transmission Services and United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq Ohio, Inc. by T. Lodge.
05/30/2007 Service Notice
05/30/2007 Entry ordering that the interconnection agreement language between Verizon and Embarq include the additional terms and conditions set forth in this order; that no changes in the proposed agreement shall occur without Commission approval; that the parties submit by June 11, 2007, only the language that incorporates the directives contained within this order.
05/21/2007 Response to Embarq's memorandum in support of its contract language for Issue 2 filed on behalf of Verizon Access Transmission Services by T. Lodge.
05/14/2007 Memorandum in support of proposed contract language for Issue 2 of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq filed by J. Stewart.
05/14/2007 Letter pursuant to the Arbitration Award entered in on April 18, 2007, filed by T. Lodge on behalf of Verizon Access Transmission Services.
05/02/2007 Interconnection agreement filed by J. Stewart on behalf of United Telephone Company dba Embarq and T. Lodge on behalf of MCIMetro Access Transmission Services LLC dba Verizon Access Transmission Services.
05/02/2007 Memorandum of Verizon Access Transmission Services in support of proposed language for issue 2 filed by T. Lodge.
04/18/2007 Entry ordered that, within 14 days of this Arbitration Award, Verizon and Embarq shall docket their entire interconnection agreement for review by the Commission, in accordance with the Mediation/Arbitration Guideline X.J; that within ten days of the filing of the interconnection agreement amendment, any party or other interested persons may file written comments supporting or opposing the proposed interconnection agreement amendment and that any party or other interested persons may file responses to comments within five days thereafter.
04/18/2007 Service Notice
03/26/2007 Reply brief of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq filed by J. Stewart.
03/26/2007 Post-hearing reply brief of Verizon Access filed by T. Lodge.
03/09/2007 Post hearing brief of Verizon Access, filed by T. Lodge.
03/09/2007 Initial brief of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq, filed by J. Stewart.
03/07/2007 Transcript w/exhibits cont'd. (PART 2 OF 2)
03/07/2007 Transcript w/exhibits of proceedings held before Attorney Examiner James Lynn and Michael Twist, Arbitration Panel, at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio on February 21, 2007. (PART 1 OF 2)
02/15/2007 Arbitration package of MCI Metro Access Transmission Services LLC, dba Verizon Access Transmission Services filed by T. Lodge.
02/15/2007 Arbitration package including direct testimony of Edward B. Fox and resolution of four settled issues filed by J. Stewart on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq.
02/12/2007 Entry ordered that the motion filed is approved. (JL)
02/12/2007 Service Notice
02/06/2007 Motion Pro Hac Vice respectfully requests that Kimberly Caswell, Associate General Counsel-Verizon Corp., P. O. Box 110, MC FLTC0007 Tampa, PL 33601, telephone (727) 360-3241, be admitted to practice before this Commission for purposes of noted case, filed by T. Lodge. .
01/24/2007 Service Notice
01/23/2007 Entry ordered; that arbitration hearing commence at 10:00 A.M. on February 21, 2007, and continue until its conclusion on February 22, 2007, with hearing starting at 10:00 a.m. February 21 and 9:00 A.M. on February 22 and will be conducted in Hearing Room 11-F at the Commission offices, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, that February 21 and 9:00 A.M. on February 22 and will be conducted in Hearing Room 11-F at the Commission offices, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215; that each party's arbitration package be filed and a copy served upon the other party no later than February 14, 2007, in accordance with Finding (4); that initial briefs must be filed no later than March 9, 2007, and reply briefs no later than March 26,2007, in accordance with Finding (5). (JML)
01/16/2007 Response of United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq to petition for arbitration filed by J. Stewart.
12/27/2006 Service Notice
12/27/2006 Entry ordered; that a prehearing conference is scheduled in accordance with Finding (2). (JSA)
12/19/2006 In the matter of the petition of Verizon Access Transmission Services for arbitration of an interconnection agreement with United Telephone Company of Ohio dba Embarq.