DIS - Case Record for 06-1357-EL-BTX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/16/2016 Notification regarding the expiration of issued Certificates of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need electronically filed by Errin C. Harris on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
06/04/2015 Entry granting AMP-Ohio's motion to extend the certificate authorized in the Transmission Line Case and that the certificate be extended until March 3, 2016, unless otherwise ordered by the Board.
06/04/2015 Service Notice
05/22/2015 Service Notice
05/22/2015 Administrative Law Judge Entry granting AMP-Ohio's 04/24/2015 motion until such time as the Board convenes to consider the motion. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Gregory Price, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
04/24/2015 Motion to Align the Duration of American Municipal Power, Inc.’s Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the Transmission Line with that of the Electric Generation Station and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Errin C Harris on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
09/30/2013 Entry ordering AMP-Ohio's motion to extend its Certificate be granted.
09/30/2013 Service Notice
08/26/2013 Motion To extend duration of AMP's certificate of environmental compatibility and public need by 18 months to 5/24/2015 and Memorandum in support electronically filed by Barbara E Johnson on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
08/26/2013 Notice of Appearance of Counsel for Lisa G. McAlister, AMP Deputy General Counsel electronically filed by Barbara E Johnson on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
09/15/2009 Notice of approval of construction, operation, and maintenance of the AMPGS transmission line filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
09/11/2009 Correspondence letter notifying the PUCO that the Ohio Power Siting Board Staff has received a copy of the Wastewater Permit to Install filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
07/20/2009 Notice of regulatory approval related to the American Municipal Power Generating Station, filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
07/16/2009 Letter providing notice of regulatory approval related to the American Municipal Power Generating Station, filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
06/29/2009 Letter stating that a transmittal notice of Ohio EPA with the approval of Storm Water General Permit OHC000003 was issued on June 25, 2009 for American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. filed by N. Orosz.
06/24/2009 Transmittal of the United States Army Corps. of Engineers 404/10 permit filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. by N. Orosz.
03/19/2009 Letter stating that OPSB Staff has received a copy of the Permit to Install a Residual Solid Waste Landfill issued by Ohio EPA on March 16, 2009 filed by N. Orosz.
01/16/2009 Additional information filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
11/25/2008 Service Notice
11/24/2008 Opinion and order, ordered that the stipulation be approved and adopted; that a certificate be issued for the construction,operation and maintenance of the project as proposed on the preferred route; that the certificate contain the 26 conditions set forth in Section V of this opinion.
11/10/2008 Transcript AMP-OHIO 10/27/08 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
11/10/2008 Exhibit for transcript filed electronically for hearing held October 27, 2008 before Gregory Price Hearing Examiner, Franklin, County.
11/05/2008 Exhibit for transcript filed electronically for hearing held on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 before Gregory Price, Hearing Examiner.
11/05/2008 Transcript of hearing held on October 22, 2008 before attorney examiner G. Price, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer D. Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
10/27/2008 Joint stipulation and recommended findings of fact and conclusions of law filed by J. Jones on behalf of PUCO; by M. Malone on behalf of Environmental Enforcement of the AG's office and J. Bentine on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
10/15/2008 Proof of publication. (Meigs County)
10/07/2008 Staff Report filed.
10/07/2008 Service Notice
09/25/2008 Additional information filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
09/22/2008 List of recipients of Notice Letters filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
09/22/2008 Certificate of service filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio,Inc.
08/20/2008 Proof of publication. (Meigs County)
08/06/2008 Service Notice.
07/25/2008 Entry ordering hearings be scheduled at the times and places designated in Finding (4); that notices of the application and hearing be published by AMP-Ohio in accordance with Finding (5). (GP)
07/25/2008 Service notice.
07/22/2008 Request for continuance filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
07/22/2008 Supplemental certificate of service filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc,
07/18/2008 Certificate of service for American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. filed by N.S.Orosz.
07/18/2008 The documentation for the modified application of American Municipal Power Ohio, Inc. for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need for and electric power transmission line and related facilities filed by N.S.Orosz.
07/17/2008 Proof of publication.(Meigs county)
06/23/2008 Service Notice.
06/20/2008 Entry ordering that the location for the local public hearing in this matter be moved to Southern High School, 920 Elm Street, Racine, Ohio 45771, as designated in Finding (6); that notices of the application and hearing be published by AMP-Ohio in accordance with Finding (7).
05/29/2008 Service Notice
05/29/2008 Entry ordered that a public hearing be held on September 17, 2008, at 6:00 p.m., at Meigs High School, 42091 Pomeroy Pike, Pomeroy, Ohio 45769. Further, the adjudicatory hearing should commence on September 22, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-C, at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793. (GP)
05/08/2008 Letter stating that no amendment to the application of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. is necessary, filed by N. Orosz.
04/08/2008 Letter requesting that the indefinite continuance remain in effect and that American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. be permitted to report to the Administrative Law Judge within thirty (30) days with a more specific request as to the time that is needed prior to the scheduling of hearing dates filed by N. Orosz.
03/26/2008 Letter regarding update on application amendment requesting indefinite continuance, filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
02/27/2008 Service Notice
02/26/2008 Request for continuance originally scheduled for April 30, 2008, and May 5, 2008 filed by J. Bentine on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
02/26/2008 Entry ordered that petitions to intervene in this proceeding be filed within 30 days after publication of the initial public notice required by rule 4906-5-08(B) (1). (GP)
02/11/2008 Motion for certification and interlocutory appeal and memorandum in support filed by John Bentine on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
02/05/2008 Entry ordering that a local public hearing in this matter will be held on April 30, 2008, at 6:00 p.m., at Meigs High School, 42091 Pomeroy Pike, Pomeroy, Ohio 45769; that the adjudicatory hearing will commence on May 5, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-C at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793. (GAP)
02/05/2008 Service Notice
01/24/2008 Supplemental certificate of service filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
01/18/2008 Application fee payment of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc for an electric power transmission line and related facilities, filed by N. Orosz.
01/18/2008 Certificate of service filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio Inc., by N. Orosz.
12/27/2007 Notice on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc., of electronic submission of PJM Regional Transmission Expansion Plan Load Flow Data to be considered as part of its application for certification to the Power Siting Board Staff on December 27, 2007, filed by N. Orosz.
12/27/2007 Letter stating the application filed with the OPSB on October 31, 2007, has been found to comply with Chapters 4906-01, el seq., of the OAC by A. Schriber.
10/31/2007 American Municipal Power-Ohio requests a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need, filed by N. Orosz.
10/31/2007 Application for certificate continued, (part 2 of 2).
10/31/2007 Application to the Ohio Power Siting Board for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need for American Municipal Power-Ohio 345 kV Transmission Line. (Part 1 of 2)
10/04/2007 Notice of appearance filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
07/20/2007 Notice of substitution of counsel filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. by N. Orosz.
07/19/2007 Service Notice
07/19/2007 Entry order that motion for reconsideration be denied. (GP)
06/05/2007 Letter stating that the representatives of American Municipal Power Co. Inc. (AMP-Ohio) are appropriately noted for purposes of receiving notice and service of any documents filed in this docket by J. Bentine.
06/01/2007 Motion for reconsideration of entry denying a waiver relating to the proposed alternate route, memorandum in support and response to staff letter on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc by J. Bentine.
05/10/2007 Service Notice
05/09/2007 Entry denying the motion for waiver filed by American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. (GP)
03/20/2007 PUCO Staff recommends that the request for waiver on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio be denied on the belief that its motion is overly broad and vague.
12/05/2006 Motion for a waiver to provide fully developed information for the proposed alternate route and memorandum in support filed by J. Bentine on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
11/29/2006 Proof of Publication. (Meigs County)
11/20/2006 In the matter of the application of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. for a certificate for an electric transmission line.