DIS - Case Record for 06-1201-AU-ORD Skip to main content

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Case Title: REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 4901:5-17, 4901:5-19, 4901:5-21, 4901:5-23, 4901:5-25, 4901:5-29, 4901:5-33, 4901:5-35, 4901:5-37 OF THE OAC
Purpose Code: ORD-Administrative order
Date Opened: 10/3/2006
Date Closed:
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Date FiledSummaryPages
06/07/2011Case Action Form Archiving Case electronically filed by Christine MT Pirik on behalf of PUCO.2
10/06/2010Notice of withdrawal of counsel, L. McAlister, filed on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Clark. 5
05/06/2009Service Notice6
05/06/2009Entry on rehearing granting in part and denying in part the Cooperatives' application as set forth in findings (6) and (8); that Rules 4901:5-19-02, 4901:5-21-02, 4901:5-23-02, 4901:5-25-02,4901:5-29-02, 4901:5-33-02, 4901:5-35-02, 4901:5-37-02, and 4901:5-37-03, O.A.C, be revised consistent with findings (6) and (9); that the attached revised Rules 4901:5-19-02, 4901:5-21-02, 4901:5-23-02, 4901:5-25-02, 4901:5-29-02, 4901:5-33-02, 4901:5-35-02, 4901:5-37-02, and 4901:5-37-03, O.A.C, be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Secretary of State, and the Legislative Service Commission, in accordance with divisions (D) and (E) of Section 111.15, Revised Code ; that the final rules be effective on the earliest date permitted by law.24
04/08/2009Service Notice6
04/08/2009Entry ordered that the cooperative's application for rehearing be granted for further consideration of the matters specified in the application for rehearing. 2
03/26/2009Letter giving formal notice that pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 4935.03, revisions made by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to rules 4901:5-17, 4901:5-19, 4901:5-21, 4901:5-23, 4901:5-25, 4901:5-29, 4901:5-35 and 4901:5-37 have been approved filed by Governor Ted Strickland. 1
03/19/2009Notice of withdrawal of Mark A. Whitt and the substitution of David A Kutik as counsel for Dominion East Ohio filed by P. Colbert. 4
03/13/2009Joint application of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. and Buckeye Power, Inc. for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by C. Flahive.16
02/13/2009Service notice.5
02/11/2009Finding and order ordered that each regulated gas supplier should review its tariff to insure that its curtailment plan in on file; if the plan is not on file the supplier should work with the Commission's staff to ensure that the tariff's adhere to the requirements established. 144
01/17/2007Reply comments of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company filed by J. Burk. (original)6
01/16/2007Joint reply comments of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. and Buckeye Power, Inc. filed by T. Lodge31
01/16/2007Reply comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and the Toledo Edison Company by J. Burk. (FAX)7
01/16/2007Reply comments of Dayton Power and Light Company filed by A. Stephens.3
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Attorney General:
Attorney Examiner:
Kingery, Jeanne
Pirik,Christine M.T.