DIS - Case Record for 05-1558-PL-ATA Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/15/2007 Memo automatically closing case with an effective date as of 11/15/07.
06/29/2007 Final tariff, PUCO No. 1, for Cobra Pipeline Co., LTD filed by A. Sonderman.
06/27/2007 Service Notice
06/27/2007 Finding and order approving the application for Cobra to operate as an intrastate pipeline company in Ohio subject to the Commission's regulation.
06/13/2007 Joint stipulation and recommendation of Cobra Pipeline Co., LTD filed by A. Sonderman and Ohio Oil Gas Association filed by W. Airey.
03/12/2007 Progress report on settlement discussions with protestant, Ohio Oil and Gas Association, filed on behalf of Cobra Pipeline Company, LTD by A. Sonderman.
01/02/2007 Reply memorandum of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association, filed by W. J. Airey.
12/21/2006 Reply in opposition to protest and notice of discovery of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association, filed on behalf of Cobra Pipeline Company, Ltd by A. Sonderman.
12/18/2006 Entry ordering that OOGA's motion to intervene is granted and that a prehearing conference be held as directed in finding (7). (SF)
12/18/2006 Service Notice
12/08/2006 Protest and notice of discovery of The Ohio Oil and Gas Association filed by W. Airey.
08/21/2006 Substituted Exhibit D, proposed tariff PUCO No. 1 for Cobra Pipeline Co., Ltd filed by A. Sonderman.
04/14/2006 Motion of The Ohio Oil and Gas Association for leave to file a reply and memorandum in support filed by W. Jonathan Airey on behalf of Cobra Pipeline Co. LTD.
04/14/2006 Reply of The Ohio Oil and Gas Association filed by W. Jonathan Airey on behalf of Cobra Pipeline Co. LTD.
03/23/2006 Memorandum contra motion of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association for leave to intervene, filed on behalf of Cobra Pipeline Company, LTD by A. Sonderman.
03/23/2006 Notice of appearance of counsel for Cobra Pipeline Co, filed by A. Sonderman.
03/17/2006 Motion for leave to intervene, request for hearing and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of The Ohio Oil and Gas Association by J. Airey.
12/19/2005 In the matter of the application of Cobra Pipeline Co., LTD for approval of tariffs and to become a pipeline company public utility.