Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
09/18/2023 | Case Action Form closing cases with an effective date of 9/18/2023 electronically filed by Ms. Donielle M. Hunter on behalf of Jay S. Agranoff, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 4 |
01/14/2008 | Cleveland Thermal Chilled Water Distribution, LLC and United Way of Greater Cleveland's Agreement, electronically filed by Stephen M Howard on behalf of Cleveland Thermal Chilled Water Distribution, LLC. | 29 |
10/26/2005 | Finding and Order ordered that the application of Cleveland Thermal for approval of a District Cooling Agreement with its customer, MPA Chesterfield LLC is granted, ordered that the Commission approval of these contracts does not constitute state action for the purpose of antitrust laws, ordered that the request that subsequent similar to the approved this Finding and Order be deemed approved, ordered that nothing in this shall be binding upon this Commission in any subsequent investigation or proceeding involving the justness or reasonableness of any rate, charge, rule or regulation. | 3 |
10/26/2005 | Service Notice | 1 |
09/22/2005 | In the matter of the application of Cleveland Thermal Chilled Water Distribution, LLC for approval of a District Cooling Agreement with its customer, MPA Chesterfield, LLC. | 26 |