DIS - Case Record for 05-0727-EL-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/09/2011 Case action form closing case with an effective date of 3/9/11.
10/06/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, L. McAlister, filed on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Clark.
10/31/2008 Notice of withdrawal of counsel of Daniel J. Nielsen filed by J. Clark on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
10/17/2008 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No, 19, filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
05/30/2008 Rider TCR, Transmission cost recovery tracker, effective for the period from May 30, 2008 through November 30, 2008, filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy.
05/28/2008 Entry ordered that Duke comply with the provisions of finding 5.
05/28/2008 Service Notice
05/15/2008 Service notice.
05/14/2008 Entry ordering comments by interested persons, with regard to the revised TCR proposal filed by Duke on April 30, 2008, be filed no later than May 20, 2008. (JK)
04/30/2008 Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 19, correcting schedules C-2 and D-2 filed by D. Wathen, Jr. on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
04/15/2008 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by L. Steinkuhl.
11/27/2007 Staff's biennial review of controllable RTO costs for Duke Energy-Ohio in response to the Commission's finding and order in case no. 05-727-EL-UNC filed by R. Fortney.
10/15/2007 Updated tariffs filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, reflecting the proposed rates for Rider TCR for the period of December 1, 2007 through May 31, 2008, by D. Wathen, Jr.
06/01/2007 Rider TCR transmission cost recovery tracker on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio effective for the period from May 31, 2007 through November 28, 2007, by L. Steinkuhl.
05/30/2007 Entry ordering that the motion by OCC to intervene be granted; that the motion by OCC for a reply opportunity and for resolution by the Commission be stayed, pending further discussion between OCC, Duke and the Commission staff prior to the next semi-annual adjustment.
05/30/2007 Service Notice
05/22/2007 Memorandum contra the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's motion to intervene comments motion for reply opportunity and formal request for resolution filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy.
05/07/2007 Motion to intervene comments, motion for reply opportunity and formal request for resolution and memorandum in support filed by J. Roberts on behalf of OCC.
04/26/2007 Additional material for Attachment 1, that was inadvertently omitted in the April 25, 2007 filing filed on behalf of Duke Energy by D. Wathen, Jr.
04/25/2007 Additions to Duke Energy's biennial review that constitutes the Duke Energy Ohio's response to the requirements for the biennial review filed by D. Wathen, Jr.
04/16/2007 Updated tariffs filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio reflecting the proposed rates for Rider TCR for the period June 1, 2007 through November 30, 2007, by D. Wathen, Jr.
02/23/2007 Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of new trial attorney filed by J. Roberts on behalf of OCC.
11/30/2006 Revised tariff page for PUCO No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
11/30/2006 Revised tariff page for PUCO No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
11/28/2006 Entry ordering that the proposed update of the rates to be charged under DE-Ohio's rider TCR, effective for the period from December 1, 2006, through May 31, 2007, be approved, subject to further reconciliation based on staff's continuing review of the costs included in rider TCR; that DE-Ohio shall notify all affected customers by means of a bill insert or bill message, no later than 30 days after the effective date of the proposed tariffs and that issues relating to possible double recovery of congestion costs be considered in the pending audit of the FPP rider, in Case No. 05-725-EL-UNC, et al.
11/28/2006 Service Notice.
11/16/2006 Review and recommendation filed by PUCO staff.
11/07/2006 Service Notice
11/07/2006 Updated Rider TCR which were inadvertently omitted from the November 3, 2006 filing, filed on behalf of Duke Energy-Ohio by A. Schafer.
11/06/2006 Entry ordering that comments by interested persons, with regard to the amended TCR modification proposal filed by DE-Ohio on November 3, 2006, be filed no later than November 15, 2006. (JK)
11/06/2006 Updated rider TCR which was inadvertently omitted from the November 3, 2006 filing, filed on behalf of Duke Energy by A. Schafer. (FAX)
11/03/2006 Comments of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by K. Bojko.
11/03/2006 Schedules reflecting the modified Rider TCR application reflecting all changes required to move the generation related to MISO cost to the Rider FPP and out of the Rider TCR filed by D. Wathen, Jr. on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas Electric Company.
10/16/2006 Updated tariffs reflecting the proposed rates for Rider TCR for the period December 1, 2006 through May 31, 2007, filed by A. Schafer on behalf of Duke Energy.
06/14/2006 Entry ordered that the application of Duke to update its rider TCR is suspended until the Commission orders otherwise; that Duke's current rider TCR remain in effect, subject to true-up. until the Commission orders otherwise.
06/14/2006 Service Notice
06/07/2006 Correspondence letter regarding the rates for Rider TCR on behalf of Duke Energy filed by D. Wathen.
06/05/2006 Comments filed on behalf of OCC filed by K. Bojko.
05/16/2006 Revised tariff, PUCO Electric No. 19, filed by D. Wathen, Jr. on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. (ORIGINAL)
05/15/2006 Revised tariff, PUCO Electric No. 19, filed by D. Wathen, Jr. on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric dba Duke Energy Ohio. (FAX)
05/02/2006 Revised Electric PUCO Tariff No. 19 to reflecting the proposed rates for Rider TCR, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by D. Wathen, Jr.
12/07/2005 Entry nunc pro tunc ordering that the November 29, 2005 Commission entry be modified to allow the revised tariffs of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, previously approved in these proceedings, to be applicable to residential customers on the same schedule as nonresidential customers.
12/07/2005 Service Notice
12/01/2005 Revise PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by D. Rottinghaus on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company.
11/29/2005 Entry ordering that the proposed tariffs of CG&E are approved as filed on November 1, 2005, and further revised on November 14, 2005; that the applicant is authorized to file in final form four complete copies of tariffs consistent with this order. One copy shall be filed with this case docket, one copy shall be filed with the applicant's TRF docket and the remaining two copies shall be designated for distribution to the electricity division of the Commission's utilities department. The applicant shall also update its tariffs previously filed electronically with the Commission's docketing division; that the proposed tariffs be effective pursuant to their terms and upon filing in final form, on a bills-rendered basis; that CG&E shall notify all affected customers via a bill insert or bill message no later than 60 days after the effective date of the proposed tariffs; that nothing in this order shall be binding upon this Commission in any future proceeding or investigation involving the justness or reasonableness of any rate, charge, rule or regulation.
11/29/2005 Service Notice
11/25/2005 Notice that format of the electric portion of its customer bill has been modified predicated on the Commission's order, dated October 5, 2005 filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by D. Rottinghaus.
11/14/2005 Revised PUCO tariff No.19 filed by D. Wathen, Jr. on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company.
11/01/2005 Updated tariff pages, PUCO No. 19 filed by D. Wathen, Jr. on behalf of CG&E.
10/05/2005 Finding and order approving the application for rider TCR subject to the modifications set forth in this finding and order; that CG&E shall work with staff to recalculate rider TCR in compliance with this finding and order; that the motions for intervention of IEU, OCC, and OPAE are denied; that the motion to practice pro hac vice, filed by OPAE, is denied.
10/05/2005 Service Notice
08/05/2005 Reply to comments of The Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by P. Colbert.
08/05/2005 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of The Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel by K. Bojko.
08/05/2005 Reply comments of The Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by K. Bojko.
07/28/2005 Correspondence requesting that the next set of comments be filed on August 5, 2005 filed by P. Colbert on behalf of CG&E.
07/26/2005 Reply comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, filed by D. Rinebolt.
07/25/2005 Reply comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, filed by D. Rinebolt. (FAX)
07/14/2005 Service Notice
07/14/2005 Entry ordering that reply comments regarding this application may be filed by no later than July 29, 2005. (JWK)
07/12/2005 Comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt.
07/11/2005 Initial comments of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by D. Neilsen.
07/11/2005 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt. (FAX)
07/01/2005 Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and motion to practice pro hac vice before the Commission, filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt.
06/24/2005 Entry ordering that comments regarding this application be filed no later than July 11, 2005. (JWK)
06/24/2005 Service Notice
06/17/2005 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by D. Neilsen.
06/03/2005 Direct testimony of William Don Wathen, Jr. on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.
06/03/2005 Direct testimony of Paul K. Jett on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.
06/03/2005 In the matter of the application of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company of the Transmission Rates contained in the Rate Schedules and related matters.