Notice of withdrawal of Counsel Thomas W. McNamee electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly M Naeder on behalf of PUCO. |
Supreme Court Document The following decision, announcement or notice of action by the Supreme Court of Ohio with respect to this case is provided solely for the information and convenience of the reader, and should not be construed as a part of the record of this case before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and may be subject to formal revision before it is published in the Ohio Official Reports. The Court’s opinions from 1992 to the present are available online from the Reporter of Decisions at http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/ROD/ - Slip Opinion (August 29, 2007) [Cite as Elyria Foundry Co. v. Pub. Util. Comm., 114 Ohio St.3d 305, 2007-Ohio-4164.] electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. |
Notice of withdrawal of counsel, L. McAlister, filed on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Clark. |
Motion to withdraw on behalf of Green Mountain Energy Company by R. Pace. |
Supreme court transmittal papers. (S.C. No. 06-0830) |
Service Notice |
Notice of appeal of appellant WPS Energy Services, Inc. |
Notice of appeal of appellant, Elyria Foundry Company. ( SS# 06-0830). |
Tariff sheets 1, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 17 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all Grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission 's Entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for the Ohio Edison Company filed by S. Hadick. (original) |
Tariff sheets 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 34 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission's entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed S. Hadick. (original) |
Tariff sheets 1, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission's entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for the Toledo Edison Company filed by S. Hadick. (original) |
Tariff original sheets 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 34 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all Grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission's entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by S. Hadick. ( FAX)
Tariff original sheets 1, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 17 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all Grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission's entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for the Ohio Edison Company filed by S. Hadick. ( FAX) |
Tariff sheets 1, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission's entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for the Toledo Edison Company filed by S. Hadick. |
Entry on rehearing denying Movants' motion to intervene; that the applications for rehearing of Constellation and Elyria and the motion for leave to file an application are denied; that the motion of Movants' for oral arguments is denied. |
Service Notice |
Memorandum of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company contra applications for rehearing filed by H. Liebman. |
Motion to strike rehearing application of Bob Schmitt Homes, Inc. and Scott T. Kubit filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company by H. Liebman. |
Memorandum contra motion of Bob Schmitt Homes, Inc. and Scott T. Kubit to intervene filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company by H. Liebman. |
Application on rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Elyria Foundry by C. Smith. |
Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Constellation NewEnergy, Inc., Direct Energy Services, LLC and WPS Energy Services, Inc. by M. Petricoff. |
Service Notice |
Service Notice |
Entry on rehearing ordering that the application for rehearing is granted in part and denied in part consistent with the discussion in entry. |
Memorandum contra by Elyria Foundry to motion for clarification dated January 10, 2006 by Ohio Edison, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company filed by C. Smith. |
Memorandum contra to the motion for clarification dated January 10, 2006, by Ohio Edison, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company filed by C. Smith on behalf of Elyria Foundry.(FAX) |
Memorandum contra motion for clarification by Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc., Constellation Newenergy, Inc., Direct Energy Services, LLC and WPS Energy Services, Inc. filed by M.H. Petricoff. |
Request for expedited ruling, filed on behalf of the Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and the Toledo Edison Company by H. Liebman. |
Motion for clarification, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and the Toledo Edison Company by J. Burk. |
Revised PUCO Tariff No. 8, to reflect terms of the Rate Certainty Plan (RCP) and are consistent with the Opinion and Order of January 4, 2006, filed on behalf of The Toledo Edison Company by K. Norris. |
Revised PUCO Tariff No. 13, to reflect terms of the Rate Certainty Plan (RCP) and are consistent with the Opinion and Order of January 4, 2006, filed on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by K. Norris. |
Revised Tariff PUCO No. 11, to reflect terms of the Rate Certainty Plan (RCP) and are consistent with the Opinion and Order of January 4, 2006, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company by K. Norris. |
Certificate of Service filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company by J. Burk. |
Opinion and Order ordered; that the revised stipulation as clarified is approved, along with the necessary authorization to make accounting changes consistent with the revised stipulation as clarified; that the approval of the revised stipulation renders the application in the GCAF case moot and case closed of record. |
Memorandum of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company Contra the motions of The City of Cleveland Heights to intervene filed by J. Burk. |
Memorandum of Ohio Edison Company, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and Toledo Edison Company contra motions of The City of Cleveland Heights to intervene filed by J. Burk. (FAX) |
Notice of withdrawal of Green Mountain Energy Co. filed by E. Robinson. |
Post hearing brief of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by D. Neilsen. |
Brief by Elyria Foundry filed by C. Smith |
Confidential document filed by M. Petricoff. |
Brief of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company filed by H. Liebman. |
Initial Brief filed on behalf of Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc., Constellation NewEnergy, Inc., WPS Energy Services, Inc. and Direct Energy LLC filed by M.H. Petricoff. |
Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by M. Petricoff on behalf of Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc., Constellation Newenergy, Inc., WPS Energy Services, Inc. and Direct Energy Services, LLC. |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland Heights by J. Gibbon. |
Exhibit target for transcript, hearing held on November 29, 2005. |
Confidential Constellation Exhibits 1 & 2. |
Transcript for hearing held November 29, 2005, before John Shailer and Steven D. Lesser Hearing Examiners. |
Letter requesting to be withdrawn as party of record, filed on behalf of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Unions 245, 1194, and 1413 by J. Allotta and J. Burnard. (Original)(faxed to docketing on 11/28/2005)
Letter requesting to be withdrawn as party of record, filed on behalf of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Unions 245, 1194, and 1413 by J. Allotta and J. Burnard. (FAX) |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by R. Heydorn on behalf of The Village of Silver Lake. (original) |
Certificate of service filed by R. Heydorn on behalf of the Village of Silver Lake. (FAX) |
Notice to take depositions upon oral examination and request for production of documents filed by M. Petricoff on behalf of Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc. and Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. |
Motion to intervene by The Village of Silver Lake and memorandum in support filed by R. Heydorn. (FAX) |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by WPS Energy, Inc. filed by M. Petricoff. |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by Direct Energy, LLC. filed by M. Petricoff. |
Letter advising that Northeast Ohio Public Council does not oppose the Stipulation and Recommendation and Supplemental Stipulation filed on September 9, 2005, and November 4, 2005, respectively filed by G. Krassen. |
Rebuttal testimony of William D. Byrd filed by H. Liebman on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company. |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by J. Haefner on behalf of The City of Stow. (original) |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by J. Haefner on behalf of The City of Stow. (FAX) |
Motion to intervene by The City of Euclid and memorandum in support filed by P. Vento. |
Prepared testimony of Raymond W. Strom filed by E. Stevens on behalf of PUCO. |
Prepared testimony of Tamara S. Turkenton filed by E. Stevens on behalf of PUCO. |
Direct testimony of Phillip M. Brock on behalf of Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. filed by M. Petricoff. |
Resolution No. 223-05 filed by M. Hughes on behalf of The City of Parma, Ohio. |
Resolution 414-05 opposing FirstEnergy rate increase application filed by E. Grachek and G. Sarantou on behalf of the Toledo City Council. |
Ardent concurrence with Toledo City Council in opposition to FirstEnergy proposed rate increase application filed by T. Fedor. |
Certificate of service for testimonies filed by H. Liebman on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company. |
Direct testimony of Gregory F. Hussing on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company. |
Direct testimony of James L. Parks on behalf of FirstEnergy Generation Corp. |
Direct testimony of Harvey L. Wagner on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company. |
Direct testimony of William D. Byrd on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company. |
Direct testimony of Kevin L. Norris on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company. |
Direct testimony of Robert J. Borland on behalf of FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company. |
Service Notice |
Entry ordering the motion of OCC and NOAC to dismiss or stay the GCAF case is denied, that the companies' motion to consolidate the GCAF and RCP cases is granted, that an evidentiary hearing be held on Tuesday, November 29, 2005, 10:00 a.m., hearing room 11-C, 11th floor, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793(JLS). |
Memorandum contra of Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc. and Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. filed by M. Petricoff. |
Joining by the Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council and by the cities of Maumee, Northwood, Oregon, Perrysburg, Sylvania, and Toledo, The Village of Holland, The Board of Lake Township (Wood County) Trustees and The Board of Lucas County Commissioners, collectively known as The Northwest Ohio Aggregation Coalition (NOAC) in Office of Consumers' Counsel's motion for a case schedule or, in the alternative, memorandum contra applicants' motion for consolidation and request for expedited ruling filed by G. Krassen on behalf of NOPEC and L. Keiffer on behalf of NOAC. |
Motion for a case schedule or, in the alternative, memorandum contra applicants' motion for consolidation and request for expedited ruling, memorandum in support filed by A. Hotz on behalf Ohio Consumers' Counsel. |
Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of new trial attorney filed by A. Hotz on behalf of OCC. |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by C. Smith on behalf of Elyria Foundry Company.
Memorandum contra to the motion to dismiss/motion to stay filed by J. Burk on behalf of the Ohio Edison Company, The Toledo Edison Company, and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company. |
Memorandum of the Ohio Edison Company, The Toledo Edison Company, and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company contra the motion to dismiss/motion for stay of OCC/NOPEC/NOAC filed by J. Burk. (FAX) |
Motion to consolidate and memorandum in support filed by J. Burk on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company. |
Motion of Dominion Retail, Inc. for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed by J. Sanders. |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network and The Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, filed by J. Meissner. |
Motion to intervene on behalf of The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Housing Network and The Consumers For Fair Utility Rates and Memorandum in Support filed by J. Meissner. (FAX) |
Joint motion to dismiss or, in the alternative, joint motion for stay and memorandum in support filed by C. Mooney on behalf of OCC, G. Krassen on behalf of NOPEC, L. Keiffer and L. Kovacik on behalf of NOAC. |
Service Notice |
Entry ordering an evidentiary hearing for October 18, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., in hearing room 11-C at 180 East Broad Street, Columbus Ohio 43215; that the procedural schedule in this matter is amended as set forth in finding (3); that the motions of Cleveland, GMEC, Constellation, and WPS to intervene are granted. |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by I. Henderson on behalf of WPS Energy Services, Inc. |
Correspondence and Resolution 414.05 opposing FirstEnergy's proposed rate increase filed by Councilwoman Ellen M. Grachek, Councilman George Sarantou on behalf of The City of Toledo. |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by H. Petricoff on behalf of Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc. and Constellation New Energy, Inc. |
Notice of appearance of additional counsel filed by B. Singh on behalf of the City of Cleveland. |
Motion to intervene, memorandum in support filed by E. Robinson on behalf of Green Mountain Energy Company. |
Correspondence stating that the motion to intervene erroneously referenced an incorrect number filed by W. Zigli on behalf of the City of Cleveland. (FAX) |
Reply comments filed on behalf of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 245, 1194 and 1413 by J. Allotta and J. Burnard. |
Letter correcting case number in the City's Motion to Intervene in the FirstEnergy case, filed on behalf of The City of Cleveland by W. Zigli. |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of The City of Cleveland by W. Zigli. |
Memorandum contra motions to intervene and motion for procedural schedule filed by H. Liebman on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company . |
Service Notice |
Entry ordering that a evidentiary hearing be held on October 4, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. in hearing room 11-C, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43215-3793; that the procedural schedule as set forth in finding (6) is established; that the motions of OCC, IBEW and NOAC for a procedural schedule are granted; the motion to admit D.Rinebolt, pro hac vice in the instant proceeding be granted. (JS) |
Reply filed on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by C. Mooney. |
Memorandum of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison and Toledo Edison Company contra the motions of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel to intervene and for a procedural schedule. filed by J. Burk on behalf of FirstEnergy. |
Motion to intervene and motion for a procedural schedule, memorandum in support filed by L. Keiffer on behalf of the cities of Maumee, Northwood, Oregon, Perrysburg, Sylvania, and Toledo, The Village of Holland, The Board of Lake Township ( Wood County) Trustees and The Board of Lucas County Commissioners, collectively known as The Northwest Ohio Aggregation Coalition (NOAC). |
Memorandum of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company contra the motions of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel to intervene and for a procedural schedule filed by J. Burk. (FAX) |
Motion to intervene, memorandum of support, and motion to admit pro hac vice, also enclosed is 2005 annual report of the Solar and Renewable Energy Buyers Cooperative filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt. |
Motion to intervene, memorandum of support, and motion to admit pro hac vice filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt |
Motion to intervene and motion for a procedural schedule and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Unions 245, 1194 and 1413 filed by J. Allotta. |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by The Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council filed by G. Krassen. |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by D. Neilsen. |
Motion to intervene and memorandum in support and motion for a procedural schedule, filed on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers Counsel by C. Mooney. |
In the matter of the application of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company for approval of a Generation Charge Adjustment Rider. |