DIS - Case Record for 05-0504-EL-FOR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/29/2005 Entry ordering that the above-captioned electric LTFRs cases be closed of record.
11/29/2005 Service Notice
05/19/2005 Entry ordering that FirstEnergy's motion for a protective order regarding the confidentiality of information is granted. (JML) (service notice).
05/16/2005 Notice of submission of corrected schedules filed by J. Burk on behalf of FirstEnergy.
05/16/2005 Long-Term Forecast Report on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Pennsylvania Power Company, The Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Incorporated.
05/13/2005 Entry ordered, that Mon Power's motion for extension of time to file its long-term forecast report be granted and Mon Power shall file its long-term forecast report by May 20, 2005. (Originally filed May 9, 2005). (GAP)
05/12/2005 Motion for protective order filed by J. Burk on behalf of FirstEnergy.
05/11/2005 Motion for protective order filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk. (FAX)
05/09/2005 Service Notice
05/06/2005 Long-Term Forecast report filed on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Pennsylvania Power Company, The Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Incorporated filed by D. Blank.
05/06/2005 Memorandum in support of Motion for Protective Order filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.
05/06/2005 Confidential Long Term Forecast Report filed on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Pennsylvania Power Company, The Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.
04/21/2005 Service Notice
04/20/2005 Entry ordering that FirstEnergy's motion for extension of time to file its long-term forecast report be granted; long-term forecast to be filed by May 6, 2005. (GAP)
04/15/2005 Request for extension of time to file Long Term Forecast Report filed on behalf of applicant by J. Burk. (original)
04/14/2005 Request for extension of time to file long term forecast report, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Burke. (FAX)
03/28/2005 In the matter of the 2005 Long Term Forecast Report of the FirstEnergy Corporation and related matters.