DIS - Case Record for 05-0060-EL-AAM Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: AAM-Application to change accounting methods
Date Opened: 1/18/2005
Date Closed:
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
12/22/2005Transcript held on Monday, December 5, 2005 before Jeanne Kingery, Hearing Examiner.8
12/21/2005Opinion and order adopting in its entirety the stipulation presented; that the application of CG&E for authority to increase its rates and charges for service be granted; that CG&E is authorized to file in final form four complete, printed copies of tariff and to cancel and withdraw its superseded tariffs, also to update its tariff previously filed electronically; that the effective date of the new tariffs shall be a date not earlier than both January 1, 2006 and the new tariffs shall be effective for service rendered on or after such effective date; that CG&E's proposed customer notice be approved and that CG&E be directed to send that notice to customers in accordance with this opinion and order; that case 05-230-EL-ATA, 05-231-GA-ATA, 05-232-EL-AAM, 05-233-GA-AAM, 05-234-EL-UNC and 05-235-GA-UNC be dismissed and closed of record and that a copy of this order be placed in the docket of each of such cases.12
12/21/2005Service notice.4
12/20/2005Notice of change of address filed by M. Dortch on behalf of CCB Ohio, LLC.7
12/07/2005Letter informing that CCB Ohio, Inc. dba Current Communications will take no position concerning the stipulation as the basis for a settlement filed by M. Dortch.1
12/07/2005Letter stating that an attachment was omitted from the stipulation and recommendation filed on 12/6/05 and is submitted with this filing, filed by T. Lindgren on behalf of Attorney General Public Utilities Section.2
12/06/2005Stipulation and recommendation filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric.16
11/25/2005Service Notice4
11/25/2005Entry ordering that OEG's late-filed testimony be accepted; that OEG's interlocutory appeal be deemed moot and, therefore, not certified to the Commission. (J.K)4
11/10/2005Service Notice4
11/10/2005Entry ordering that the procedural schedule be revised such that the evidentiary hearing will commence on Monday, December 5, 2005, at 10:00 A.M., in hearing room 11-C, on the 11th floor, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (JK)2
11/08/2005Application for interlocutory appeal and interlocutory appeal of the November 3, 2005 Entry denying motions to file testimony and objections to the staff report out of time and summary of major issues filed by D. Boehm on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group.16
11/07/2005Application for interlocutory appeal and interlocutory appeal of the November 3, 2005 entry denying the motions of The Ohio Energy Group to file testimony and objections to staff report and summary of major issues out of time filed by D. Boehm. (FAX)17
11/04/2005Correspondence containing revised exhibits correcting a clerical error found in Exhibits SWR-2 and SWR-3, to Mr. Ruback's testimony filed on October 11, 2005, filed on behalf of OCC by K. Bojko.3
11/03/2005Service Notice4
11/03/2005Entry ordered; that CG&E's motion to modify the previously established procedural schedule in these proceedings is denied; that OEG's motion to file its objections to the staff report, its summary of major issues, and its testimony out of time is denied; that the cross examination and the presentation of rebuttal evidence relating to the content of OEG's proposed objections will be permitted as set fourth in this entry. (JWK)6
11/02/2005Motion of the Ohio Energy Group to file memoranda contra out of time and memorandum in reply to CG&E's memorandum contra filed by D. Boehm. (original)8
11/02/2005Notice of additional counsel, Colleen L. Mooney, and designation of new trial attorney of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt. (original)2
11/01/2005Motion of the Ohio Energy Group to file memorandum contra out of time, memorandum in reply to CG&E's memorandum contra filed by D. Boehm. (FAX)8
11/01/2005Notice of Colleen L. Mooney as additional counsel and designation of new trial attorney of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy. (FAX)2
10/28/2005Memorandum contra of The Ohio Association of School Business Officials, Ohio School Boards Association and Buckeye Association of School Administrators to CG&E's motion to change the hearing date and request for expedited ruling filed by G. Krassen.5
10/28/2005Memorandum contra of the City of Cincinnati to CG&E's motion to change the hearing date and request for expedited ruling filed by T. O'Brien.5
10/27/2005Memorandum contra to motion of The Ohio Energy Group to file its objections to staff report and summary of major issues and the direct testimony and exhibits of OEG witness Stephen Baron out of time filed by P. Colbert on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company.6
10/27/2005Memorandum of the office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel contra motion of CG&E to change the hearing date filed by K. Bojko8
10/24/2005Motion to change the hearing date of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company for the expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed by P. Colbert.8
10/14/2005Service Notice.4
10/14/2005Entry ordering that a local public hearing be scheduled Tuesday, December 6, 2005, at 6:30 PM, in the Cincinnati City Council Chambers, 801 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio; that the evidentiary hearing be scheduled Monday, December 12, 2005, at 10:00 AM, Hearing Room 11-C, 11th floor, at the office of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 and that the applicant publish notice of the local public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the affected service territory once each week for two consecutive weeks prior to the scheduled date of the local hearing and the publication should not appear in the legal notices section of the newspaper.(JK)4
10/14/2005Supplemental testimony of J. R. Bailey, Dr. R. Morin, K. Freeman, J. Steffen, W. D. Wathen, Jr. and J. C. Procario filed by R. O. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Cinergy.99
10/13/2005Motion of the Ohio Energy Group to file its objections to staff report and summary of major issues and the direct testimony and exhibits of OEG witness Stephen Baron out of time.66
10/12/2005Objections and Summary of major issues of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt.6
10/11/2005Objection to the staff report of investigation submitted by The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company filed by P. Colbert10
10/11/2005Objections and summary of major issues of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt. (original)6
10/11/2005Objections and summary of major issues of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt. (FAX)6
10/11/2005Objections to the staff report of investigation and summary of major issues filed by C. Smith on behalf of Formica Corporation.6
10/11/2005Objections to the staff report of investigation and summary of major issues filed by T. O'Brien on behalf of the City of Cincinnati.4
10/11/2005Direct testimony and exhibits of James T. Selecky on behalf of the City of Cincinnati.31
10/11/2005Objections to the staff report of investigation and summary of major issues filed by G. Krassen on behalf of Ohio Association of School Business Officials, Ohio School Boards Association and Buckeye Association of School Administrators.8
10/11/2005Testimony of Anthony J. Yankel on behalf of Ohio Association of School Business Officials, Ohio School Boards Association and Buckeye Association of School Administrators.20
10/11/2005Prepared Testimony of Pamela J. Archer on behalf of The Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by K. Bojko.10
10/11/2005Prepared Testimony of Steven W. Ruback on behalf of The Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by K. Bojko.36
10/11/2005Objections to the staff report of investigation and summary of major issues by The Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by K. Bojko.20
10/11/2005Direct testimony of Dr. J. Randall Woolridge on behalf of The Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel.118
10/11/2005Objections to the staff report and summary of major issues of People Working Cooperatively filed by M. Christensen.5
10/11/2005Objections to the staff report of investigation and summary of major issues filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of IEU-Ohio.9
10/11/2005List of major issues filed by P. Colbert on behalf of CG&E.4
09/20/2005Service Notice4
09/20/2005Entry ordering that the objections to the staff report be filed no later than October 11, 2005. (JK)2
09/15/2005Service Notice4
09/14/2005Entry ordering that a prehearing conference be held Friday, November 4, 2005, at 10:00 A.M., in hearing room 11-F, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. Objections be handled in accordance with finding (4) and (5), summaries of major issues be filed in accordance with finding (6), requirements set forth in finding (11) shall be followed and the motions to intervene by the Schools and PWC be granted. (JK)4
09/09/2005Staff report of investigation.174
08/10/2005Entry ordering that CCB Ohio's interlocutory appeal be denied; that CG&E's motion for a stay be granted.5
08/10/2005Service Notice4
08/05/2005Amended motion to intervene, amended memorandum in support filed by G. S. Krassen on behalf of Ohio Association of School Business Officials, the Ohio School Board Association and the Buckeye Association of School Administrators.8
07/05/2005Motion to stay the attorney examiner's entry of June 23, 2005 and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by P. Colbert.5
06/28/2005Interlocutory appeal of the Attorney Examiner's June 23, 2005 entry denying CCB Ohio's motion to intervene and its motion for protective order, filed by M. Dortch on behalf of CCB Ohio, LLC.16
06/23/2005Entry ordering that CCB Ohio's motion for protective order be denied, that CG&E motion for an extension of time to file redacted be granted, the CCB Ohio's motion for intervention be denied and that the motions of the city of Cincinnati and the Kroger Co. be granted (JWK).3
06/23/2005Service Notice4
06/22/2005Motion to intervene, memorandum in support filed by M. Christensen on behalf of People Working Cooperatively, Inc..4
06/10/2005Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by G. Krassen on behalf of the Ohio Association of School Business Officials.6
05/25/2005Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Kroger Company by M. Kurtz.6
05/11/2005Original signed and notarized affidavit of Ronald J. Boillat to replace the facsimile copy that was attached to the CCB Ohio, LLC's Motion for Protective Order, filed on May 10, 2005, filed by J. Frost.3
05/11/2005Certificate of service to The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's motion for an extension of time and memorandum in support to comply with the Attorney Examiner's entry of April 20, 2005, filed May 10, 2005, filed by P. Colbert.5
05/10/2005Motion for an extension of time and memorandum in support to comply with the Attorney Examiners Entry of April 20, 2005, filed on behalf of CG&E Co. by P. Colbert.3
05/10/2005Motion to intervene for the limited purpose of allowing it to protect certain confidential information, and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of CCB Ohio, LLC by M. Dortch.5
05/10/2005Motion for protective order and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of CCB Ohio, LLC by M. Dortch.10
04/28/2005Correspondence stating Ohio energy Group, Inc. would like to be added to the official service list filed by D. Boehm.1
04/21/2005Service Notice2
04/20/2005Entry ordering that the first motion of CG&E for a protective order be granted in part and denied in part; that the second motion of CG&E for a protective order be granted in part and denied in part consistent with the requirements provided in finding (11); that the motions of OCC, OEG, OPAE, IEU-Ohio and Formica to intervene are granted; that the motion to admit David Rinebolt, pro hac vice is granted. (JS)8
04/13/2005Motion to intervene filed on behalf of The City of Cincinnati, Ohio by S. Bloomfield.3
03/24/2005Supplemental certificate of service to the motion to intervene and memorandum on support filed by C. Smith on behalf of Formica Corporation.4
03/23/2005Supplemental certificate of service to the motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by C. Smith on behalf of Formica Corporation.(FAX)4
03/23/2005Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by C. Smith on behalf of Formica Corporation. (original)5
03/22/2005Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and motion to practice pro hac vice filed by D. Rinebolt on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.8
03/07/2005Motion to intervene, motion to consolidate and memorandum in support of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by D. Neilsen.7
03/03/2005Confidential version of direct testimony of Steven E. Schrader on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.1
03/03/2005Confidential version of direct testimony of John Procario on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.1
03/03/2005Direct testimony of Gregory C. Ficke on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.33
03/03/2005Direct testimony of Peggy A. Laub on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.13
03/03/2005Direct testimony of John C. Procario on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.26
03/03/2005Motion for protective order to protect the confidentiality on information contained in its direct testimony filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by P. Colbert.8
03/03/2005Direct testimony of William Don Wathen, Jr. on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.35
03/03/2005Direct testimony of Jeffrey R. Bailey on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.19
03/03/2005Direct testimony of Wendy L. Aumiller on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.14
03/03/2005Direct testimony of Kent K. Freeman on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.16
03/03/2005Direct testimony of John P. Steffen on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.13
03/03/2005Direct testimony of John J. Spanos on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.16
03/03/2005Direct testimony of Dr. Roger A. Morin on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.117
03/03/2005Direct testimony of Barry F. Blackwell on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.149
03/02/2005Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed by D. Boehm on behalf of Ohio Energy Group, Inc.5
02/17/2005Summary of application documents filed under seal.1
02/17/2005Motion for protective order to protect the confidentiality of information contained in its application for an increase in electric rates, memorandum in support filed by P. Colbert on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company8
02/17/2005Motion to approve the form of notice filed by P. Colbert on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company56
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 23, Volume 3, Schedules S-4.1 and S-4.263
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 22, Volume 6, Supplemental Information (C)(8)-(C)(25)87
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 21, Volume 6, Supplemental Information (C)(8)-(C)(25)165
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 20, Volume 6, Supplemental Information (C)(8)-(C)(25)200
02/17/2005Application continued. Volume 5, Supplemental Information (C)(7) Workpapers174
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 19, Volume 4 (Part 7 of 7) Supplemental Information (C)(6)88
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 18, Volume 4 (Part 6 of 7) Supplemental Information (C)(6)148
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 17, Volume 4 (Part 5 of 7) Supplemental Information (C)(6)199
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 16, Volume 4 (Part 4 of 7) Supplemental Information (C)(6)199
02/17/2005Application continued (Part 15) Volume 4 (Part 3 of 7) Supplemental information (C)(6).201
02/17/2005Application continued (Part 14) Volume 4 (Part 2 of 7) Supplemental information (C)(6).201
02/17/2005Application continued (Part 13) Volume 4 (Part 1 of 7) Supplemental information (C)(6).204
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 12, Volume 3 (Part 6 of 6), Supplemental Information (C)(1)-(C)(5).101
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 11, Volume 3 (Part 5 of 6), Supplemental Information (C)(1)-(C)(5).150
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 10, Volume 3 (Part 4 of 6), Supplemental Information (C)(1)-(C)(5).150
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 9, Volume 3 (Part 3 of 6), Supplemental Information (C)(1)-(C)(5).200
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 8, Volume 3 (Part 2 of 6), Supplemental Information (C)(1)-(C)(5).200
02/17/2005Application continued. Part 7, Volume 3 (Part 1 of 6), Supplemental Information (C)(1)-(C)(5).200
02/17/2005Application continued (Part 6) Volume 2 (Part 4 of 4) Schedules E-S.189
02/17/2005Application continued (Part 5) Volume 2 (Part 3 of 4) Schedules E-S.150
02/17/2005Application continued (Part 4 ) Volume 2 (Part 2 of 4) Schedules E-S.150
02/17/2005Application continued (Part 3) Volume 2 (Part 1 of 4) Schedules E-S150
02/17/2005Application continued (Part 2) Volume 1 (Schedules A-D).159
02/17/2005Application filed by P. Colbert on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company. (Part 1 of 23)13
02/08/2005Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Office of Consumers Counsel by L. Sauer.5
01/18/2005Motion to set test period under R.C. 4909.15(c) and waiver of certain filing requirements and memorandum of support filed by P. Colbert on behalf of CG&E.7
01/18/2005In the matter of the application of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company for an increase in electric distribution rates and approval to change accounting methods.143