DIS - Case Record for 04-1822-TP-ARB Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: TP-TELEPHONE
Purpose Code: ARB-Petition for arbitration
Date Opened: 12/6/2004
Date Closed: 5/30/2006
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
05/30/2006Memo automatically closing case with the effective date of 5/30/06.1
02/27/2006Interconnection agreement between SBC Ohio and TelCove Operations, Inc. filed by M. Fenlon and T. O'Brien. (Part 1 of 3)203
02/27/2006Interconnection agreement continued. (Part 3 of 3)62
02/27/2006Interconnection agreement continued. (Part 2 of 3)201
02/08/2006Service Notice2
02/07/2006Entry ordered; that the parties shall have until February 24, 2006, to submit a conforming interconnection agreement, as set forth in Finding (3). (JKS)2
01/31/2006Request for extension of time to complete a conforming agreement filed by M. Fenlon on behalf of SBC Ohio and T. O'Brien on behalf of TelCove Operations, Inc.1
01/25/2006Arbitration Award, ordered that the parties incorporate the directives set forth in this Arbitration Award within their final interconnection agreement, that within 14 days of this award, SBC and TelCove shall docket their entire interconnection agreement for review by the Commission, that if the parties are unable to agree upon an entire interconnection agreement within this time frame, each party shall file for Commission review its version of the language that should be used in a Commission-approved interconnection agreement, that within ten days of the filing of the interconnection agreement amendment, any party or other interested persons may file written comments supporting or opposing the proposed interconnection agreement amendment and that any party or other interested persons may file responses to comments within five days thereafter.111
01/25/2006Service Notice2
06/24/2005Reply brief of SBC Ohio, filed by M. Fenlon.174
06/24/2005Post hearing reply brief of TelCove Operations, Inc., filed by T. O'Brien.80
06/17/2005Initial Post Hearing Brief filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon.129
06/17/2005Transcript continued. (Part 2 of 2)194
06/17/2005Transcript and exhibits for proceedings held Thursday, June 2, 2005 at 8:30 AM before Janet Stoneking, Jeanne Kingery, Scott Farkas, Michelle Green, Nadia Soliman, Lori Sternisha, and Cheryl Williams, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 East Broad Street, Room 11-F, Columbus, Ohio.(Volume II) (Part 1 of 2)175
06/17/2005Post-hearing brief of Telcove Operations, Inc.139
06/16/2005Transcript continued. (Part 2 of 2)114
06/16/2005Transcript for hearing held on June 1, 2005; Arbitration Panel. (Part 1 of 2)100
05/18/2005Attachments to testimony of Michael D. Silver filed by M. Fenlon on behalf of SBC Ohio.60
05/13/2005Revised direct testimony of Jeannie Harris on behalf of SBC Ohio.16
05/13/2005Revised direct testimony of Corey Jones on behalf of SBC Ohio.18
05/13/2005Revised direct testimony of Michael D. Silver on behalf of SBC Ohio.40
05/13/2005Revised direct testimony of Suzette Quate on behalf of SBC Ohio.55
05/13/2005Revised direct testimony of Mark Neinast on behalf of SBC Ohio.19
05/13/2005Revised direct testimony of Scott McPhee on behalf of SBC Ohio.27
05/13/2005List of revised versions of the testimony of its expert witnesses: Jeannie Harris, Corey Jones, Mark Neinast, Scott McPhee and Suzette Quate, filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon.2
05/13/2005Revised Direct Testimony of F. Wayne Lafferty filed on behalf of TelCove Operations, Inc. by T. O'Brien.144
05/13/2005Service Notice2
05/12/2005Entry ordered, that the parties comply with the schedule set forth in Finding (4), that this matter be scheduled for hearing as set forth in Finding (6). (JKS)2
05/06/2005Revised DPL list reflecting the panel's May 3, 2005 directions and The Master List of issues between SBC and Telcove filed by M. Fenlon.110
04/29/2005Revised DPLs that were previously submitted, filed on behalf of TelCove/SBC Ohio by J. Kelly.108
04/28/2005Entry stating that TelCove's motion for admission of Brian T. Fitzgerald pro hac vice is granted; that SBC's motion for admission Theodore A. Livingston Jr. and Michael Sullivan and Clark Stalker pro hac vice is granted;TelCove's motion for a protective is granted; the Docketing Division maintain under seal, the materials deemed to be confidential for a period of 18 months from this date of entry; the SBC's motion for leave to file corrected testimony of Mark Neinast instanter is granted(JS).3
04/28/2005Service Notice2
04/27/2005Motion for admission pro hac vice filed by M. Fenlon on behalf of SBC Ohio.3
04/07/2005Motion for leave to file Instanter, corrected testimony of Mark Neinast filed by M. Fenlon on behalf of SBC Ohio.35
03/22/2005Direct testimony of Deborah Fuentes Niziolek on behalf of SBC Ohio.101
03/22/2005Direct testimony of F. Wayne Lafferty on behalf of TelCove Operations, Inc.(part 3 of 3).95
03/22/2005Testimony of F. Wayne Lafferty on behalf of TelCove Operations, Inc.(part 2 of 3).136
03/22/2005Direct testimony of F. Wayne Lafferty on behalf of TelCove Operations, Inc.(part 1 of 3).154
03/22/2005Correspondence with prefiled testimony's of; Frederick C. Christensen, Deborah Fuentes Niziolek, Jeannie Harris, Corey Jones, Mark Neinast, Scott McPhee, Suzette Quate, David Michael Yoest on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon.2
03/22/2005Direct testimony of Frederick C. Christensen on behalf of SBC Ohio.9
03/22/2005Direct testimony of Corey Jones on behalf of SBC Ohio.19
03/22/2005Direct testimony David Michael Yoest on behalf of SBC Ohio.7
03/22/2005Direct testimony of Suzette Quate on behalf of SBC Ohio.73
03/22/2005Direct testimony of Scott McPhee on behalf of SBC Ohio.37
03/22/2005Direct testimony of Mark Neinast on behalf of SBC Ohio.28
03/22/2005Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by T. O'Brien on behalf of Telcove Operations, Inc.7
03/22/2005Direct testimony of Blase J. Gabreski on behalf of Telecove Operations, Inc. (public version).10
03/22/2005Direct testimony of Jeannie Harris on behalf of SBC Ohio.16
03/22/2005Confidential document; direct testimony of Blase J. Gabreski on behalf of Telcove Operations, Inc. (9 pgs)1
03/14/2005Service Notice2
03/14/2005Entry ordering that TelCove's motion for admission of Noelle Kinsch pro hac vice is granted; that the parties comply with the schedule set forth in finding (4); that a hearing be held on May 3, 2005, at 10:00 a.m., Hearing room 11C, Commission offices. (JS)2
01/18/2005Correspondence advising that TelCove Operations, Inc. consents to extend the deadline required by section 252(b)(4)(c) of the Act for a Commission determination filed by T. O'Brien.1
01/12/2005Service Notice2
01/11/2005Entry ordering that a hearing be held April 18, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., in hearing room 11-C, Commission offices; that the parties comply with the schedule set forth in Finding (3). (JS)2
12/29/2004Motion and memorandum in support for admission pro hac vice of Brian T. Fitzgerald filed on behalf of TelCove Operations, Inc. by T. O'Brien.3
12/29/2004Motion and memorandum in support for admission Pro Hac Vice of Noelle M. Kinsch filed on behalf of TelCove Operations, Inc. by T. O'Brien.3
12/29/2004Response to petition for arbitration filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by M. Fenlon.4
12/06/2004Application continued (Part 4 of 5).158
12/06/2004Application continued (Part 5 of 5).121
12/06/2004Application continued (Part 3 of 5).200
12/06/2004Application continued (Part 2 of 5).201
12/06/2004In the matter of TelCove operations, Inc.'s Petition for Arbitration Pursuant to Section 252(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and Applicable State Laws for Rates, Terms, and Conditions of interconnection with Ohio Bell Telephone Company dba SBC Ohio (Part 1 of 5).200