DIS - Case Record for 04-0720-TP-ALT Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/28/2006 Letter of certification of compliance in accordance with Rule O.A.C. 4901:1-4-5(A)(2)(a), filed on behalf of the Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company by M. Romito.
05/30/2006 Application to increase the month-to-month rate associated with the 3 and 6-line total access bundles filed by K. Reid on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Company, LLC.
05/18/2006 Revised tariff page filed by K. Reid on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company
05/12/2006 Application of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company to revise its PUCO Tariff No. 8 filed by K. Reid.
06/30/2005 Statement attesting to Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company's compliance with the first phase of their commitment under terms of the alternative regulation plan filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company by M. Romito.
10/25/2004 General Exchange tariff, PUCO No. 8, Section 17-Basic Telephone Assistance filed by D. Ringo, Jr. on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company.
10/13/2004 Entry stating that CBT's request is denied and in order to comply alternative regulation rules work with Commission to revise no later that October 25, 2004.
10/13/2004 Service Notice
10/13/2004 Memo automatically closing case with the effective date of 10/13/2004.
10/04/2004 Memorandum contra of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company to application for rehearing of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
09/24/2004 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio.
08/26/2004 Service Notice
08/25/2004 Entry ordered that the motions filed by the OCC and CUFA for clarification of the Commission's June 30, 2004, finding and order are granted and the finding and order is clarified as discussed herein, that CBT shall be granted until January 1, 2005, to establish an affiliated CLEC to conduct its out of territory operations and to otherwise comply with Rule 4901:1-6-08, O.A.C.
08/09/2004 Reply memorandum of the office the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Serio.
08/09/2004 Response of the OCC to Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company's application for extension of time or, in the alternative, application for rehearing filed by D. Bergmann.
07/30/2004 Application for an extension of time or, in the alternative, rehearing of 6/30/04 Finding and Order filed by A. Kinney on behalf of CBT.
07/30/2004 Response to motions for clarification filed by Communities United for Action and The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Kinney on behalf of CBT.
07/16/2004 Motion for clarification filed on behalf of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Serio.
07/12/2004 Lifeline Comments of Parkview Areawide Seniors, Inc.
07/08/2004 Comments filed on behalf of Parkview Areawide Seniors, Inc.by D. Keever.
07/01/2004 Service Notice
07/01/2004 Revised Exchange Rate Tariff PUCO No.3 and General Exchange Tariff, PUCO No.8 filed on behalf of applicant by C. Colwell.
06/30/2004 Finding and Order, that CBT's application for alternative regulation pursuant to Chapter 4901:1-4, O.A.C. is approved, the effective date of this new alternative regulation plan is 7/01/2004, that the Commission shall hold in abeyance the objections to CBT's Lifeline waiver filed by CUFA and the OCC, as well as our decision on whether to grant CBT's request for waiver of Rule 4901-1-4-05 (B), O.A.C., that OCC's motion to intervene is granted, that OCC's and CUFA's motions for hearing are denied, that CBT filed tariffs and applications consistent with Finding (34).
06/22/2004 Amendment to Exhibit 1 of the 5/14/2004 filing to include additional information regarding the calculation of the Lifeline annual marketing budget, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Colwell.
06/17/2004 Reply to memorandum contra filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio.
06/15/2004 Revised tariff pages to add/replace previously filed tariff pages on 5/14/2004, filed on behalf of applicant by E. King.
06/11/2004 Memorandum contra to the request for hearing on application with supporting affidavits of the OCC and the objections or, in the alternative for hearing of Communities United for Action, filed on behalf of CBT by A. Kinney.
06/03/2004 Request for hearing on application with supporting affidavits and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio.
06/03/2004 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio.
05/14/2004 In the matter of the application of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company for approval of an alternative form of regulation pursuant to chapter 4901:1-4, Ohio Administrative code.