DIS - Case Record for 04-0683-GA-CRS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
01/19/2017 Notice of cancellation of Certificate No. 04-080G(6) issued.
09/04/2014 Service Notice
09/04/2014 Attorney Examiner Entry orders the public release, on September 15, 2014, of previously protected documents that were filed under seal on March 27, 2012 and April 25, 2012; electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of Daniel E. Fullin, Attorney Examiner.
07/03/2014 Renewal Certificate #04-080G(6) issued.
06/02/2014 Renewal application of Hess Corporation for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier filed by R. Harwell.
03/10/2014 Correspondence to add Marissa J. Bach as regulatory contact electronically filed by Ms. Marissa J. Bach
05/24/2012 Service Notice
05/24/2012 Entry ordered, that the motion for protective order filed by Hess be granted with regard to the information contained in both Exhibit C-5, filed on March 27, 2012, as well as the unredacted version of the supplemental response to Hess' Exhibit C-5, filed under seal on April 25,201; that the Commission's docketing division maintain, under seal, both Exhibit C-5, filed on March 27,2012, as well as the unredacted version of the supplemental response to Hess' Exhibit C-5, filed under seal on April 25,2012, for a period of 24 months,ending on July 1, 2014. (DEF)
04/25/2012 Certificate #04-080G(5) issued.
04/25/2012 Confidential Document Target of Exhibit C-5 filed by D. Cetola on behalf of Hess Corporation.
04/24/2012 Exhibit Supplemental Response to Exhibit C-5 electronically filed by Mr. William D Zuretti on behalf of Hess Corporation.
04/16/2012 Exhibit A-11 update of March 26, 2012 License Renewal Application electronically filed by Mr. William D Zuretti on behalf of Hess Corporation.
03/28/2012 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M Howard on behalf of Hess Corporation.
03/27/2012 Confidential document target: Exhibit C-5 filed by D. Cetola on behalf of Hess Corporation. (1 page)
03/26/2012 Part 2 of 2 Hess Corporation Renewal Application electronically filed by Mr. William D Zuretti on behalf of Hess Corporation
03/26/2012 Renewal application of Hess Corporation for Retail Natural Gas Suppliers part 1 of 2. electronically filed by Mr. William D Zuretti on behalf of Hess Corporation.
06/30/2010 Certificate 04-080G(4) issued.
05/17/2010 Renewal application continued: (part 2 of 2)
05/17/2010 Renewal application of Hess Corporation for certification as competitive retail natural gas supplier filed by D. Rednik. (part 1 of 2)
07/03/2008 Certificate 04-080 (3) issued.
06/27/2008 Filing cover form for post initial certification to amend Hess' May 28, 2008 renewal certification for competitive retail natural gas suppliers filed on behalf of Hess Corporation by D. Rednik. (original)
06/26/2008 Filing cover form for post initial certification to amend Hess' May 28, 2008 renewal certification for competitive retail natural gas suppliers filed on behalf of Hess Corporation by D. Rednik. (FAX)
06/02/2008 Entry granting the motion for an extension of time; that the expiration date of Certificate 04-80 (2) be extended from June 8, 2008 to June 29, 2008. (JK)
06/02/2008 Service Notice
05/30/2008 Motion for extension of certificate expiration date and request for expedited ruling, memorandum in support filed by S. Howard on behalf of the Hess Corporation.
05/29/2008 Renewal certification application continued. (Part 2 of 2)
05/29/2008 Renewal certification application for competitive retail natural gas suppliers on behalf of Hess Corporation filed by M Bach. (Part 1 of 2)
06/16/2006 Application for post initial certification and accompanying documentation for Hess Corporation, fka, Amerada Hess Corporation filed by K. Guerry.
06/09/2006 Filing cover form for post initial certification and accompanying documentation filed on behalf of Hess Corporation fka Amerada Hess Corporation filed by K. Guerry. (FAX)
06/07/2006 Certificate 04-080 ( (2) issued.
06/06/2006 Amended version of renewal application for competitive retail natural gas suppliers filed on behalf of Hess Corporation fka Amerada Hess Corporation (Hess) filed by K. Guerry.
06/05/2006 Amended version of renewal application for competitive retail natural gas suppliers filed on behalf of Hess Corporation fka Amerada Hess Corporation (Hess) filed by K. Guerry. (FAX)
05/24/2006 Letter clarifying that Select Energy, Inc. and Hess Corporation will need to maintain their retail electric and natural gas supplier licenses until all Select customer contracts can be properly transferred to Hess.
05/08/2006 Renewal application continued. (Part 2 of 2)
05/08/2006 Renewal certification application competitive retail natural gas brokers for the Hess Corporation fka Amerada Hess Corporation. (Part 1 of 2)
05/05/2006 Renewal certification application retail natural gas aggregators for the Hess Corporation filed by K. Guerry. (FAX)
05/04/2006 Letter notifying the Commission, effective today Amerada Hess Corporation has changed its corporate name to Hess Corporation filed by J. Kooper.
05/04/2006 Letter stating that Select Energy, Inc has been acquired by Hess Corporation fka Amerada Hess Corporation, and current energy supply will be honored filed by J. Kooper.
10/28/2004 Service Notice
10/27/2004 Entry stating the Amerada Hess Corporation request for waiver of the do-not-call requirements is granted in part as discussed in finding 4; and this case closed of record.
10/27/2004 Service Notice
06/10/2004 Certificate No. 04-080 (1) issued.
06/09/2004 Memo automatically approving the application with the effective date of 6/5/04.
05/06/2004 Letter requesting a waiver of the O.A.C., Sections 4901:-29-05 (C) (4) through 4901:1-29-05 (C)(5) filed on behalf of applicant by R. Joe.
05/06/2004 Application cont'd (Part 2 of 2)
05/06/2004 In the matter of the application of Amerada Hess Corporation for certification to become a Retail Natural Gas Supplier. (Part 1 of 2)