DIS - Case Record for 04-0028-EL-CSS Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: CSS-Complaint on service or safety
Date Opened: 1/12/2004
Date Closed: 3/9/2011
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
03/09/2011Memo closing case with an effective date of 03/09/11 electronically filed by Richard M Bulgrin on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.2
02/05/2008Service Notice6
02/05/2008Entry ordering that the voluntary dismissal, by Alok Bhaiji, M.D., Inc., of all claims against the respondents in Case No. 05-803-EL-CSS be accepted. It is further ordered that Case Nos. 04-28-EL-CSS, 05-803-EL-CSS, 05-1011-EL-CSS, and 05-1012-EL-CSS be dismissed, with prejudice.3
01/29/2008Entry granting the motion for a protective order to all deposition transcripts, testimony, and exhibits and they shall remain under seal in the Commission's docketing division for a period of 18 months from the date of this entry; that the motion for withdrawal of prefiled testimony and exhibits and motion strike the filing of depositions be granted, to the extend set forth in finding (8). (JK)5
01/29/2008Service Notice6
01/25/2008Motion to Dismiss With Prejudice electronically filed by Mr. Charles R. Tuffley on behalf of Denenberg Tuffley, PLLC4
01/24/2008Joint motion to withdraw prefiled testimony, for protective order and to strike complainants' deposition designations, memorandum in support, electronically filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.19
01/22/2008Transcript for hearing held on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 before Jeanne Kingery and Christine Pirik, Hearing Examiners.9
01/17/2008S.G. Foods, Inc.'s motion and memorandum in support to dismiss with prejudice electronically filed by Mr. Edward F Siegel on behalf of S,G, Foods4
01/04/2008Notice of voluntary dismissal by Complainant Alok Bhaiji. electronically filed by Mr. Edward F Siegel on behalf of Mr. Alok Bhaiji.3
01/02/2008Confidential Notice of Filing Depositions, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(53pgs)1
12/31/2007Notice of appearance of Edward Cochran for S.G. Foods electronically filed by Mr. Edward F Siegel on behalf of S,G, Foods3
12/27/2007Confidential Exhibit FE Exhibit 17-B, 1 to 17 1-P, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/27/2007Confidential Exhibit FE, 17-B 1 to 17 Exhibit filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit Timeline 3, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit Timeline 1, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit Timeline 2, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-T, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit Timeline 5, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-U, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-V, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit Timeline 6, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-W, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(4pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-Y, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit Timeline 7, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-E filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-E filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-J filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/21/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-J, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pgs.)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-K filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/21/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-K, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pgs.)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-L filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/21/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-L, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pgs.)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-M filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/21/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-M, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pgs.)1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-N filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-P filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/21/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-Q filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/21/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-R, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pgs.)1
12/21/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-S, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pgs.)1
12/21/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit Timeline 4 filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/21/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-S1 filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/21/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-X filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-H filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-FF filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (30 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 25-C filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (37 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 25-F filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (55 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 17-C filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (31 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 25-H filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (229 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-U (Part 2) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (193 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-W filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (184 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-V (Part 1) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (151 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 11-B-1 (Part 1 of 2) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (150 pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-EE (Part 2) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (147pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-EE (part1) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (147pgs) 1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-V (Part 2) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (136 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 25-E filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (131pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-V (Part 3) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (127pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-V (Part 4) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (127pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-X filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (76pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 1-M filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (172pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 7-A (Part 7 b) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (151 pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 11-B-1 (Part 2 of 2) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (144pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 7-A (Part 3a) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (126pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 25-A filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (125pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 18-G filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (71pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 18-H filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (58pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 25-B filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (57pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 18-C filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (46pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 1, testimony of Carl J. Bridenbaugh filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (42pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 18-E filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (40pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 18-A filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (35 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 18-F filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (34pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9 filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (29pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-Q filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (26pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 18, testimony of Rebecca Spach filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (24pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 15, testimony of Clifford S. Porter filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (22pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 13-I filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (21pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 16, testimony of Robert G. Schwartz filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (21pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-BB filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (21 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-GG filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (14pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 25, deposition of Michael Bryson filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (14pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 13-N filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (14pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 25-J filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (14pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 25-D filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (13 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 14 filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (13pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-DD filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (13 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 18-D filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (13pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 13-J filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (11pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-Z filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (284pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-U (Part 1) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (266 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 8, testimony of Karl Fickey filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (10pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 13-O filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (9pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 18-B filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (8pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 17-A filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (6pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-N filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (6pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 9-Y filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (4pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 23-B filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (4pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 1-Y filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 17-D filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-AA filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-F filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-I filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-G filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-Z filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 5-CC filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential document: Exhibit 1-L filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (22pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Respondents' Exhibit 11-B-6, (Part 1 of 3) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (150 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-EE filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (62 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 1-V filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Respondents' exhibit 11-B.5. (Part 2 of 2) (164 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 1-X filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (108 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 1-W filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 1-R filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 22-B.6 filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (83 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 22-B.2 filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 22-B.5 filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (14 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 22-D filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (100 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 22-B.3 filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 22-B.7 filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (78 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 21 Testimony of Bruce F. Wollenberg, Ph.D.filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (56 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 23-A (part 1) filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 20-A filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-QQ filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 22-A filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (35 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-PP filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 20: Testimony of Katrina Schnobrich filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (12 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential: Respondents exhibits 11-B-6; filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(150pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-OO (part 2) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 18-K filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (4 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9-FF, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(66pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 22-B.1 filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9-11, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(45pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-OO (part 1) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 18-J filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (4 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9-JJ, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(127pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-NN filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-LL filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 22-B.4 filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (56 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-MM (part 4) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9-00, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(63pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-MM (part 3) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-MM (part 2) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-MM (part 1) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9-PP, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(72pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 22: Testimony of David Zwergel (MISO) , filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (22 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-LL (part 4) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 6, testimony of David Conner filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(11pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-LL (part 3) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 2, testimony of Thomas C. Burgess filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(27pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-LL (part 1) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 3, testimony of Mitchell A. Carr filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(16pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 7-E, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(259 pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 19- Testimony of William Spidle filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (20 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 7-C, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(4pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 7, testimony of Ronald S. Feree filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(6pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 22-C filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 13, Testimony of Ali Jamshidi filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(28pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-LL, (part 2) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 8-D, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(38pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-KK filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-OO (part 3) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (187 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-II filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 22-B.8 filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (163 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 23-A (part 2) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (82 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-JJ filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-HH filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 23 filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (15 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 1-S filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (22 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-RR filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (187 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-SS filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (39 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-TT filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (3 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Respondents' exhibit 11-B-2. (Part 2 of 2) (187 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-UU filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (27 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Respondents' exhibit 11- B-2. (Part 1 of 2) (193 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-VV filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (37 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-WW filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Respondents' exhibit 11-B-3 (Part 1 of 2) (199 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-XX filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 7-A (part3a) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (126 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Respondents' exhibits 11-B-3. (part 2 of 2) (199 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 7-A (part 4) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Respondents' exhibits 11-B-6 (part 3 of 3) (170 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 7-A, (part 5a) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-CC filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (68 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-C 5 filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (6 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 1-T filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (3 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 5-D filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-AA filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (67 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-HH filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (67 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential documents: Exhibits A and B filed on behalf of FirstEnergy.1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 1-K filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (60 pages).1
12/17/2007Motion for protective order and memorandum in support, electronically filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.30
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-NN filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (38 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 1-Y filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 7-A, (part 8a) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (151 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-KK filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (63 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 7-A (part 8b) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (151 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 1-Q, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(4pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-MM filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (58 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 25-G (part 1) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (230 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 6-A filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 1-N, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(3pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 7-A (part 7b) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (151 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 4-B filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (3 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 25-G (part 2) filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (118 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 1-P, filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(4pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 2-A filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (76 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9 : David Folk filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(51pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 7-B filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (255 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 7-A (part 2)., filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(301pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 7-A (part 1) filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (301 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 8-A., (part 1) filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(46pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 7-D filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (259 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 8-A (part 2), filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(45pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 8-C filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (3 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 8-F (part 1), filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(262pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 8-F (part 2), filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(263 pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 4-A filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential exhibit 8-B filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (32 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 8:Testimony of Karl Fickey filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (10pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-QQ, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (36 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-QQ, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (36 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 5: Testimony of Dorian S. Conger filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (142 pages).1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 10; testimony of Steve Gam filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(13pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-GG filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 11; testimony of Derek HasBrouck filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(34pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 1-U filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential exhibit 5-A.O filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (6 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-A.0, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (6 pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 11-A ., filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(5pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-DD filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (69 Pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential exhibit 5-B filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (127 pages)1
12/17/2007Notice of filing, electronically filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.8
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-B, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (127 pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 11-C ., filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(30pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 7-A, (part 5b), filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (151 pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 11-E ., filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminafing Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 7-A, (part 7-a), filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (151pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-BB filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric llluminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (54 pages)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 7-A Part 6, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 1: Testimony of Carl J. Bridenbaugh filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (42pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 11-D:filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(2pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 1-M, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (172pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9 N; filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (6pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 12 :Testimony of Charles Hough filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(13pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 1-D, filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(22pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9-T:filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (11pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 4, Testimony of Stephen R. Cieslewicz filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9-S:filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (67)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 1-0 filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (4pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential exhibit 18-1 filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company ,Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 9-A filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 10-A:filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (7pgs.)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9-P:filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (2pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 1-C filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company, and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9-O:filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(163pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Document: Exhibit 5-O filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company, and American Transmission Systems, Inc.1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 13-H:filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(32pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 9-Q:filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (26pgs)1
12/17/2007Confidential Exhibit 12-A : filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (3pgs)1
12/12/2007Service Notice5
12/12/2007Entry ordered that the respondents' motion for a protective order be granted. (JWK)6
12/11/2007Reply in support of Respondents' Motion for Protective Order electronically filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.12
12/10/2007Response to Respondents' motion for protective order electronically filed by Mr. Charles R. Tuffley on behalf of Denenberg Tuffley, PLLC.4
12/10/2007Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company. Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 17
12/06/2007Motion for protective order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company.17
12/05/2007Insurance company complainants' petition for issuance of a subpoena for a case in a foreign state filed by A. Endelman.6
12/05/2007Confidential Exhibit 8-F (part 3), filed by Meggan A. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.(263pgs.)1
12/03/2007Petition for issuance of a subpoena filed on behalf of Allianz Global Risk US Insurance Company, et al and Lexington Insurance Company, et al filed by A. Endelman. (FAX)7
11/30/2007Service notice. 4
11/30/2007Entry ordering that a settlement conference be scheduled to commence on Monday, December 17, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission, Hearing Room 11-F, 180 East Broad Street, 11th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (JWK)2
11/28/2007Notice of withdrawal of Bashein & Bashein Co., L.P.A. and Paul W. Flowers Co., L.P.A. filed by W. C. Bashein.4
11/26/2007Reply in support of respondent's motion to strike complainants' filing of depositions and motion for protective order filed on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. by M. Whitt.9
11/23/2007Reply In Support of Respondents' Motion to Strike Complainants' Filing of Depositions and Motion for Protective Order electronically filed by MARK A WHITT on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.9
11/20/2007Response to Respondents' motion to strike Complainants' filing of depositions and motion for protective order filed by C. Pawloski on behalf of Insurance Company Complainants. (ORIGINAL)6
11/20/2007Response to Respondents' motion to strike Complainants' filing of deposition and motion for protective order filed by C. Pawlowski on behalf of Insurance Company Complainants. (FAX)7
11/19/2007Response to respondents' motion to strike complainants' filing of depositions and motion for protective order filed by C. Pawlowski on behalf of the Insurance Company complainants. (FAX)8
11/15/2007Confidential documents: Depositions and Exhibits filed by C. Tuffley on behalf of Complainants. (filed 10/30/07)1
11/15/2007Motion to strike Complainants' filing of depositions and motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt on behalf of Respondents.10
11/14/2007Motion to strike Complainants' filing of depositions and motion for protective order with memorandum in support electronically filed by MARK A WHITT on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.10
11/14/2007Notice of withdrawal of the qualifications and direct testimony of Paul Gordon filed by A. Endelman on behalf of the complainants.3
11/14/2007Notice of withdrawal of Levin and Associates Co., L.P.A. filed by A. Paul.4
11/13/2007Notice of withdrawal of Levin and Associates Co., L.P.A., filed by A. Paul. (FAX)4
11/13/2007Notice of withdrawal of the qualifications and direct testimony of Paul Gordon filed by A. Endelman on behalf of the Complainants. (FAX)3
11/09/2007Confidential document: Testimony of Alison Silverstien filed by C. Tuffley.1
11/09/2007Confidential document: Testimony of Mohammad Shahidenpour filed by C. Tuffley.1
11/09/2007Confidential document: Testimony of Paul Gordon filed by C. Tuffley.1
11/09/2007Confidential document: Deposition of Michael W. Fout filed by C. Pawlowski.1
11/09/2007Confidential document: Testimony of Kevin Eckert filed by C. Tuffley.1
11/09/2007Insurance Company complainants' motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by C. Pawlowski.5
11/05/2007Service notice.5
11/02/2007Entry ordering the respondents' motion to modify the September 28, 2007 entry be granted; that the parties adhere to the processes set forth in this entry concerning the use of depositions and requests for protective orders; that the parties observe the number of copies to be filed or provided as set forth in this entry. (CP)7
11/02/2007Entry ordering the E-filing pilot project in 06-900 be expanded to these and all future complaint cases; that waiver of procedural requirements contained in Rules 4901-1-02 to 4901-1-04, OAC be granted to e-filing participants in accordance with this entry; that parties, once authorized in the 06-900 docket, may begin e-filing the complaint cases. (CP)4
10/30/2007Confidential Document: Direct testimony continued (Part 3 of 3), filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company. and American Transmission Systems, Inc. (143 pgs.)1
10/30/2007Confidential Document Target for continuation of Direct testimony . (part 2 of 3) (201 pages)1
10/30/2007Confidential Document: Prepared direct testimony of: Laura Connelly on behalf of Allianz Global Risks US Insurance Company; James Terlecki on behalf of Lexington Insurance Company; Mark Schwartz on behalf of Royal Indemnity Company; Patrick Holdwick on behalf of Frankenmuth Insurance Company; Scott Kulikowski on behalf of Travelers Insurance Companies; and Thomas McKfnney on behalf of Allied Mutual Insurance Company and Nationwide Mutual Insurance. (Part 1 of 3) (201 pages)1
10/26/2007Motion to amend scheduling order filed by M. Whitt on behalf of respondents.4
10/16/2007Entry ordering that the parties comply with the addition to the schedule set forth in finding (3); and adhere to the processes set forth in finding (4) concerning requests for protective orders; that the motion for admission pro hac vice to admit Gail Watkins be granted. (CP)3
10/16/2007Service Notice5
09/28/2007Entry ordering that the parties comply with the schedule set forth in finding (2). (CP)3
09/28/2007Service Notice7
09/25/2007Service Notice7
09/25/2007Entry ordering that the parties comply with the schedule set forth in finding (2) and that a teleconference shall be scheduled for Friday, October 5, 2007, at 2:00 p.m., the call-in number for the teleconference is 614-644-1099. (CP)3
09/24/2007Motion for admission pro hac vice of Gail Watkins and request for expedited ruling filed by M. Rawlin on behalf of Respondents.3
09/19/2007Service Notice7
09/19/2007Entry ordering that the parties comply with the schedule set forth in finding 13. (JWK)6
09/14/2007Insurance Company Complainants' response to respondents' motion to revise procedural schedule filed by C. Pawlowski. (original)37
09/14/2007Reply memorandum in support of respondents' motion to revise procedural schedule, filed by M. Whitt on behalf of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.33
09/13/2007Insurance company complainants' response to respondents' motion to revise procedural schedule filed by C. Pawlowski. (FAX)37
09/07/2007Motion to revise procedural schedule filed by M. Whitt on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company, and American Transmission Systems, Inc.6
08/24/2007Notice of filing and a certificate of service filed on behalf of Complainants' by C. Tuffley.71
08/22/2007Notice of filing of summaries of opinions and curriculum vitae of expert witnesses of complainants filed by M. Whitt on behalf of respondents.71
08/10/2007Service Notice7
08/10/2007Entry ordered that the respondents' fifth and sixth motions to compel be granted. (JWK)8
08/08/2007Complainants' notice of withdrawal of subpoena directed to North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) filed by A. Endelman on behalf of Allianz US Global Risk Insurance, et al. 3
08/06/2007Complaints' response to respondents' sixth motion to compel discovery from Lexington and respondents' third motion to compel from Allianz filed by A. Endelman. 5
08/06/2007Reply memorandum in support of respondents' motion to compel discovery from the Lexington complainants (Sixth Motion) and from the Allianz complainants (Third Motion) filed by M. Whitt.11
08/03/2007Reply memorandum in support of respondents' fifth motion to compel discovery from the Lexington complainants filed M Whitt on behalf of the respondents.26
08/02/2007Respondents' motion to compel discovery from the Lexington complainant (sixth motion) and from the Allianz complainants (third motion) and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt on behalf of CEI, OE, TE and ATSI.40
08/01/2007Response to the respondent's fifth motion to compel filed by C. Tuffley on behalf of The Insurance Company complainants.8
07/31/2007Complainants' response to Respondents' fifth motion to compel discovery filed by C. Tuffley on behalf of Insurance Companies. (FAX)8
07/27/2007Respondents' fifth motion to compel discovery from the Lexington Complaints and memorandum in support filed by D. Kutik on behalf of Cleveland Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc.25
07/18/2007Notice of voluntary dismissal of certain claims of complainants Nationwide, Travelers Property Casualty Company of America, Travelers Indemnity Company, Standard Fire Insurance Company, Frankenmuth and St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, by A. Endelman.5
07/10/2007Notice of withdrawal of respondents' third and fourth motions to compel discovery from the Lexington complainants filed on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. by M. Whitt.3
07/05/2007Respondents' fourth motion to compel discovery from The Lexington Complainants and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt on behalf of Respondents.39
07/03/2007Motion for subpoena for records and a proposed subpoena and memorandum in support filed by A. Endelman on behalf of Allianz Global Risks US Insurance Company, et al and Lexington Insurance Company .8
06/26/2007Respondents' third motion to compel discovery from the Lexington complainants or, in the alternative, for dismissal filed by M. Whitt on behalf of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company and American Transmission Systems, Inc. 49
06/15/2007Notice of law firm name change filed by C. Pawlowski. (ORIGINAL)4
06/14/2007Notice of law firm name change filed by C. Pawlowski. (FAX)4
06/05/2007Response to respondents' motion to certify interlocutory appeal of the May 24, 2007 entry denying respondents' second motion to compel, filed by C. Pawlowski on behalf of the Insurance Company Complainants.9
06/04/2007Service Notice6
06/04/2007Response to respondents' motion to certify interlocutory appeal of the May 24, 2007 entry denying respondents' second motion to compel, filed by C. Pawlowski on behalf of the Insurance Company Complainants. (FAX)8
06/01/2007Entry ordering that the respondents motion to certify an interlocutory appeal of the attorney examiner's May 24, 2007, entry denying respondents motion to compel the insurance complainants be denied. (CP)3
05/30/2007Respondents' motion to certify interlocutory appeal of the May 24, 2007 entry denying respondents' motion to compel and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Toledo Edison Company, and American Transmission Systems, Inc.28
05/29/2007Subpoena duces tecum sent to David S. Bienemann.2
05/24/2007Motion for subpoena duces tecum of David Bienemann by Allianz Global Risk US Insurance Company, ET AL and Lexington Insurance Company, ET AL and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed by A. Endelman.8
05/24/2007Service Notice6
05/24/2007Entry ordered that the respondents' second motion to compel discovery from the insurance complainants be denied; motion for reconsideration of the extension of the procedural schedule be denied; motion for admission pro hac vice to admit Gary R. Chopp, Melinda A. Davis, and Charles R. Tuffley be granted; the joint motion for a stipulated protective order be denied. (CMTP)11
05/23/2007Motion for subpoena duces tecum of David Bienemann by Allanz Global Risk Us Insurance Company, ET AL and Lexington Insurance Company, ET AL, and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed by A. Endelman. (FAX)7
05/08/2007Response to Respondents' motion for reconsideration of April 30, 2007 entry extending procedural schedule filed by A. Endelman on behalf of the Insurance Company Complainants. (ORIGINAL)7
05/08/2007Reply in support of motion for reconsideration of April 30, 2007 entry extending procedural schedule filed by M. Whitt on behalf of Respondents American Transmission Systems, Inc., Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Toledo Edison Company.6
05/07/2007Response to Respondents' motion for reconsideration of April 30, 2007 entry extending procedural schedule filed by A. Endelman on behalf of the Insurance Company Complainants. (FAX)7
05/07/2007Joint motion for stipulated protective order filed by M. Whitt on behalf of Respondents and D. Galivan on behalf of Complainants.16
05/04/2007Motion for admission pro hac vice of Charles R. Tuffley and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed by L. Wargo on behalf of Complainants.4
05/03/2007Motion of respondents, American Transmission Systems, Inc., Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Toledo Edison Company, and memorandum in support for reconsideration of April 30, 2007 entry extending procedural schedule filed by M. Rawlin39
05/03/2007Reply memorandum in support of respondents' second motion to compel discovery from Lexington and Allianz Complainants filed by M. Whitt24
04/30/2007The Insurance Company complainants response to respondents' second motion to compel discovery filed by C. Pawlowski.10
04/30/2007Entry ordering that in accordance with finding (6), the respondent's second motion to compel discovery from S.G. Foods be granted, in part, and denied, in part; that in accordance with Finding (6) S.G. Foods respond to Interrogatory Nos. 2(f), 3(f), and 5 and request for production Nos. 2, 5 and 6 within ten days of the date of this entry; that S.G. Foods respond to Interrogatory Nos. 8 through 13, by August 24, 2007; that the motion to extend the procedural schedule filed by the insurance complainants be granted to the extent set forth in finding (12); that the abbreviated response times to motions set forth in Finding (13) be observed by the parties; that the motion for admission pro hac vice to admit Alyssa J. Endelman be granted. (CP)12
04/30/2007Service Notice6
04/25/2007Motion for admission pro hac vice and memorandum in support of Gary R. Chopp and request for expedited ruling filed by L. Wargo.4
04/25/2007Motion for admission pro hac vice and memorandum in support of Melinda A. Davis and request for expedited hearing filed by L. Wargo.3
04/18/2007Respondent's second motion to compel discovery from the Lexington and Allianz complainants and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt.117
04/10/2007Memorandum contra complainants' motion for a continuance of the hearing filed by M. Whitt on behalf of respondents. 78
04/04/2007Entry ordering that the respondents' February 5, 2007, motion be granted to dismiss Pak Yan Lui and John Summers as complainants in 04-28 and to dismiss Regional Therapy, Inc. as a complainant in 05-80; that the motion filed by BMW Pizza complainants to dismiss their claims be granted and 05-1014 be dismissed without prejudice; parties remaining in this consolidated proceeding comply with directive in finding (10).4
04/04/2007Service Notice6
04/04/2007Notice of filing filed by D. Galivan on behalf of complainants.3
04/04/2007Motion for an extension of the procedural schedule and motion for a continuance of the hearing and request for expedited ruling on the motion for an extension of the procedural schedule and motion for a continuance of the hearing by Allianz Global Risks US Insurance Company, et al and Lexington Insurance Company, et al and memorandum in support filed by D. Galivan. 12
04/03/2007Motion for an extension of the procedural schedule, motion for continuance of the hearing, request for expedited ruling on the motion, memorandum in support filed by D. Galivan and L. Wargo on behalf of complainants. (FAX)13
03/15/2007Second motion of respondents to compel discovery from complainant, S.G. Foods, Inc. and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt35
02/26/2007Motion to dismiss and memorandum in support on behalf of BMW Pizza, Inc. filed by P. O'Malley.4
02/20/2007Motion to dismiss certain complainants for failure to respond to discovery and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt.9
02/13/2007Answer to respondents' first set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents to complainants filed on behalf of.S.G. Foods, Inc., et. al., filed by E. Siegel.21
02/13/2007Response to motion to compel, filed on behalf of S.G. Foods, Inc. (complainant) by E. Siegel.3
02/05/2007Service Notice6
02/05/2007Entry ordered that each complainant in these consolidated cases respond within ten days, to discovery requests propounded by respondents on September 29, 2007. (JK)5
02/02/2007Motion for admission pro hac vice of Alyssa J. Endelman and memorandum in support filed on behalf of complainants by L. Wargo.6
01/26/2007The Insurance Company Complainants' supplemental response to respondents' motion to compel discovery filed by D. Galivan.7
01/25/2007Supplemental memorandum in support of motion to compel discovery filed by M. Rawlin.43
01/25/2007Supplemental response to respondent's (expedited) motion to compel discovery filed by D. Galivan on behalf of The Insurance Company. (FAX)5
01/18/2007Response to Respondents (expedited) motion to compel discovery filed by D. Galivan on behalf of the Insurance Company Complainants. (Original)5
01/17/2007Response to Respondents (expedited) motion to compel discovery filed by D. Galivan on behalf of the Insurance Company Complainants. (FAX) 5
01/16/2007Respondents' motion to compel discovery (expedited ruling request) and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt.146
10/27/2006Service Notice4
10/26/2006Entry ordered that the hearing in these proceedings shall commence on Tuesday, October 16, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., in hearing room 11-C, 11th floor, at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43215. and the schedule set forth in findings (4) through (10) be established. (JK)3
10/13/2006Service Notice4
10/12/2006Entry ordered that a telephonic prehearing conference should be held on Wednesday October 25, 2006, at 10:00 a.m. At that time, the parties should call the Commission's bridge line, at 614-644-1080. (JK)2
10/06/2006Answer of American Transmission Systems, Inc. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company to third amended complaint of Miles Management Corp., ET AL filed by M. Whitt.8
09/27/2006Service Notice4
09/27/2006Entry ordering that Cleveland Public Power be dismissed from case 05-803-EL-CSS; that Miles Management Corp. be dismissed as a complainant in case 05-803-EL-CSS; that Ohio Edison be dismissed from case 05-1014-EL-CSS; that cases 05-1020-EL-CSS and 03-1833-EL-CSS be dismissed and closed of record.5
08/31/2006Answer to second amended complaint on behalf of BMW Pizza, Inc. et al filed by M. Whitt.11
08/24/2006Motion for leave to file third amended complaint, instanter, third amended complaint filed on behalf of Miles Management Corp., et al by A. Paul. (original)12
08/23/2006Motion for leave to file third amended complaint instanter, third amended complaint filed on behalf of Miles Management Corp., et al by A. Paul. (FAX)12
08/14/2006Second amended complaint filed by P. O'Malley on behalf of BMW Pizza, Inc. & DPNY, Inc.14
08/07/2006Entry ordered that the Miles respondents' motion to dismiss the Miles complaint be denied, ordered that motion to strike task force report be denied, ordered that motion to strike counts one and two of the complaint be granted, ordered that motion to strike count three of complaint be denied, ordered that motion to strike certain prayers for relief in complaint be denied, ordered that entities in paragraph 14 of the amended complaint be denied. (JK)16
08/07/2006Service Notice4
07/13/2006Reply memorandum in support of motion to dismiss or, alternatively, to strike certain portions of the first amended complaint of BMW Pizza, Inc., et.al., filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp., et al by M. Whitt.10
07/10/2006Reply memorandum in support of motion to dismiss second amended complaint or, in the alternative, to strike the exhibit to the second amended complaint of Miles Management Corp., et al. filed by M. Whitt.11
07/10/2006Reply memorandum in support of the motion to dismiss or, alternatively , to strike certain portions of the amended complaint of Lexington Insurance Company, et al. filed by M. Whitt.11
07/10/2006Reply memorandum in support of the motion to dismiss or, alternatively, to strike certain portions of the amended complaint of Allianz US Global Risk Insurance Company, et al. filed by M. Whitt.7
06/13/2006Motion to dismiss second amended complaint or, in the alternative, to strike the exhibit to the second amended complaint of Miles Management Corp., et al filed by M. Whitt.28
06/13/2006Motion to dismiss or, alternatively, to strike certain portions of the first amended complaint of, BMW Pizza, Inc, et al filed by M. Whitt.20
06/13/2006Motion to dismiss or, alternatively, to strike certain portions of the amended complaint of Allianz US Global Risk Insurance Company, et al and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt.19
06/13/2006Motion to dismiss or alternatively to strike certain portions of the amended complaint of Lexington Insurance Company, et al. and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt.22
06/13/2006Renewed motion to dismiss complaint of Triple A Sport Wears, Inc. and memorandum in support filed by M. Whitt.7
06/07/2006Answer to the second amended complaint on behalf of respondents American Transmission Systems, Inc. (ATSI) and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. (CEI) filed by D. Kutik.11
06/06/2006Answer to amended complaint on behalf of Lexington Ins Co. filed by D. Kutik.17
06/06/2006Answer to amended complaint on behalf of Allianz US Global Risk Ins. Co. filed D. Kutik.14
06/05/2006Answer to first amended complaint on behalf of BMW Pizza, Inc. filed by D. Kutik.11
04/28/2006Entry ordering that complainants in all consolidated complaint cases shall, by not later than 20 days from the date of this entry, comply with the Commission's orders that the complaints be amended, as set forth either in its March 7, 2006, entry or in its April 26, 2006, entry on rehearing. (JWK)5
04/28/2006Service Notice3
04/26/2006Entry ordered that the application for rehearing by the S.G. Foods complainants be denied; that the application for rehearing by the insurance complainants be granted in part and denied in part; that the application for rehearing by the FE respondents be denied.13
04/26/2006Service Notice3
04/13/2006Memorandum contra application for rehearing submitted by M. Whitt on behalf of respondents.17
04/06/2006Application for rehearing filed by M. Whitt on behalf of respondents.33
04/04/2006Motion for rehearing and memorandum filed by E. Siegel on behalf of complainants.13
03/17/2006Service Notice1
03/16/2006Entry ordering that the motion to extend the deadline be granted(JWK).7
03/08/2006Service Notice1
03/07/2006Entry stating that the S.G. Foods complaint against FirstEnergy Corp. be dismissed; the Miles complaint against FirstEnergy be dismissed; that the Allianz complaint against FirstEnergy Corp. be dismissed; that the Lexington complaint against FirstEnergy Corp. dismissed; that the Triple A complaint against FirstEnergy be dismissed; that the Kucinich complaint against FirstEnergy Corp be dismissed; that the purported complaint by Coalition and Consumers be dismissed.36
10/29/2004Reply memorandum in support of motion to exclude evidence filed by M. Whitt on behalf of respondents.26
10/25/2004Brief in opposition continued (Part 2 of 2).152
10/25/2004Brief in opposition to motion to exclude evidence filed by E. Siegel on behalf of S.G. Foods.(Part 1 of 2)130
10/22/2004Plaintiffs' brief in opposition to defendants motion to exclude evidence filed on behalf of SG FOODS, Inc. by E. Siegel. (FAX)35
10/19/2004Executed Affidavit of Thomas C. Burgess and an unexecuted version of the motion to exclude evidence filed on October 15, 2004; the executed version should replace the unexecuted version filed on behalf of FirstEnergy by H. Liebman.6
10/15/2004Motion to exclude evidence filed on behalf of respondents by M. Whitt.38
10/01/2004Service Notice1
10/01/2004Entry ordering that a prehearing teleconference be held October 5, 2004 at 2:00 PM. (JK)2
08/26/2004Service Notice1
08/26/2004Entry ordered, that the interlocutory appeal of the denial of class action claims not be certified to the Commission, that the settlement conference be rescheduled for September 29, 2004, at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-G, at the offices of the Commission. (JWK)5
08/26/2004Letter to Commission supporting certification of the interlocutory appeal and a Commission holding that will permit the institution of class action complaint cases against entities that are subject to the Commission's jurisdiction, filed on behalf of OCC by J. Migden-Ostrander.2
08/23/2004Memorandum contra application for interlocutory appeal, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by H. Liebman.10
08/19/2004Interlocutory appeal on the issue of whether or not the Commission can entertain a class action, filed on behalf of applicant by E. Siegel. (original)13
08/18/2004Interlocutory appeal and memorandum in support in the instant case on the issue of whether or not the Commission can entertain a class action, filed on behalf of complainant by H. Siegel. (FAX)5
08/12/2004Entry ordered that the class action issues presented in the complaint will be denied; that the one hundred unnamed respondents be dismissed as parties in this proceeding; that a settlement conference be scheduled for August 30, 2004, at 1:30 p.m., in the legal conference room, at the offices of the Commission, 12th fl. (JK)3
08/12/2004Service Notice1
02/02/2004Answer filed on behalf of the respondents by D. Kutik13
01/13/2004Complaint and complaint letter mailed to: James Burk, FirstEnergy Corp.1
01/12/2004In the matter of the complaint of S.G. Foods, Inc. vs FirstEnergy Corp. for the alleged failure to provide adequate service to customer.15