DIS - Case Record for 03-2288-TP-ACE Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/23/2004 Final PUCO Tariff No. 1, PUCO IXC Tariff PUCO No. 2, PUCO Access Tariff No. 3, and service requirement form filed on behalf of Volo Communications of Ohio, Inc. by K. Duarte. (Part 2 of 2)
03/23/2004 Final PUCO Tariff No. 1, PUCO IXC Tariff PUCO No. 2, PUCO Access Tariff No. 3, and service requirement form filed on behalf of Volo Communications of Ohio, Inc. by K. Duarte. (Part 1 of 2)
02/24/2004 The list of Ohio exchanges Volo proposes to offer service filed on behalf of applicant by K. Duarte.
02/23/2004 Certificate no. 90-9280 issued.
02/12/2004 Memo automatically approving the application with the effective date of 2/14/04.
02/11/2004 Sample of customer bill and disconnect notice, filed on behalf of applicant.
01/26/2004 Tariff PUCO No.2 filed on behalf of applicant.
01/16/2004 Amended application and tariff's as requested, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Lewis.
12/31/2003 Entry ordering that Volo's motion for protective order is granted,unless and until specifically ordered otherwise, public disclosure of the second through seventh pages of Exhibit 11 shall occur for the first time on May 17, 2005, and that nothing in this finding and order shall be binding upon this Commission in any subsequent investigation or proceeding involving the justness or reasonableness of any rate, charge, rule, or regulation. (KS)
12/31/2003 Service Notice
12/23/2003 Service Notice
12/16/2003 Entry ordering that this case be suspended for 60 days from the date of this entry.
12/11/2003 Motion for protection or confidential treatment of proprietary information in application, filed on behalf of applicant by N. Iannuzzi, Jr.
12/10/2003 Motion for protection or confidential treatment of proprietary information in application, filed on behalf of applicant by N. Jannuzzi, Jr.(FAX)
11/17/2003 Motion for protection or confidential treatment of proprietary information in application, filed on behalf of Volo Communications of Ohio, Inc. by S. Lewis.
11/17/2003 In the matter of the application of Volo Communications of Ohio, Inc. for a certificate of public convenience to provide local telecommunications services statewide.