DIS - Case Record for 03-1447-EL-ATA Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/27/2007 Memo automatically closing case with effective date of 3/27/07.
06/29/2006 Service Notice
06/28/2006 Entry on rehearing ordering that the City of Huron's application for rehearing be denied.
06/19/2006 Memorandum of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company in opposition to the City of Huron's application for rehearing filed by H. Liebman.
06/09/2006 Application for rehearing filed by B. Singh on behalf on the City of Huron.
05/23/2006 Revised table of contents to reflect the final retail transition cost recovery filed by S. Hadick on behalf of The Cleveland Electric illuminating Company.
05/19/2006 Final tariff pages filed by H Liebman on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
05/10/2006 Opinion and Order ordering that complaint be denied, as set forth in this order; that Huron's motion for expert costs be denied.
05/10/2006 Service Notice
10/14/2005 Post-hearing reply brief filed by B.Singh on behalf of The City of Huron.
10/14/2005 Reply brief of the Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company filed by A. Korkosz.
09/22/2005 Initial brief of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company filed by H. Liebman.
09/22/2005 Initial Post-hearing brief of the City of Huron filed by B. Singh.
08/25/2005 Transcript and exhibits continued. (Part 3 of 3)
08/25/2005 Transcript and exhibits continued. (Part 2 of 3)
08/25/2005 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held on August 11, 2005 before G. Price and R. Gooden (AEs). (Part 1 of 3)
08/10/2005 Verification to interrogatory responses filed by B. Morris on behalf of Ohio Edison.
08/10/2005 Errata sheets and executed acknowledgement of deponent regarding the depositions of David Straus and Christopher Norton filed by B. Singh
08/09/2005 Supplemental exhibit list for The City of Huron filed by B. Morris.
08/08/2005 Reply for motion for expert costs filed by B. Singh on behalf of City of Huron.
08/05/2005 Memorandum Contra Ohio Edison Company's motion to strike Mr. David Straus' pre-filed testimony filed on behalf of the City of Huron by B. Singh.
08/05/2005 Exhibit List filed by M. Whitt on behalf of Ohio Edison.
08/04/2005 Notice of filing depositions filed by M. Whitt on behalf of Ohio Edison Company.
08/04/2005 Exhibits to deposition of David R. Straus. (Part 2 of 2)
08/04/2005 Exhibits to depositions of, J. Zimmerman, M. Tann and M. Spacek (Part 2 of 2).
08/04/2005 Deposition and exhibits of David R. Straus. (Part 1 of 2).
08/04/2005 Exhibits to deposition of J. Zimmerman, M. Tann and M. Spacek (Part 1 of 2)
08/04/2005 Deposition of Christopher J. Norton.
08/03/2005 Service Notice
08/03/2005 Entry ordering that the City of Huron's motion to compel discovery be granted in part and denied in part. (GAP)
08/02/2005 Entry ordering that the Ohio Edison Company 's motion to compel discovery be granted; that Ohio Edison's Company's motion for protective order be granted; that OE's motion for leave to file its pre-filed testimony one day out of time be granted. (GAP)
08/01/2005 Witness list filed by M. Whitt on behalf of Ohio Edison Company.
08/01/2005 Memorandum contra, motion for expert costs filed by M. Whitt on behalf of Ohio Edison Company.
07/29/2005 Motion to strike testimony of David R. Straub and request for expedited ruling, memorandum in support filed by H. Liebman on behalf of the Ohio Edison Company.
07/28/2005 Proof of Publication ( Defiance County.)
07/28/2005 Proof of Publication (Madison County).
07/26/2005 Notice of appearance of counsel of David A. Kutik of Jones, Day as additional counsel for this proceeding, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company by H. Liebman.
07/26/2005 Motion for protective order, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company by M. Whitt.
07/26/2005 Confidential reply memorandum in support of Ohio Edison Company's motion to compel, filed by M. Whitt. (FILED UNDER SEAL) (25pgs.)
07/26/2005 Reply memorandum to City of Huron's memorandum contra motion for leave to file one day out of time, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company by H. Liebman.
07/26/2005 Memorandum contra motion to compel filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company by M. Whitt.
07/25/2005 Confidential reply memorandum in support of Ohio Edison's Company motion to compel return of inadvertently produced documents, filed by M. Whitt. (25) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
07/19/2005 Motion for expert costs filed by B. Singh on behalf of The City of Huron.
07/19/2005 Memorandum contra to the Ohio Edison Company's motion for leave to file one day out of time filed by B. Singh on behalf of the City of Huron.
07/15/2005 Memorandum Contra Ohio Edison's Motion to compel discovery related to return of alleged inadvertently disclosed documents and request for expedited ruling filed on behalf of City of Huron by J. Bentine.
07/15/2005 Confidential Memorandum filed on behalf of City of Huron, by B. Singh.
07/14/2005 Motion to compel discovery filed by B. Singh on behalf of the City of Huron.
07/13/2005 Notice of appearance of additional counsel filed by B. Singh on behalf of City of Huron.
07/13/2005 Supplemental responses to Ohio Edison Company's discovery request filed by B.Singh on behalf of the City of Huron.
07/05/2005 Direct testimony of Thomas A. Clark, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company by H. Liebman.
07/05/2005 Motion for leave to file one day out of time and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company by H. Liebman.
07/05/2005 Direct testimony of William R. Ridmann, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Co. by H. Liebman.
07/05/2005 Direct testimony of Robert M. Martinko on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, filed by H. Liebman.
07/01/2005 Testimony of David R. Straus on behalf of The City of Huron, filed by B. Singh.
07/01/2005 Testimony of Christopher J. Norton on behalf of The City of Huron, filed by B. Singh.
07/01/2005 Testimony of Michael E. Tann on behalf of The City of Huron, filed by B. Singh.
07/01/2005 Testimony of John A. Zimmerman on behalf of The City of Huron, filed by B. Singh.
06/27/2005 Motion to compel discovery and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company by M. Whitt.
06/15/2005 Notice to take depositions upon oral examination and request for production of documents, filed on behalf of The City of Huron by B.Singh.
06/13/2005 Application for subpoena and subpoena duces tecum filed by M. Whitt on behalf of Ohio Edison Company.
05/23/2005 Transcript held May 16, 2005; attorney examiner G. Price.
04/21/2005 Service Notice
04/20/2005 Entry stating that the Ohio Edison Company's request for an extension of procedural schedule be granted and the procedural schedule set forth in finding (5); that the public hearing be held on May 16, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., for the purpose of taking public testimony then continued until August 10, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., hearing room 11F, at the Commission offices. (GP).
03/30/2005 Reply to Ohio Edison's expedited motion for extension of the procedural schedule filed by J. Bentine on behalf of the City Of Huron.
02/07/2005 Service Notice
02/04/2005 Entry ordered, that the Ohio Edison Company's request for an extension of the procedural schedule is granted and the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4) be observed; that the public hearing in this matter commence on Monday, May 16, 2005, at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-F, at the offices of the PUCO; that notice of the hearing be published in accordance with finding (6). (GAP)
01/28/2005 Letter agreeing with the procedual schedule filed 1/27/05 filed by B. Singh on behalf of the City of Huron.
11/05/2004 Service Notice
11/04/2004 Entry stating that the parties request is granted and hearing be held on 4/11/05, at 10:00 a.m., Hearing Room 11-F, at the Commission offices. (RG)
09/05/2003 Entry ordering that the parties' request is granted and the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4) be observed. (RRG)
09/05/2003 Service Notice.
08/13/2003 Entry ordering that a prehearing conference should be scheduled for Wednesday, September 3, 2003, at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-E, at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street. Columbus, Oh 43215-3793. (RG)
06/30/2003 In the matter of the application of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company's Retail Transition Cost Recovery of Nonbypassable Generation Transition charges and regulatory transition charges.