DIS - Case Record for 03-0939-GA-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/15/2005 Independent Accountants' report on the Uniform Purchased Gas Adjustment Rates for the year ended October 31, 2004 filed on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc.
08/30/2004 Tariff sheets for Gas Service PUCO NO. 1 filed by C. Campbell filed on behalf of applicant.
07/29/2004 Revised tariff sheets PUCO No. 1, to reflect the August 2004 NYMEX settlement price of $6.048, and the supporting GCR Schedules reflecting the revised August 2004 gas cost filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
06/29/2004 Revised tariff sheets for Gas Service PUCO No. 1, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
06/29/2004 Revised tariff sheets for Gas Service PUCO No. 1, filed on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. by C. Campbell.
05/28/2004 Report filed on behalf of applicant by G. Hummel.
05/27/2004 Revised tariff sheets for gas service PUCO No. 1, monthly adjustment to its expected gas cost for June, 2004, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
04/29/2004 Revised Tariff PUCO No.1 filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
03/30/2004 Revised Tariff PUCO No.1, Gas Service, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
02/26/2004 Revised Tariff PUCO No.1 filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
02/13/2004 Independent Accountants' Report on the Uniform Purchased Gas Adjustment Rates for the Year Ended October 31, 2003, filed on behalf of applicant by Deloitte & Touche LLP.
01/29/2004 Revised Tariff PUCO No.1 filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
12/30/2003 Revised Tariff PUCO No.1 filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
12/01/2003 Report filed on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. by G. Hummel.
11/26/2003 Revised Tariff PUCO No.1 filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
10/30/2003 Revised Tariff PUCO No.1, the following tariff sheets bear an effective date of November 1, 2003 filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
10/29/2003 Service Notice
10/28/2003 Entry approving application; granting request for waiver; this case be closed of record.
09/29/2003 Second application for extension filed by G. Hummel.
09/29/2003 Tariff sheets for Gas Service P.U.C.O. No. 1, filed by C. Campbell.
08/29/2003 Report, filed on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc., by G. Hummel.
08/29/2003 Report filed on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. by G. Hummel .
08/28/2003 Revised tariff sheets for Gas Service (PUCO No.1) Sixteenth revised sheet No. 1-A, Tariff index; Thirteenth revised Sheet No. 15A, Gas Cost Recovery Rider superseded Tariff sheet, Fifteen revised sheet No. 1-A- tariff index, Twelfth revised sheet No 15A, gas cost recovery rider, filed on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. by C. Campbell.
07/30/2003 Revised tariff; this filing is in regards to a monthly adjustment to its Expected Gas Cost for August 2003, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
07/24/2003 Entry ordering that VEDO's application to extend the trial period for three months, August through October, 2003 is approved, that the request for a waiver of the thirty-day filing requirement contained in Rule 4901:1-14-06(A), Ohio Administrative Code, for the period August through October 2003 is granted, that VEDO will submit a report no later than November 30, 2003, on the impacts of the monthly versus the quarterly EGC, that this case be closed of record.
07/23/2003 Service notice filed.
07/15/2003 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of The Ohio Consumers Counsel by A. Hotz.
06/30/2003 Application for extension of time, filed on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. by G. Hummel.
06/27/2003 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 1, 14th sheet 1-A, 11th sheet 15-A, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Campbell.
05/29/2003 Tariff sheets for gas service P.U.C.O. No. 1, filed by C. Campbell.
04/30/2003 Revised tariff sheets for PUCO No.1, to make a monthly adjustment to its Expected Gas Cost for May, 2003, filed on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. by C. Campbell.
04/29/2003 Entry ordering that VEDO's application is approved subject to paragraph (9); that the request for a waiver of the thirty-day filing requirement is granted; that VEDO will submit a report by August 31, 2003, on the impacts of the monthly versus the quarterly EGC; that, since no hearing is to be held in this matter, the motion to intervene of OCC is denied; that this case be closed of record.
04/18/2003 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support and motion to deny Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc.'s application, filed on behalf of The Ohio Consumers Counsel by A. Hotz.
04/08/2003 In the matter of the application of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. for authority to make monthly adjustments to the Expected Gas Cost Component of Recovery Rate.