DIS - Case Record for 02-3040-TP-SLF Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/15/2004 Service Notice
09/15/2004 Entry granting Verizon's request to withdraw self-complaints and closing cases.
07/08/2004 Request to withdraw and close cases filed by T. Colquitt on behalf of Verizon North Inc.
04/07/2003 Reply on behalf of Ohio Consumers Counsel to Verizon North Inc., memorandum contra, filed by J. Serio.
03/27/2003 Memorandum in opposition to motion to intervene and motion to dismiss, or in the alternative, request for hearing and protest of the OCC, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Flahive.
03/12/2003 Motion to intervene and motion to dismiss or in the alternative request for a hearing and protest filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio.
02/26/2003 Letter on behalf of applicant, replacement of the facsimile version with an original signed document from American Newspaper Representatives, Inc. filed by T. Vogel
02/25/2003 Additional information on behalf of respondent Verizon North Inc. filed by T. Vogel.
01/21/2003 Service notice filed.
01/21/2003 Entry ordering publication of notice in newspaper of general circulation in the counties affected by the complaint or, alternatively, direct notice to all affected customers no later than February 11, 2003.(JJ)
11/19/2002 Verification of the State of Indiana, Marion County filed by applicant Verizon North, Inc.,
11/18/2002 In the matter of the self-complaint of Verizon North Inc. for authority to file and make effective revised tariff sheets to the General Exchange Tariff, PUCO No. 7, relative to National Directory Assistance.