DIS - Case Record for 02-1786-GA-CRS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/29/2022 Notice of Cancellation of Certificate No. 02-022G with an effective date of 08/02/22 electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner-Tempesta on behalf of PUCO Staff.
06/09/2022 Service Notice.
06/09/2022 Attorney Examiner Entry granting the motions for waiver as detailed herein electronically filed by Ms. Mary E. Fischer on behalf of Jesse M. Davis, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
05/04/2022 Volunteer Energy Services Motion for Waiver and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. Kurt J. Boehm on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
05/04/2022 Volunteer Energy Services Application to Abandon CRES Certification electronically filed by Mr. Kurt J. Boehm on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
04/06/2022 Service Notice.
04/06/2022 Finding & Order authorizing Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., The East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion Energy Ohio, Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. d/b/a CenterPoint Energy Ohio, Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., The Dayton Power and Light Company d/b/a AES Ohio, Ohio Power Company d/b/a AEP Ohio, Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company to terminate Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.’s participation in their respective natural gas and electric supplier programs electronically filed by Ms. Mary E. Fischer on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
04/01/2022 Confidential Document Target: Volunteer Energy Services Inc. notice of intent to enter into asset purchase agreement electronically filed by Mr. Kurt J. Boehm on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. (5 pages)
04/01/2022 Volunteer Energy Services letter (REDACTED) regarding notice of intent to enter into asset purchase agreement electronically filed by Mr. Kurt J. Boehm on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
04/01/2022 Notice of Material Change to Business Operations electronically filed by Mr. Kurt J. Boehm on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
04/01/2022 Notice of Appearance of Additional Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Kurt J. Boehm on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
03/31/2022 Correspondence Regarding Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. Transfer of Customers to Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Ms. Melissa L. Thompson on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
03/31/2022 Notice of Material Default and Request for Authorization to Terminate or Suspend electronically filed by Christopher T. Kennedy on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. d/b/a CenterPoint Energy Ohio.
03/31/2022 Notice of Material Default and Request for Authorization to Terminate or Suspend electronically filed by Christopher T. Kennedy on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion Energy Ohio.
03/29/2022 Notification of Default and Request for Authorization to Terminate Participation electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa.
09/01/2020 Certificate No. 02-022G issued electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner -Tempesta on behalf of PUCO staff.
08/11/2020 Amended Exhibit C-4 and C-5 to Renewal Certification Application as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/31/2020 Confidential Document Target: Exhibits C-2 & C-3 filed by J. Einstein on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services Inc. (28 pages)
07/30/2020 Motion for Protective Order and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. John L. Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/30/2020 Renewal Application of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. for continued Certification as a Retail Natural Gas Aggregator, Broker and Marketer electronically filed by Mr. John L. Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
01/16/2020 Notice Of Material Change electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
09/07/2018 Renewal Certificate No. 02-022G (9) issued.
08/14/2018 Amended Application attaching Exhibit C-4 and C-10 electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/31/2018 Confidential treatment of document Exhibit C-3 & C-5 filed by Volunteer Energy Services Inc. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services Inc. (pg ct 23)
07/31/2018 Exhibit C-3 and C-5 filed under seal by J.Einstein, IV on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/30/2018 Motion for Protective Order and Memorandum is Support electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/30/2018 Renewal application for Certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
09/02/2016 Renewal Certificate No. 02-022G(8) issued.
08/16/2016 Confidential target: Amended Exhibit C-3, Financial Statements filed by John L. Einstein, IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/29/2016 Confidential Document Target for Exhibit C-3 filed by J. Einstein, IV on behalf of Volunteer Energy. (1 Page)
07/29/2016 Confidential Document Target for Exhibit C-5 filed by J. Einstein, IV on behalf of Volunteer Energy. (2 pages)
07/28/2016 Motion for Protective Order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. John L. Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/28/2016 Application for Renewal of Certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
09/02/2014 Certificate No. 02-022G(7) issued.
08/19/2014 Confidential Document Target: Exhibit C-5 filed by J. Einstein on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. (10 pages)
08/18/2014 Correspondence Stating an Amended Exhibit C-5 for the Renewal of Certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier will be sent under seal electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/31/2014 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. by J. Einstein, IV.
07/31/2014 Confidential document target; Exhibit C-3 and C-5 on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. by J. Einstein, IV. (17 pgs)
07/30/2014 Application for Renewal of Certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/30/2014 Motion For Protective Order and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
01/10/2013 Amendment to the application for renewal of certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier electronically filed by Mr. John L. Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
09/07/2012 Service Notice
09/07/2012 Attorney Examiner Entry granting confidential treatment to Exhibits C-3 and C-5 of Volunteer's 2012 competitive retail natural gas application and the release of Exhibits C-3 and C-5 of Volunteer's 2010 Application which had been under seal. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of James Lynn, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
08/30/2012 Renewal Certificate No. 02-022G(6) issued.
07/30/2012 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by J. Einstein on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/30/2012 Confidential document target: Exhibit C-3 and C-5 filed by J. Einstein on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. (18 pages)
07/30/2012 Renewal application of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier.
11/02/2010 Confidential release of Exhibits C-1, C-3, C-4, C-5 of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. originally filed 7/16/2002.
11/02/2010 Confidential release of Exhibits C-3, C-5 of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. originally filed 7/30/2008.
11/02/2010 Confidential release of Exhibits C-3, C-4, C-5 of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. originally filed 7/7/2006.
11/02/2010 Confidential document: Exhibits C-3, C-4 and C-5, filed by J. Einstein IV on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
10/13/2010 Service Notice
10/13/2010 Entry ordering that motion for a protective order filed by VESI be granted. (J.L).
09/22/2010 Renewal certificate No. 02-022G(5) issued.
08/19/2010 Motion to Supplement Filing with Exhibits D-1, D-2 and D-3 filed by J. Einstein IV on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/28/2010 Renewal certification application for Competitive Retail Natural Gas Suppliers for Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. filed by J. Einstein.
07/28/2010 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by J. Einstein, IV on behalf of Volunteer Energy Service, Inc.
09/19/2008 Service Notice
09/19/2008 Entry ordered that the motion by Volunteer for protective treatment of Exhibits C-3 and C-5 filed on July 30, 2008, be granted for a period of 24 months from the date of this entry. (JWK)
09/03/2008 Certificate 02-022 (4) issued.
07/31/2008 Service Notice
07/31/2008 Entry ordered that Volunteer's motion for an extension of the certificate expiration date from August 20, 2008 to August 30, 2008 for Certificate No. 02-022(3) be granted.
07/30/2008 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by J. Einstein on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/30/2008 Confidential document: Exhibits C-3 and C-5 filed by J. Einstein on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/30/2008 Renewal certification application for competitive retail natural gas filed by R. Curnutte Sr. on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/30/2008 Motion for extension of certification expiration date and memorandum in support filed by J. Einstein on behalf of The Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
01/23/2007 Supplemental Exhibit C-4 with confidential information redacted filed on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. by J. Einstein, IV.
01/08/2007 Service Notice
01/08/2007 Entry ordering that VESI's motion for a protective order be granted in part and denied in part such that Exhibits C-3 and C-5 are granted protective status and portions of Exhibit C-4 are granted protective status, as set forth in Finding (8); that VESI File the redacted version of Exhibit C-4 as a public document within 7 business days and the unredacted version be maintained under seal for a period of 24 months from the date of this entry. (CP)
01/08/2007 Service Notice
08/08/2006 Certificate 02-022(3) issued.
07/14/2006 Renewal certification application and motion to supplement filing filed by J. Einstein, IV on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/07/2006 Confidential documents: Exhibits C-3, C-4, C-5 filed by J. Einstein, IV on behalf of Volunteer Energy Service, Inc.
07/07/2006 Motion for protective order, memorandum in support filed by J. Einstein IV on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
07/07/2006 Renewal certification application for competitive retail natural gas filed by J. Einstein IV on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
02/24/2005 Updated exhibit A-14 filed by W. Adams on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc.
02/22/2005 Notice of change of ownership exceeding the five percent threshold set forth in OAC, this change does not adversely affect VESI's fitness or ability to provide the services it is certified to provide filed by B. Adams.
08/26/2004 Certificate No. 02-022(2) issued.
08/12/2004 Entry ordered that the motion of VESI for a protective order is granted; that the motion of MidAmerican for a protective order is granted in part and denied in part as discussed in entry; that the motion of ProLiance for a protective order is granted in part and denied in part as discussed in entry; that the request of VESI and ProLiance for a waiver of the 18 month time period contained in Rule 4901:1-2(F), O.A.C. are denied. (JS)
08/12/2004 Service Notice
07/21/2004 Renewal application for certification for competitive retail natural gas suppliers, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Einstein, IV.
07/21/2004 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by J. Einstein.
07/21/2004 Exhibits C-3, C-4 and C-5, filed on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. by J. Einstein, IV. on 7/21/2004, (FILED UNDER SEAL)
07/16/2003 Service notice filed.
07/14/2003 Service notice filed.
07/14/2003 Entry ordering that the motions for protective order are granted in part and denied in part; that, for 6 months from the date of this entry the Docketing Division of the Commission maintain under seal the protected information; that GASMARK's supplemental C-5 be redacted from the public record and placed under seal for 6 months; that the requests of Volunteer, Energy America, AEP, ECO and ProLiance for a waiver of the 18-month time frame is denied; that OCC's motions to intervene are denied; that ACN's motion for expedited treatment of its certification application is denied; that Volunteer's motion for a protective order is granted; that the Case Nos. 02-1654-GA-CRS, 02-1668-GA-CRS, 02-1680-GA-CRS, 02-1786-GA-CRS, 02-1828-GA-CRS, 02-1829-GA-CRS, 02-1864-GA-CRS, 02-1889-GA-CRS, 02-1891-GA-CRS, 02-1893-GA-CRS, 02-1909-GA-CRS, 02-1926-GA-CRS, and 02-1968-GA-CRS be closed of record. (GP)
06/27/2003 Confidential notice of update of the information contained in the application, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Migden. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
06/27/2003 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by J. Migden.
08/19/2002 Certificate No. 02-022(1) issued.
08/16/2002 Supplemental information for Exhibit C-3 filed on behalf of Volunteer Energy Service, Inc. by J. Migden. (FILED UNDER SEAL) (Originally filed on 8/15/02)
07/24/2002 Amended Exhibit A-7 filed on behalf of applicant by J. Migden.
07/23/2002 Letter advising that Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. is amending Exhibit A-7 filed by J. Migden.
07/16/2002 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by J. Migden.
07/16/2002 Confidential exhibits filed on behalf of applicant by J. Migden. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
07/16/2002 In the matter of the application of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier.