DIS - Case Record for 02-1668-GA-CRS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
01/19/2017 Notice of cancellation of Certificate No. 02-001G(7) issued.
03/24/2016 Application seeking to abandon operations with no existing customers filed by B. Dohrwardt, Secretary on behalf of Direct Energy Source, LLC.
08/27/2015 Letter of Notification of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Jennifer L. Spinosi on behalf of Direct Energy Business, LLC and Direct Energy Services, LLC.
08/08/2014 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that the motion for a protective order filed by Direct Energy be granted with regard to exhibits C-3, C-4, and C-5 of Direct Energy’s ‘2014 renewal application. Further, the Commission’s docketing division is directed to release into the public record, on August 15, 2014, exhibits C-4 and C-5, filed under seal in this docket on June 12, 2012; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/08/2014 Service Notice
07/16/2014 Renewal Certificate 02-001G (7) issued.
07/09/2014 Confidential Document Target for Exhibits C-4 and C-5 filed by J. Clark on behalf of Direct Energy Source, LLC dba Vectren Source.
07/09/2014 Motion for Protective Order and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by JOSEPH CLARK on behalf of Direct Energy Source, LLC d/b/a Vectren Source
07/09/2014 Exhibit (Supplemental) C-3, C-4, and C-5 electronically filed by JOSEPH CLARK on behalf of Direct Energy Source, LLC d/b/a Vectren Source.
07/09/2014 Correspondence regarding supplemental Exhibits C-3, C-4, and C-5 electronically filed by JOSEPH CLARK on behalf of Direct Energy Source, LLC d/b/a Vectren Source.
06/13/2014 Renewal Application for certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier filed by R. Harwell on behalf of Direct Energy Source LLC.
06/13/2014 Motion for Protective Order and Memorandum in Support filed by J. Clark on behalf of Direct Energy Source, LLC.
06/13/2014 Confidential Document Target: Exhibit C-4 & C-5 filed by J. Clark on behalf of Direct Energy Source, LLC. (7 pages)
02/22/2013 Updated Regulatory and Complaint Contact Information electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer W Gray on behalf of Carl Boyd and Joe Clark and Christina Crable.
01/08/2013 Notice of change of contact information electronically filed by Mr. Joseph Clark on behalf of Direct Energy Services, LLC and Direct Energy Business, LLC and Direct Energy Source, LLC dba Vectren Source.
11/27/2012 Notice A contact update for the commission staff to use in investigating Customer Complaints. electronically filed by Carl W. Boyd on behalf of Direct Energy and Direct Energy Source, LLC
08/16/2012 Correspondence stating that parental guaranty to DEO has been executed and is currently effective for Direct Energy Source, LLC filed by C. Boyd.
08/13/2012 Service Notice
08/13/2012 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that the motion for a protective order filed by Direct Energy Source, LLC, dba Vectren Source be granted with regard to confidential exhibits C-4 and C-5 of the company's renewal application for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier. The protective order directs Docketing to keep exhibits C-4 and C-5 under seal for a period of 24 months. The entry also directs Docketing to release into the public record former confidential exhibits C-4 and C-5 that were filed, either as part of the company's renewal application or as part of its original certificate application, in 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010. electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
08/13/2012 Letter of Notification Notice letter regarding Direct Energy Source's DEO guaranty electronically filed by Carl W. Boyd on behalf of Direct Energy Source, LLC
07/30/2012 Notification of Change of Contact Information electronically filed by Mr. Joseph Clark on behalf of Direct Energy.
07/17/2012 Certificate No. 02-001G(6) issued.
07/03/2012 Confidential document target: Exhibit C-4 and C-5 filed by J. Clark on behalf of Direct Energy. (6 pages)
07/03/2012 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by J.M. Clark on behalf of Direct Energy Source, LLC d/b/a Vectren Source.
06/12/2012 Renewal application of Direct Energy Source, LLC dba Vectren Source for a certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Suppliers field by J. Clark.
06/12/2012 Confidential document target: Exhibits C-4 and C-5 filed by C. Crable on behalf of Direct Energy Source dba Vectren Source. ( 79 pages)
06/12/2012 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by C. Crable on behalf of Direct Energy Source, LLC dba Vectren Source.
04/09/2012 Notice of Material Change of Vectren Retail, LLC electronically filed by Mr. Joseph Clark on behalf of Vectren Retail LLC d/b/a Vectren Source.
01/30/2012 Notice of material change as it relates to the ownership of Vectren Retail, LLC dba Venctren Source filed by C. Crable.
12/15/2010 Correspondence informing of material change in information supplied with Vectren Source's competitive retail natural gas supplier recertification application filed May 21, 2010 and updated on October 15, 2010, the contact person for regulatory or emergency matters is Joseph M. Clark filed by J. Clark.
10/15/2010 Updated information to its CRNGS filed by J. Clark on behalf of Vectren Retail, LLC dba Vectren Source.
07/29/2010 Confidential release of Exhibit C-3 and C-5 filed on behalf of Vectren Retail, LLC on July 5, 2002.
07/19/2010 Service Notice
07/19/2010 Entry ordered that the motion by Vectren Source for protective treatment of exhibits C-3,C-4, and C-5 of its 2010 application filed on May 21, 2010, be granted for a period ending 24 months from the effective date of the most recent certificate issued to Vectren Source, or until July 12, 2012, ordered that the docketing division should release exhibits C-3 and C-5 application filed on July 5, 2002 and C-3 application filed on June 10, 2004. (HHPG)
07/09/2010 Certificate 02-001G(5) issued.
05/21/2010 Confidential document target: Exhibits, C-3, C-4, C-5, filed by J. Clark on behalf of Vectren Retail, LLC. (29 pgs)
05/21/2010 Renewal application continued. (part 2 of 2)
05/21/2010 Renewal application for Vectren Retail LLC dba Vectren Source for certification as a retail natural gas marketer. (Part 1 of 2)
05/21/2010 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support, filed by J. Clark on behalf of Vectren Retail, LLC.
07/18/2008 Service Notice
07/18/2008 Entry ordered that the motion by Vectren for protective treatment of Schedules C-3,C-4, and C-5 filed on June 10, 2008, be granted for a period of 24 months from the date of this entry, ordered that the protective order covering the 2008 exhibits be granted. (JWK)
07/11/2008 Certificate 02-001 (4) issued.
06/10/2008 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by G. Hummel on behalf of Vectren Retail, LLC dba Vectren Source.
06/10/2008 Renewal application continued. (Part 2 of 2)
06/10/2008 Renewal application of Vectren Retail LLC dba Vectren Source as retail natural gas marketer filed by G. Collins. (Part 1 of 2)
06/10/2008 Confidential document target for Exhibit C-3 filed by J. Clark on behalf of Vectren Retail LLC dba Vectren Source. (29 pages)
01/08/2007 Service Notice
01/08/2007 Entry ordering that Vectren Source for an extension of protective order for the 2002 Exhibits be granted; that Vectren Source's motion for protective treatment of the 2004 and 2006 Exhibits be renewed and that 2002, 2004 and 2006 Exhibits due dates for renewal of the protective orders for consolidation be granted; that the 2002, 2004 and 2006 Exhibits shall be maintained under seal for a period of 24 months from the date of this entry as set. (CP)
11/02/2006 Motion for extension of Commission's protective order and request to consolidate due dates for renewal of protective treatment, filed on behalf of Vectren Retail, LLC dba Vectren Source by D. Neilsen.
08/11/2006 Service Notice
08/11/2006 Entry ordering that Vectren Source's motion for protective order is granted, in part, and denied in part; that the docketing division maintain under seal the information set forth in unredacted Exhibits C-3, C-4 and C-5 of the application for a period of 18 months from the date of this entry; that the request of Vectren Source for a waiver of the 18-month time period is denied. (JS)
07/10/2006 Memo automatically closing case with the effective date of 07/10/06
07/07/2006 Supplement to motion for protective order filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of Vectren Retail LLC.
06/07/2006 Certificate 02-001 (3) issued.
05/04/2006 Renewal certification application competitive retail natural gas suppliers filed by Vectren Retail LLC dba Vectren Source.
05/04/2006 Confidential document: Financial statements, Exhibits C-3, C-4, and C-5 filed on behalf of Vectren Retail. (26 pgs)
05/04/2006 Motion for protective order, memorandum in support filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of D. Neilsen.
02/08/2006 Service Notice
02/07/2006 Entry ordered; that the motions of Vectren Source, IGS and Shell Energy for renewal of the protective orders granted on August 11, 2004 and June 9, 2005, subject to the requirements of those orders, are granted for the 18 month period beginning February 11, 2006; that the Docketing Division shall continue to maintain the documents identified in Finding (7) under seal for that period of time. (JLS)
12/20/2005 Motion for extension of Commission's protective order and memorandum in support filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of Vectren Retail, LLC dba Vectren Source.
06/08/2005 Entry ordered that; the motion of Vectren Source for extension of the July 14, 2003 protective order be granted, Exhibits C-3, C-4, C-5 filed on July 5, 2002, and the supplemental information to Exhibit C-6 filed on July 11, 2002, shall remain under seal for the 18-month period ending January 22, 2007. (JLS) (Service Notice)
05/23/2005 Motion for extension of protective order, memorandum in support filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of Vectren Retail, LLC DBA Vectren Source.
08/13/2004 Redacted version of Exhibit C-4 filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of Vectren Retail, LLC, d/b/a Vectren Source.
08/11/2004 Service Notice
08/11/2004 Entry ordered that; the motion of Vectren Source for a protective order is granted in part and denied in part as discussed above, however, only the promissory notes attached to Exhibit C-4 and the entity names appearing in that exhibit are granted protection for that same period of time; that the motion of IGS for a protective order is granted; that the motion of Shell Energy for a protective order is granted in part and denied in part as discussed above; that the motion of FES for a protective order is granted; that the motion of Direct Energy for a protective order is granted in part and denied in part as discussed above, that, as of seven business days from the date of this entry (a) Vectren Source shall file Exhibit C-4 redacted (b) Shell Energy shall file Exhibit C-4 redacted, (c) Direct Energy shall file Exhibit C-4 redacted versions; that the request of Vectren Source, IGS and Direct Energy for a waiver of the 18 month time period contained in Rule 4901-1-24 (F), O.A.C. are denied. (JS)
06/10/2004 Application cont'd (Part 2 of 2)
06/10/2004 Confidential Exhibit C-5 (FILED UNDER SEAL)
06/10/2004 Confidential exhibit C-4 (FILED UNDER SEAL)
06/10/2004 Confidential Exhibit C-3 (FILED UNDER SEAL).
06/10/2004 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Neilsen.
06/10/2004 Renewal application for a certificate to provide competitive retail national gas in the State of Ohio, filed by applicant. (Part 1 of 2)
01/23/2004 Service Notice
01/22/2004 Entry ordering that the motions by Energy America and Shell Energy for extensions of protective orders, filed on October 22, 2003, and November 12, 2003, respectively, be granted as more fully set forth in finding (8), that Vectren's motion for extension of its protective order, filed on Dec. 2, 2003, is granted in part and denied in part, as more fully set forth in findings (5) and (7), as of seven business days from the date of this entry, the Docketing Division shall move to the public record Vectren's first supplemental response to Exhibit C-6( filed on July 5, 2002. (JK)
12/02/2003 Motion for extension of Commission's protective order, memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by D. Neilsen.
07/16/2003 Service notice filed.
07/14/2003 Service notice filed.
07/14/2003 Entry ordering that the motions for protective order are granted in part and denied in part; that, for 6 months from the date of this entry the Docketing Division of the Commission maintain under seal the protected information; that GASMARK's supplemental C-5 be redacted from the public record and placed under seal for 6 months; that the requests of Volunteer, Energy America, AEP, ECO and ProLiance for a waiver of the 18-month time frame is denied; that OCC's motions to intervene are denied; that ACN's motion for expedited treatment of its certification application is denied; that Volunteer's motion for a protective order is granted; that the Case Nos. 02-1654-GA-CRS, 02-1668-GA-CRS, 02-1680-GA-CRS, 02-1786-GA-CRS, 02-1828-GA-CRS, 02-1829-GA-CRS, 02-1864-GA-CRS, 02-1889-GA-CRS, 02-1891-GA-CRS, 02-1893-GA-CRS, 02-1909-GA-CRS, 02-1926-GA-CRS, and 02-1968-GA-CRS be closed of record. (GP)
07/18/2002 Certificate No. 02-001(1) issued. (ISSUED 7/17/02)
07/12/2002 Service notice
07/11/2002 Supplemental response to Exhibit C-6 filed on behalf of applicant by G. Hummel.
07/11/2002 Finding & Order approving the application; that Vectren Source is authorized to provide competitive retail natural gas service, as a marketer, in Ohio for a period of two years, beginning on July 11, 2002, and ending on July 11, 2004; that the Docketing Division issue a certificate to Vectren Source.
07/11/2002 Confidential information filed on behalf of applicant by G. Hummel. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
07/11/2002 Letter regarding confidential 2nd supplemental response to Exhibit C-6, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Hummel.
07/05/2002 Motion for protective order and for expedited approval and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by K. Bojko.
07/05/2002 Confidential information filed on behalf of applicant. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
07/05/2002 Confidential information filed on behalf of applicant by G. Collins. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
07/05/2002 Application continued. (Part 2 of 2)
07/05/2002 In the matter of the application of Vectren Retail, LLC for certification for retail natural gas supplier. (Part 1 of 2)