DIS - Case Record for 01-2411-EL-UNC Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: UNC-Unclassified
Date Opened: 9/14/2001
Date Closed:
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
11/03/2004Service Notice85
10/28/2004Service Notice85
11/22/2002Service Notice.4
01/09/2002Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, 1st sheets 1-2, 60-1, 1-3D, and 60-1D, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Co. by A. Lumannick.5
01/09/2002Revised tariff, PUCO No. 5, 1st sheets 1-2, 60-1, 1-3D, and 60-1D, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Lumannick.5
12/31/2001Final tariff, PUCO No. 3, 1st sheet 25, 1st sheet 3, 2nd sheet 3-2, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Jack.4
12/28/2001Tariff table of contents and sheet no. 90, Universal Service Rider filed by S. Ouellette.4
12/28/2001Tariff table of contents and Rider no. 11, Universal Service Rider, filed by S. Ouellette.4
12/28/2001Tariff schedule Rider USR, Universal Service Fund Rider, on behalf of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. filed by P. Ochsner.2
12/28/2001Tariff table of contents and Rider no. 14, Universal Service Rider, filed by S. Ouellette4
12/26/2001Transcript proceedings for the adjustments to the Universal Service Fund Riders, Ohio Electric Distribution Utilities.38
12/21/2001Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, 2nd sheet D2, 1st sheet D28, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Seger-Lawson.4
12/20/2001Opinion & Order that the stipulation and recommendation and the proposed customer notice submitted by the parties are approved; that the electric utilities shall commence notification of all customers affected by the tariff within 90 days of the effective date of the final tariff.9
12/20/2001Service notice4
12/11/2001Correction filed on behalf of The Ohio Department of Development by B. Royer.1
12/04/2001Service Notice3
12/03/2001Entry ordering that a hearing on the amended application should be held on 12/10/01, at 10:00 a.m., in hearing room 11-A, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. (AE)2
11/29/2001Amended application of the Ohio department of development, filed by B. Johnson.21
11/29/2001Supplemental Testimony of Donald A. Skaggs on behalf of the Ohio Department of Development.67
11/16/2001Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel filed on behalf of Dayton Power & Light by A. Vinolus.3
11/09/2001Entry ordering that the filing of written testimony by the electric utilities be continued to a date to be determined. (AE)2
11/09/2001Service Notice4
10/30/2001Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric Illuminating, and Toledo Edison by J. Burk. (Original copy)4
10/30/2001Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by S. Bloomfield.5
10/29/2001Motion to intervene of FirstEnergy filed by J. Burk. (Fax copy)3
10/24/2001Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Dayton Power & Light Co. by A. Vinolus.5
10/24/2001Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.3
10/22/2001Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik.4
10/16/2001Motion to intervene and memorandum in support and its filing of testimony and exhibits filed on behalf of CG&E by P. Colbert.19
10/11/2001Entry scheduling a prehearing conference at 10:00 a.m. on October 31, 2001, Hearing Room 1-D, Commission offices; that each electric utility file such testimony by November 6, 2001; that interested parties wishing to intervene in this proceeding file a motion to intervene by October 30, 2001. (AE)4
10/11/2001Direct testimony of Cynthia A. Menhorn filed on behalf of Monongahela Power Co. by G. Jack.8
10/05/2001Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and motion to practice pro hac vice before the Commission, filed on behalf of the Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt.8
10/03/2001Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by G. Hummel.5
09/19/2001Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Monongahela Power Co. by G. Jack.5
09/14/2001Testimony of Donald A. Skaggs filed on behalf of applicant by B. Royer.74
09/14/2001In the matter of the application of The Ohio Department of Development for an order approving adjustments to the Universal Service Fund Riders of Jurisdictional Ohio Electric Distribution Utilities.20