DIS - Case Record for 01-0397-AU-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/16/2001 Service Notice
11/08/2001 Entry ordering that the companies set forth on Appendix A immediately notify all of their Ohio jurisdictional customers, if any, that they are no longer operating in Ohio; that the certificates and tariffs of utilities listed on Appendix A are cancelled and the companies removed from the Commission's rolls of public utilities; that this case be closed of record.
10/07/2001 Service Notice.
10/04/2001 Entry ordering that the public utilities listed on Appendix A file their 2000 annual reports within 20 days from the date of this entry or the Commission will cancel the certificates and tariffs of such companies and remove them from the Commission's rolls of public utilities; that the certificates and tariffs of utilities listed on Appendix B are cancelled and the companies are removed from the Commission's rolls of public utilities; that the companies set forth on Appendix B immediately notify all of their Ohio jurisdictional customers, if any, that they are no longer operating in Ohio; that this case be closed of record.
06/14/2001 Service Notice.
06/12/2001 Entry ordering that the motions for protective orders are denied and the unredacted assessment reports should be released in 15 days from the date of this entry. (AE)
05/01/2001 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of West Virginia Cellular Telephone Corp. by D. Chorzempa.
05/01/2001 Confidential annual report filed on behalf of West Virginia Cellular Telephone Corp. by D. Chorzempa. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
05/01/2001 Confidential annual report filed on behalf of AT&T Wireless PCS of Cleveland, Ohio by D. Chorzempa. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
05/01/2001 Confidential annual report filed on behalf of Orange County Cellular Telephone Corp. by D. Chorzempa. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
05/01/2001 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Orange County Cellular Telephone Corp. by D. Chorzempa.
05/01/2001 Public version of annual report filed on behalf of Orange County Cellular Telephone Corp. by D. Chorzempa.
05/01/2001 Public version of annual report filed on behalf of AT&T Wireless PCS of Cleveland by D. Chorzempa.
05/01/2001 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of AT&T Wireless PCS of Cleveland, LLC by D. Chorzempa.
04/30/2001 Public version of annual report filed on behalf of McLang Cellular, Inc. by D. Chorzempa.
04/30/2001 Public version of annual report filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by D. Chorzempa.
04/30/2001 Public version of annual report filed on behalf of Wheeling Cellular Telephone Co. by D. Chorzempa.
04/30/2001 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of McLang Cellular, Inc. by D. Chorzempa.
04/30/2001 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Wheeling Cellular Telephone Co. by D. Chorzempa.
04/30/2001 Confidential annual report filed on behalf of Wheeling Cellular Telephone Co. by D. Chorzempa. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
04/30/2001 Confidential annual report filed on behalf of McLang Cellular Inc. by D. Chorzempa. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
04/30/2001 Confidential annual report filed on behalf of AT&T Wireless PCS by D. Chorzempa. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
04/30/2001 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of AT&T Wireless PCS by D. Chorzempa.
04/19/2001 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by J,. Finnigan.
03/08/2001 Service Notice.
03/08/2001 Entry ordering that the secretary of the Commission send to all public utilities a copy of this entry and two copies of the appropriate form of the Annual report to be completed by the public utility; that the railroads complete and return the annual report by no later than April 30, 2001, to the PUCO.
02/14/2001 In the matter of the filing of 2000 Annual Reports by Regulated Public Utilities.