DIS - Case Record for 01-0032-GA-GPS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/09/2001 Letter to Jodi Bair, PUCO staff, regarding a check in the amount of $5000.00, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Hummel.
07/26/2001 Entry ordering settlement agreement be approved and adopted in its entirety; this case is closed of record.
07/10/2001 Stipulation and recommendation filed by J. Bair, PUCO and G. Hummel on behalf of the company.
06/07/2001 Entry ordering that the hearing be continued to July 24, 2001, at 10:00 a.m., Hearing Room 11-F, Commission offices. (AE)
05/18/2001 Motion for continuance of hearing. Respectfully submitted, G. Hummel.
04/23/2001 Entry rescheduling the hearing for May 24, 2001, at 10:00 a.m., Hearing Room 11-F, Commission offices. (AE)
04/23/2001 Service Notice
04/19/2001 Memorandum contra to motion to schedule a new hearing date, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Hummel.
04/19/2001 Notice of substitution of counsel filed on behalf of applicant by G. Hummel.
04/17/2001 Transcript filed for hearing held 4/3/01, (KS), 6 pgs., Submitted. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
04/11/2001 Motion to schedule a new hearing date and memorandum in support filed by K. Danosi on behalf of the PUCO.
03/13/2001 Service Notice.
03/12/2001 Entry ordering that this case be continued until April 3, 2001, at 10:00 a.m., in hearing room 11-F, in the offices of the Commission. (KKS)
02/28/2001 Service Notice.
02/27/2001 Motion for a continuance and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Bair.
02/23/2001 Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on March 29, 2001, at the Commission offices, Hearing Room 11-F; that any party intending to present direct expert testimony should comply with Rule 4901-1-29(A)(1)(j), O.A.C. (AE)
02/08/2001 Gas investigative report filed on behalf of the PUCO staff.
02/06/2001 Response filed on behalf of applicant by R. Miller.
01/18/2001 Entry ordering that the Gas Pipeline Safety Section of the Commission staff continue its investigation of this matter; that the Gas Pipeline Safety Section file its investigative report within 21 days after the date of this entry and serve a copy of the report upon Roy Miller and all other interested persons; that, within 10 days of the filing of the staff report, Roy Miller shall file a written response to the report.
01/05/2001 In the matter of the investigation of Roy A. Miller, d.b.a. 83 Sales Ltd, Relative to its compliance with the Natural Gas Pipeline safety standards and related matters.