DIS - Case Record for 00-1595-ST-CRC Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Purpose Code: CRC-Complaint on Rates Charged
Date Opened: 8/30/2000
Date Closed:
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
11/23/2004Entry stating that applicant is authorized to file no later than ten days after the date of this entry; that CTT'S tariff and customer notice are approved; effective date of new tariffs shall be a date which final tariffs are filed with the Commission.2
11/09/2004Customer notice filed by D. Felton on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services, LLC.2
10/18/2004Service Notice2
10/13/2004Supplemental Entry stating that Carroll Township Treatment Service, LLC recalculate its rates for sewerage service based on the revised rate base as set forth in this entry and file the proposed rates within 15 days this entry.2
05/05/2003Supreme Court No. 03-613 Transmittal papers filed.11
04/04/2003Notice of Appeal filed on behalf of Green Cove Resort 1 Owners' Assoc. by F. Lange, Jr. and D. Lyle. (S.C. #03-0613)4
03/13/2003Tariff page correction filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services, LLC by S. Bloomfield.2
02/10/2003Tariff (sewer), PUCO No. 1, Subject Index, original page ii, original page iii, original page iv, and 1st page 6, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.5
02/05/2003Entry granting in part and denying in part the application for rehearing filed by Resort I; that Resort I's motion for sanctions and costs be denied; that the application for rehearing filed by CTTS is denied; that the proposed calculation of wastewater rates and proposed schedules be approved.4
01/31/2003Response to the rehearing application and submission filed by respondent, filed on behalf of complaint by M. Shaw.9
01/27/2003Memorandum contra to complainants application for rehearing filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services, LLC by S. Bloomfield.7
01/21/2003Submission filed on behalf of respondent, Carroll Township Treatment Services, by S. Bloomfield.11
01/21/2003Motion to clarify/correct an order, or, in the alternative, application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, Carroll Township Treatment Services, by S. Bloomfield.5
01/21/2003Correspondence letter to the Chairman and Commissioners on behalf of Resort III, IV and V.2
01/17/2003Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of complainant Green Cove Resort I Owners Association by F. Lange, Jr.11
12/19/2002Opinion and Order ordering that this complaint is granted in part and denied in part, and within 30 days of the date of this opinion and order CTTS recalculate its wastewater rates as set forth in this order and file them, with supporting documentation for Commission approval.15
12/19/2002Service Notice2
12/02/2002Letter on behalf of the applicant regarding the Commission to render its decision, filed by F. Lange. 1
06/11/2002Complainant's Reply Brief filed by D. Lyle.20
06/10/2002Reply of respondent Carroll Township Treatment Services, LLC to complainant's initial brief, by F. Lange.29
05/23/2002Entry ordering that the briefs in this matter be filed by June 5, 2002. (AE)1
05/21/2002Request that the due date for the reply briefs be extended fourteen days until June 5, 2002, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by M. Satterwhite.2
05/09/2002Initial brief filed on behalf of Green Cove Resort I Owners' Assoc. by D. Lyle.22
05/08/2002Letter preserving its right to reply to any positions or comments made in the parties' initial briefs, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by M. Satterwhite.1
05/08/2002Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of respondent, Carroll Township Treatment Services, by A. Bartemes.25
04/17/2002Late-filed exhibits filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services by T. O'Brien.28
04/01/2002Confidential exhibits for transcripts Volumes I and II continued. (FILED UNDER SEAL)107
04/01/2002Transcript and exhibits filed for hearing held March 13, 2002, (SF), 167 pgs., Submitted. (PUCO-Columbus, OH) (Volume III) 203
04/01/2002Transcript and exhibits continued. (Volume II) (Part 6 of 6)211
04/01/2002Transcript and exhibits continued. (Volume II) (Part 5 of 6)200
04/01/2002Transcript and exhibits continued. (Volume II) (Part 4 of 6)200
04/01/2002Transcript and exhibits continued. (Volume II) (Part 3 of 6)200
04/01/2002Transcript and exhibits continued. (Volume II) (Part 2 of 6)200
04/01/2002Transcript and exhibits for hearing held March 12, 2002, (SF), Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH) (Volume II) (Part 1 of 6)200
04/01/2002Confidential exhibits for transcripts Volumes II and III filed. (FILED UNDER SEAL)177
03/21/2002Prefiled testimony of Daniel Phahl and Cheryl Hubans filed on behalf of Green Cove Resort I Owners' Assoc. by D. Lyle.9
03/19/2002Transcript and exhibits continued. (Volume I) (Part 2 of 2)173
03/19/2002Transcript and exhibits for hearing held March 11, 2002, (SF), Continued. (PUCO-Columbus, OH) (Volume I) (Part 1 of 2)150
03/08/2002Certificate of service filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services by A. Bartemes.1
03/08/2002Pre-filed testimony of Richard Riethmiller filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services.18
03/08/2002Pre-filed testimony of Dennis Felton filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services.23
03/08/2002Pre-filed testimony of Frank Harris filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services.17
03/08/2002Pre-filed testimony of Rebecca Laird filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services.11
03/08/2002Pre-filed testimony of Lynn Nichols filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services.8
03/07/2002Notice of filing of confidential depositions under seal of Dennis Felton and Francis Harris, filed on behalf of Green Cove Resort I Owners' Assoc. by D. Lyle.5
03/07/2002Notice of filing of confidential deposition of Francis M. Harris under seal, filed on behalf of Green Cove Resort I Owners' Assoc. by D. Lyle. (FILED UNDER SEAL)145
03/07/2002Proof of service of subpoena filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services by A. Bartemes.3
03/06/2002Notice of filing confidential deposition under seal, filed on behalf of Green Cove Resort I Owners' Assoc. by D. Lyle.2
03/06/2002Motion of the complainant for the issuance of subpoenas to compel attendance, filed by M. Kamer.4
03/06/2002Confidential deposition filed on behalf of Green Cove Resort I Owners' Assoc. by D. Lyle. (FILED UNDER SEAL)212
03/05/2002Notice of filing of confidential deposition under seal filed by A. Bartemes. (Part 2 of 2) (FILED UNDER SEAL)101
03/05/2002Notice of filing confidential deposition under seal, filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services by A. Bartemes. (Part 1 of 2) (FILED UNDER SEAL)200
03/05/2002Confidential exhibit and testimony notebooks filed by D. Lyle. (FILED UNDER SEAL)253
03/05/2002Confidential hearing exhibits filed. (Part 4 of 4) (FILED UNDER SEAL)212
03/05/2002Confidential hearing exhibits filed. (Part 3 of 4) (FILED UNDER SEAL)200
03/05/2002Confidential exhibits of hearing filed. (Part 2 of 4) (FILED UNDER SEAL)200
03/05/2002Confidential exhibits of hearing filed. (Part 1 of 4) (FILED UNDER SEAL)200
03/05/2002Motion for subpoena filed on behalf of Carroll Township Treatment Services by S. Bloomfield.3
03/05/2002Letter stating that, in connection with the Complainant's exhibits that have been filed today, each exhibit is intended to be considered confidential with the exception of Exhibit 17, which is an existing Staff Findings report, filed by D. Lyle.1
02/11/2002Supplemental responses and objections to the respondent's first set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents filed by D. Lyle on behalf of complainant.11
12/12/2001Disclosure of witnesses by respondent Carroll Township Treatment Services, LLC, filed by S. Bloomfield.3
12/04/2001Complainant's witness disclosure list, filed by D. Lyle.4
11/21/2001Entry ordering that complainant should file a list of all witnesses it intends to call at the hearing by November 30, 2001; respondent should file a list of all witnesses it intends to call at the hearing by December 7, 2001; all discovery should be completed by February 25, 2002; all witness tesimony and copies of corresponding exhibits should be filed by March 4, 2002; scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on March 11, 2002, Commission offices. (AE)2
11/20/2001Respondent's proposed scheduling order. Filed by S. Bloomfield23
11/19/2001Proposed discovery and hearing deadlines filed on behalf of Green Cove Resort I Owners' Assoc. by D. Lyle.3
10/09/2001Memorandum contra to complainant's motion for sanctions and costs, filed on behalf of respondent, Carroll Township Treatment Services, by A. Bartemes.82
09/25/2001Return of service of subpoenas filed on behalf of applicant by D. Lyle.4
09/21/2001Motion for sanctions and costs against the respondent for failure to comply with document production requests and memorandum in support filed on behalf of complainant by D. Lyle.9
09/17/2001Motion for the issuance of subpoenas to produce documents filed by M. Shaw on behalf of Green Cove Resort I Owners' Association.6
09/12/2001Notice of deposition duces tecum filed on behalf of complainant by D. Lyle.4
08/27/2001Notice of deposition filed on behalf of complainant by D. Lyle.3
07/12/2001Return of service for Key Bank filed by S. Pawlicki.1
07/12/2001Return of service for Sky Bank-Mid Am Region filed by S. Pawlicki1
07/06/2001Motion of the complainant for the issuance of subpoenas to produce documents filed by M. Shaw.5
06/19/2001Return of service for the following; Burgess & Nipel Limited; Charles Mira; Cynthia L. Rerucha, Esq.; Ernst & Young, LLP; Lynn Nichols, CPA; Norweco Inc.; Sally Bloomfield, filed on behalf of Green Cover Resort I Owners' Assoc. by D. Lyle.13
06/13/2001Motion of the complainant for the issuance of subpoenas to produce documents. Respectfully submitted by F. Lange9
05/03/2001Motion for withdrawal and substitution of counsel filed on behalf of applicant by M. Whipple.4
02/14/2001Entry ordering that the complainant's motion for an extension of time is granted in accordance with finding (2), the complainant shall respond to the pending discovery requests by no later than 3/6/2001. (AE)1
02/12/2001Motion for an extension of time filed by M. Kamer on behalf of the complainant.4
01/03/2001Entry ordering that the respondent's motion to dismiss is denied; that the complainant's request for emergency relief is denied; scheduling a prehearing conference at 10:00 a.m. on January 17, 2001, at the Commission offices. (AE)5
11/08/2000Reply memorandum in support of motion of respondent Carroll Township Treatment Services, for extension of time to re- spond to complainant's discovery, filed on behalf of respon- dent by S. Bloomfield. (3 pgs.)3
11/03/2000Reply memorandum in support of motion to dismiss, filed on behalf of respondent, Carroll Township Treatment Services, by A. Bartemes. (8 pgs.)8
11/02/2000Memorandum in opposition to respondent's motion for ex- tension of time to respond to complainant's discovery, filed on behalf of complainant by M. Kramer. (4 pgs.)4
10/27/2000Memorandum in opposition to respondent's motion to dismiss, filed on behalf of complainant by M. Kamer. (17 pgs.)17
10/18/2000Motion for extension of time to respond to complainant's discovery and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of respondent, Carroll township Treatment Services, by A. Bartemes. (5 pgs.)5
10/11/2000Motion to dismiss and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, Carroll Township Treatment Services, by A. Bartemes. (14 pgs.)14
10/10/2000Amended answer of respondent filed by S. Bloomfield (7 pgs)7
10/10/2000Motion of respondent Carroll Township Treatment Services, LLC to amend its answer to the complaint. Filed by S. Bloomfield (18 pgs)18
09/27/2000Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Carroll Township Treatment Services, by S. Bloomfield. (6 pgs.)6
09/18/2000Entry ordering that the respondent's request for a one-week extension of time is granted and the respondent's answer shall be filed by September 27, 2000. (AE) (1 pg.)1
09/14/2000Letter requesting extension of time filed by S. Bloomfield (1 pg)1
08/31/2000Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to Carroll Township Treatment Service, Inc. Walter C. Harris.1
08/30/2000In the matter of the complaint of the Green Cove Resort I Owners' Association as to the unjust, unreasonable and illegal sewer rates charges by Carroll Township Treatment Services, LLC and request for an emergency rate decrease.16
08/30/2000In the matter of the complaint and request for emergency rate relief of Green Cove Resort I Owners' Association. (17 pgs.)17