DIS - Case Record for 00-1186-TP-UNC Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: TP-TELEPHONE
Purpose Code: UNC-Unclassified
Date Opened: 6/30/2000
Date Closed: 2/13/2015
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
02/13/2015Memo closing cases with an effective date of 2/13/15.1
06/15/2012Confidential document release: Replacement pages for filing on June 30, 2000 (part 1 of 2) originally filed on 12/11/2000.203
06/15/2012Confidential document release: replacement pages for filing of June 30, 2000 originally filed on 07/06/2000.112
06/15/2012Confidential document release: direct testimony of B. Ellis originally filed on 12/11/2000.44
06/15/2012Confidential document release: Cost study revised pages originally filed on 12/08/2000.63
06/15/2012Confidential document release: direct testimony of D. Trimble originally filed on 12/11/2000.129
12/01/2011Confidential document release: GTE cost study originally filed on June 30, 2000. (Section 30)121
12/01/2011Confidential document release: GTE cost study originally filed on June 30, 2000. (Section 29)204
12/01/2011Confidential document release: GTE cost study originally filed on June 30, 2000. (section 28)201
12/01/2011Confidential document release: GTE cost study originally filed on June 30, 2000. (section 27)196
12/01/2011Confidential document release: GTE cost study originally filed on June 30, 2000. (section 26)202
12/01/2011Confidential document release: GTE cost study originally filed on June 30, 2000. (section 25)201
12/01/2011Confidential document release: document filed originally on June 30, 2000. (section 24)198
12/01/2011Confidential document release: GTE Telephone billing and collection study originally filed on June 30, 2000. (section 23)190
12/01/2011Confidential document release: GTE-Ohio Cost Study Service Assurance originally filed on June 30, 2000. (section 22)200
11/29/2011Confidential document release: GTE Service Assurance Cost Study filed originally on June 30,2000. (202 pages). (section 21)202
11/29/2011Confidential document release: GTE Service Assurance Cost Study filed originally on June 30,2000. (200 pages). (section 20)201
11/23/2011Confidential Release of 00-1186-TP-UNC Section 19 filed June 30, 2000 released November 23, 2011.196
11/23/2011Confidential Release of 00-1186-TP-UNC Section 18 filed June 30, 2000 released November 23, 2011.200
11/23/2011Confidential Release of 00-1186-TP-UNC Section 17 filed June 30, 2000 released November 23, 2011.197
11/23/2011Confidential Release of 00-1186-TP-UNC Section 16 filed June 30, 2000 released November 23, 2000.200
11/23/2011Confidential Release of 00-1186-TP-UNC section 15 filed June 30, 2000 released November 23, 2011.201
11/21/2011Confidential Release of Section 14 of the Integrated Cost Model for Case # 00-1186-TP-UNC.201
11/21/2011Confidential Release of Section 13 of the Integrated Cost Model Release 4.1b in case # 00-1186-TP-UNC.201
11/18/2011Confidential document release: Application originally filed on 06/30/00. (Part 12)203
11/18/2011Confidential document release: Application originally filed on 06/30/00. (part 11)189
11/17/2011Confidential release: application filed originally on 06/30/00. (section 3)204
11/17/2011Confidential release: application filed originally on 06/30/00. (section 2)200
11/17/2011Confidential release: application filed originally on 06/30/00. (section 1)200
11/17/2011Confidential document release: Application filed originally on 06/30/00. (part 10)200
11/17/2011Confidential document release: Application filed originally on 06/30/00. (part 9)200
11/17/2011Confidential document release: Application filed originally on 06/30/00. (part 8)201
11/17/2011Confidential document release: Application filed originally on 06/30/00. (part 7)199
11/17/2011Confidential document release: Application filed originally on 06/30/00. (part 6)193
11/17/2011Confidential document release: Application filed originally on 06/30/00. (part 5)201
11/17/2011Confidential document release: Application filed originally on 06/30/00. (part 4)203
09/21/2010Service notice.7
09/21/2010Entry ordering that the motion for protective order is granted in accordance with Finding (5). (DJ)4
05/06/2010Motion to extend protective orders, memorandum in support electronically filed by Carolyn S Flahive on behalf of Verizon North Inc.9
04/21/2010Service Notice6
04/21/2010Entry ordering that Verizon may seek to continue existing protective order by filing within 20 days of this entry, a motion providing detailed discussion of the need for continuing protective treatment. (LDJ)3
10/15/2008Motion of Verizon North Inc. to extend the protective order and memorandum in support filed by T.Lodge.10
10/01/2008Service notice.6
09/30/2008Entry ordering that Verizon may continue the existing protective order issued on January 12, 2001, by filing within 20 days of this entry a motion showing good cause. Otherwise, the protective order shall expire and the information shall be included in the public record of the proceeding.2
05/18/2005Entry ordering that these cases be closed of record.2
05/18/2005Service Notice2
08/28/2002Notice of substitution of counsel filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio and TCG Ohio by D. Trabaris.1
01/12/2001Entry ordering that Verizon's motions for protective treatment of the prefiled testimony of Barbara Ellis and Dennis B. Trimble are granted; that the hearing and all other matters in this proceeding are continued indefinitely. (AE)2
12/20/2000Entry ordering that the parties filed direct testimony by December 11, 2000; responsive testimony by January 26, 2001; discovery deadline is March 15, 2001; scheduling a hearing on April 23, 2001; scheduling a pre-hearing conference on April 10, 2001. (AE)2
12/11/2000Prefiled direct testimony of David G. Tucek filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.36
12/11/2000Confidential prefiled direct testimony of Dennis B. Trimble filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge. (FILED UNDER SEAL)124
12/11/2000Confidential direct testimony of Barbara Ellis filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge. (FILED UNDER SEAL)43
12/11/2000Prefiled direct testimony of Larry Richter filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.31
12/11/2000Prefiled direct testimony of Richard Werner filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.24
12/11/2000Prefiled direct testimony of Allen E. Sovereign filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.24
12/11/2000Prefiled direct testimony of Mishelle Richardson filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.70
12/11/2000Prefiled direct testimony of Dennis B. Trimble filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.125
12/11/2000Prefiled direct testimony of Bert I. Steele filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.96
12/11/2000Prefiled direct testimony of Barbara K. Ellis filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.25
12/11/2000Prefiled direct testimony of Barbara Ellis filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.43
12/11/2000Motion for protective order (testimony Dennis B. Trimble) and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.4
12/11/2000Motion for protective order (testimony of Barbara Ellis) and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.3
12/11/2000Prefiled direct testimony of Gregory D. Jacobson filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.53
12/11/2000Certificate of service filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.3
12/08/2000Confidential wholesale non-recurring cost study, revised pages, filed on behalf of applicant. (FILED 12/8/00) (FILED UNDER SEAL)62
12/08/2000Amendment to application and supplement to motion for protective order, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.38
10/18/2000Memorandum in opposition to Payphone Association of Ohio's motion for leave to file interlocutory appeal instanter, and in opposition to interlocutory appeal, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge. (5 pgs.)5
10/06/2000Motion for leave to file Interlocutory appeal, Instanter, the application for Interlocutory appeal and the memorandum in support of the PAO's application. Filed by J. Donovan (44 pgs)44
09/26/2000Entry granting Verizon's motion for protective order; granting AT&T's motion to intervene; granting OCC's motion to intervene; denying the motion to consolidate filed by OCC; denying the motion to intervene filed by PAO; scheduling a prehearing conference at 10:00 a.m. on October 10, 2000, at the Commission offices. (AE) (7 pgs.)7
09/26/2000Entry granting Verizon's motion for a protective order; that the motions to intervene of AT&T and OCC are granted; that OCC's motion to consolidate is denied; motion to intervene of PAO is denied; that a prehearing conference shall be scheduled for 10/10/00 at 10:00 a.m. at the Commission offices. (AE)7
08/21/2000Reply to Verizon's opposition to The PAO's petition to intervene, filed on behalf of The Payphone Association of Ohio by H. Kelly. (6 pgs.)6
08/18/2000Memorandum in opposition to Payphone Assoc. of Ohio's motion for leave to file interlocutory appeal instanter, and in opposition to interlocutory appeal, filed on behalf of Verizon North by T. Lodge.3
08/15/2000Reply to Verizon North's memorandum contra, filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (3 pgs.)3
08/15/2000Reply to Verizon North's memorandum contra, filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (5 pgs.)5
08/15/2000Reply of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel to Verizon North Inc.'s memorandum contra filed by J. Serio3
08/15/2000Reply of the Ohio Consumers' Council to Verizon North Inc.'s memorandum contra filed by J. Serio.5
08/11/2000Submission of corrected information filed on behalf of Verizon North, Inc., by T. Lodge.3
08/11/2000Memorandum in opposition to Payphone Association of Ohio's petition for leave to intervene, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge. (3 pgs.)3
08/11/2000Confidential corrected files, OHPLNTLF.EXE, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge. (FILED UNDER SEAL)0
08/11/2000Memorandum in opposition to Payphone Association of Ohio's petition for leave to intervene, filed on behalf of appli- cant by T. Lodge. (3 pgs.)3
08/11/2000Submission of corrected information filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge. (3 pgs.)3
08/08/2000Memorandum in opposition to OCC's motion to consolidate procedural schedules, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Mazzola. (6 pgs.)6
08/08/2000Memorandum in response to OCC's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Mazzola. (4 pgs.)4
08/02/2000Response to AT&T's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge. (3 pgs.)3
08/02/2000Response to AT&T's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge. (4 pgs.)4
07/31/2000Supplement to Application, filed by T. Lodge (10 pgs)10
07/27/2000Petition to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of The Payphone Association of Ohio by J. Donovan. (7 pgs.)7
07/21/2000Motion to consolidate procedural schedules and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (5 pgs.)5
07/21/2000Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (3 pgs.)3
07/18/2000Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of AT&T, by B. Kahn.3
07/10/2000Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of GTE North by T. Lodge.4
07/07/2000Motion for Protective Order. Filed by T. Lodge (4 pgs) (Filed on 6/30/00)0
07/06/2000Confidential replacement pages filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge. (319 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)319
07/05/2000Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (3 pgs.) Redacted copies of the following cost studies: Unbundled Network Element Costs (Binders 1-12); Expanded Intercon- nection Services Cost Study (Binder 1 of 1); and Non- Recurring Wholesale Cost Study (Binders 1 and 2), filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge.0
07/03/2000In the matter of the application of GTE North, Inc. to determine permanent rates for unbundled network element prices and motion for protective order and memorandum in support.7
06/30/2000Motion for protective order filed by T. Lodge.4
06/30/2000In the matter of the application of GTE North Incorporated to determine permanent rates for unbundled network element prices.7
06/30/2000Confidential information filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lodge. (FILED UNDER SEAL) (6950 pgs.)6950