Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
12/01/1997 | Supreme Court Transmittal Papers. (8 pgs.) | 8 |
10/31/1997 | Notice of appeal filed on behalf of complainants by K. Yalamanchili. (5 pgs.) | 5 |
09/04/1997 | Entry denying the complainants' application for rehearing and closing this case of record. (5 pgs.) | 5 |
08/28/1997 | Brief in opposition to motion for rehearing filed on behalf of respondent, Level Propane Co., by K. Giffen. (7 pgs.) | 7 |
08/18/1997 | Errata filed on behalf of complainant by J. Daniels, K. Yalamanchili. (11 pgs.) | 11 |
08/15/1997 | Motion for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of complainants by G. Smith, R. Romaker, J. Daniels, and K. Yalamanchili. (26 pgs.) | 26 |
08/14/1997 | Entry granting Level's motion to dismiss this complaint, and closing this case of record. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
08/11/1997 | Joint motion to consolidate and to dismiss and memorandum filed on behalf of complainants by J. Daniels; and respon- dent, Level Propane, by K. Giffen. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
07/22/1997 | Reply memorandum in support of respondent's motion for protective order, filed on behalf of respondent, Level Propane, by K. Giffen. (7 pgs.) | 7 |
07/16/1997 | Memorandum in opposition to respondent's motion for a protective order filed on behalf of complainant by J. Daniels, K. Yalamanchili, R. Romaker. (5 pgs.) (filed on 7/11/97) | 5 |
06/25/1997 | Motion for protective order and reply memorandum in support of respondent's motion to stay discovery filed on behalf of respondent, Level Propane, by K. Giffen. (25 pgs.) | 25 |
06/16/1997 | Memorandum in opposition to respondent's motion to stay discovery filed on behalf of complainants by J. Daniels. (36 pgs.) | 36 |
06/16/1997 | Motion for extension of time and memorandum filed on behalf of complainants by J. Daniels. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
06/16/1997 | Motion for extension of time and memorandum filed on behalf of complainants by J. Daniels. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
06/02/1997 | Consolidated motion to stay discovery filed on behalf of respondent, Level Propane, by K. Griffen. (3 pgs.) | 3 |