Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
09/24/1998 | Entry ordered this case be dismissed and closed of record. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
09/24/1998 | Entry ordering that the request of Rireland and Ohio Power to relocate their territory boundary is granted, that the change on House Bill Map Nos. F-17 and F-20 described in Finding (5) be approved to show the boundary line change, that case 96-1010 is dismissed and closed of record. | 5 |
09/17/1997 | Reply brief filed on behalf of complainant by D. Carto. (6 pgs.) | 6 |
09/15/1997 | Reply brief filed on behalf of respondent, Firelands Electric, by B. Lubow. (10 pgs.) | 10 |
09/08/1997 | Brief filed on behalf of complainant by D. Carto. (6 pgs.) | 6 |
09/05/1997 | Letter stating that Ohio Power Company will not be filing an initial brief in this proceeding, filed by F. Dutton. (1 pg.) | 1 |
09/05/1997 | Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of respondent, Firelands Electric Cooperative, by B. Lubow. (12 pgs.) | 12 |
08/12/1997 | Transcript filed for hearing held 7/29/97, (GS), 161 pgs., Submitted. (PUCO-Columbus, OH) | 161 |
07/22/1997 | Expert testimony of Gary L. Wyckoff filed on behalf of respondent, Firelands Electric, by B. Lubow. (9 pgs.) | 9 |
07/22/1997 | Expert testimony of Merlin K. Groves filed on behalf of respondent, Firelands Electric, by B. Lubow. (17 pgs.) | 18 |
07/22/1997 | Expert testimony of Ronald A. Morehouse filed on behalf of respondent, Firelands Electric, by B. Lubow. (5 pgs.) | 5 |
07/14/1997 | Notice of appearance of additional counsel filed on behalf of respondent by B. Lubow, D. Harwood. (2 pgs.) | 2 |
06/24/1997 | Transcript filed for hearing held 6/10/97, (SD), 4 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH) | 4 |
06/16/1997 | Proof of Publication filed. (1 pg.) (Huron County) | 1 |
06/09/1997 | Entry ordering that the hearing be continued until July 29, 1997, at 9:30 a.m. at the Commission offices. (AE) (1 pg.) | 1 |