Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
10/05/1995 | Finding and Order granting gas pooling service agreements and closing case. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
03/31/1995 | Page 7 of the service agreement for General Gas Pooling Service filed on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by P. Ruxin. (2 pgs.) | 0 |
03/17/1995 | Compliance filing submitted on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by P. Ruxin. (62 pgs.) | 0 |
02/16/1995 | Entry ordering that East Ohio's application for rehearing and motion to vacate the Commission's Decmeber 29, 1994 entry in this matter are denied. (5 pgs.) | 0 |
02/10/1995 | Reply to Ohio Gas Marketers Association's memorandum contra motion to vacate, filed on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by H. Liebman. (11 pgs.) | 0 |
02/09/1995 | Memorandum contra East Ohio Gas's application for rehearing filed on behalf of complainant, Ohio Gas Marketers, by J. Bentine. (8 pgs.) | 0 |
02/03/1995 | Memorandum contra motion of East Ohio Gas to vacate entry, filed on behalf of complainant by J. Bentine. (9 pgs.) | 0 |
02/02/1995 | Motion and request for a one day extension of time for OGMA to file its reply to East Ohio Gas's motion to vacate, filed on behalf of complainant by J. Bentine. (1 pg.) | 0 |
01/30/1995 | Application for rehearing filed on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by H. Liebman. (11 pgs.) | 0 |
01/18/1995 | Motion to vacate entry and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by H. Liebman. (14 pgs.) | 0 |
01/11/1995 | Notice of withdrawal of complaint filed on behalf of complainant by J. Bentine. (2 pgs.) | 0 |
01/10/1995 | Answer filed on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by H. Liebman. (14 pgs.) | 0 |
01/10/1995 | Motion to dismiss complaint and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by H. Liebman. (20 pgs.) | 0 |
01/04/1995 | Notice of appearance filed on behalf of respondent, East Ohio Gas, by K. Long. (3 pgs.) | 0 |
12/29/1994 | Entry ordering that the request of OGMA for emergency relief is denied; that East Ohio file a copy of its new gas pooling agreement with the Commission for its review and consideration in the context of this complaint pro- ceeding; that East Ohio file an answer to the complaint simultaneously with any other motion it wishes to make in this matter by 1/10/95. (3 pgs.) | 0 |