DIS - Case Record for 93-0102-EL-EFC Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: EFC-Electric fuel component
Date Opened: 1/13/1993
Date Closed: 5/18/1994
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
06/16/1994Entry denying the application for rehearing filed by OCC.0
06/03/1994Memorandum in opposition to application for rehearing, filed on behalf of applicant by K. Duffy.0
05/27/1994Revised sheets to Tariff, Terms & Conditions, P.U.C.O. No. 3 5th Revised sheet 250-1 cancels 4th Revised sheet 250-1, 10th Revised sheet C-3 cancels 9th Revised sheet C-3 filed on behalf of applicant by T. Ringenbach.0
05/24/1994Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.0
05/18/1994Opinion & Order adopting the stipulation and recommendation in its entirety.0
05/17/1994Notice of filing of applicant's Exhibit No. 6, proofs of publication, filed by F. Dutton.0
04/22/1994Reply brief filed on behalf of applicant by K. Duffy.0
04/22/1994Reply brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by S. Nourse.0
04/21/1994Reply Brief of The Office of The Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Hotz.0
04/19/1994Transcript filed for hearing held 3/29/94, (SD), 10 pgs., Submitted.0
04/14/1994Initial brief filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.0
04/14/1994Initial brief filed on behalf of applicant by K. Duffy.0
03/30/1994Stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by S. Nourse, applicant by F. Dutton, and OCC by A. Hotz.0
03/18/1994Exhibits HWF-1 and HWF-2 which were inadvertently omitted from the prefiled written testimony of H. W. Fayne docketing On March 11, 1994, filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton.0
03/11/1994Written testimonies of S. D. Baker, H. W. Fayne, G. P. Sohovich filed by applicant.0
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Attorney General:
Nourse, Steven
Attorney Examiner:
Deerwester, Steven