Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
07/29/2009 | Confidential Release: Motion to certify interlocutory appeal, memorandum in support filed on 4/24/1991. | 41 |
07/29/2009 | Confidential Release: Replacement page 15 for Suburban's post hearing brief correcting errors in the next to last sentence on that page filed on 4/5/1991. | 3 |
07/29/2009 | Confidential Release: Post hearing brief of Suburban Fuel Gas, Inc. filed on 4/2/1991. | 27 |
07/29/2009 | Confidential Release: Motion to certify interlocutory appeal, memorandum in support and interlocutory appeal filed and served on behalf of Suburban Fuel Gas, Inc. by J. Bentine filed on 4/24/1991. | 41 |
07/28/2009 | Confidential Release: Reply memorandum contra motion to use deposition as evidence filed on behalf of Consolidated Biscuit Company filed 3/18/1991. | 7 |
07/28/2009 | Confidential Release: Direct testimony of Mark H Aultman on behalf of Suburban Fuel Gas, Inc. filed 3/12/1991. | 14 |
07/28/2009 | Confidential Release: Motion to use deposition as evidence filed on behalf of Suburban Fuel Gas, Inc. by J. Bentine filed 3/8/1991. | 6 |
07/28/2009 | Confidential Release: Amended motion to disqualify filed on behalf of Suburban Fuel Gas, Inc. by J. Bentine filed 3/1/1991. | 5 |
07/28/2009 | Confidential Release: Memo releasing certain documents filed by D. Crockron filed 5/9/1996. | 3 |
10/31/1991 | Entry denying Village of McComb's application for rehearing. | 0 |
10/17/1991 | Memorandum contra Village of McComb's application for rehearing, filed on behalf of Suburban Fuel Gas, Inc. by J. Bentine. | 0 |
10/07/1991 | Application for rehearing filed on behalf of the Village of McComb by D. Hackenberg. | 0 |
09/06/1991 | Tariff pages PUCO No. 3 filed on behalf of the applicant by D. Pemberton. | 0 |
09/05/1991 | Opinion and Order adopting the stipulation and recommendation to the extent provided in this order, approving tariffs for filing in case 90-1825-GA-COI and dismissing case 90-785-GA-ATA. | 0 |
08/21/1991 | Letter regarding the representation by OCC for the residential customers on Suburban's system, filed by W. Montgomery. | 0 |