Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
01/10/2005 | Memo requesting that all case numbers listed be attached to the Entry dated April 1, 2003 in case numbers 99-998-TP-COI and 99-563-TP-COI filed by J. Agranoff. | 9 |
12/05/1991 | Finding & Order dismissing case. | 0 |
09/24/1991 | Copy of customer contract filed on behalf of applicant by D. Pouria. (FILED 9/23/91) | 0 |
08/12/1991 | Proof of Publication filed by W. Hogan. (Callia County) | 0 |
08/07/1991 | Proofs of publication filed on behalf of applicant by W. Hogan. (Mahoning and Jefferson Counties) | 0 |
06/28/1991 | Entry ordering that applicant should cause republication of legal notice in accordance with Finding 4 by 7/19/91 and present proof of publication to the Commission by 8/5/91; that any interested person who can show good cause why this application should not be granted should file with the Commission a written statement by 8/5/91; unless the Commission receives a written statement to that effect, this case will be decided on the basis of the information contained in the application. (AE) | 0 |
06/24/1991 | Letter and required information to Jay Agranoff, PUCO staff, in response to their conversation on June 18, 1991, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Pouria. | 0 |
06/12/1991 | Proofs of publication filed on behalf of applicant by W. Hogan. (Washington and Muskingum Counties) | 0 |
05/29/1991 | Revised tariffs, original sheets 1 thru 24, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Hogan. | 0 |
05/29/1991 | Proofs of publication filed on behalf of applicant by W. Hogan. (Franklin, Jefferson, Columbiana, Athens-Athens Messenger, Hamilton, Mahoning, Guernsey, and Montgomery Counties) | 0 |
04/23/1991 | Updated tariff with the changes requested in a March 29, 1991, letter from Jeff Brown, PUCO staff, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Pouria. | 0 |
04/10/1991 | Entry ordering that applicant shall have until 4/26/91 to file the information as stated in Finding 2; that applicant cause publication of legal notice in accordance with Finding 3 by 4/26/91 and present proof of publication to the Commission by 5/13/91; any interested person who can show good cause why this application should not be granted should file with the Commission a written statement detailing the reasons by 5/13/91; unless the Commission receives a written statement to that effect, this case will be decided on the basis of the information contained in the application. (AE) | 0 |
03/18/1991 | Notice to hearing impaired filed on behalf of applicant by D. Pouria. | 0 |
03/04/1991 | Updates filed on behalf of applicant by D. Pouria. | 0 |
01/31/1991 | Response to Staff's letter of December 14, 1990, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Hogan. | 0 |