Case Record For: 90-0399-GA-CSS Case Title: STEPHEN DICKS VS CG&E Status: AR-Archived Industry Code: GA-GAS Purpose Code: CSS-Complaint on service or safety Date Opened: 3/6/1990 Date Closed: 2/21/1991 Case Documents Public Comments Parties of Record Related Cases Printable Docket Card Service List View All 1 - 15 of 20 documents 1 / 2 Date FiledSummaryPages 02/21/1991Entry dismissing case.0 01/24/1991Motion to dismiss and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent by R. Grieme.0 11/05/1990Transcript filed for hearing held l0/24/90, (SD), 6 pgs., Con't.0 10/09/1990Transcript filed for hearing held 9/18/90, (SD), 3 pgs., Con't.0 09/18/1990Entry rescheduling hearing to October 24, 1990 at 10:00 a.m. at the office of the Commission and if the matter is not resolved during the prehearing conferene this case will be heard at 1:30 p.m. the same day. (AE)0 09/13/1990Motion for continuance and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent by R. Grieme.0 07/18/1990Entry granting complainant's motion requesting a continuance of the hearing; hearing shall be rescheduled to 9/18/90 at l0:00 a.m. at the Commission offices. (AE)0 07/17/1990Letter requesting 30 day extension for hearing filed on behalf of complainant.0 05/22/1990Transcript filed for hearing held 5/16/90, (CW), 3 pgs., Con't.0 05/09/1990Proof of Publication filed. (Hamilton County)0 05/07/1990Letter agreeing to the continuance of the May 16, 1990 hearing to August l, l990, filed on behalf of respondent by R. Grieme.0 05/04/1990Entry rescheduling prehearing conference to 8/1/90 at l0:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission and rescheduling hearing to 8/1/90 at l:00 p.m. at the offices of the Commission. (AE)0 05/03/1990Request for continuance of complaint filed on behalf of complainant by S. Dicks.0 04/09/1990Copy of indictment returned by the Hamilton County Grand Jury on April 4, l990, filed on behalf of respondent by R. Grieme.0 04/09/1990Legal notice sent to the Cincinnati Enquirer (Hamilton Cty).0 1 / 2 Attorney General: Attorney Examiner: Deerwester, Steven