Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
09/26/1990 | Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 6, 268th sheet (Check List) and Section 2.3 - l2th sheet 3, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. | 0 |
11/06/1989 | In service date for two way measured rates EAS between Medina and Brunswick will be October 8, 1990 filed on behalf of GTE North by J.Kennedy. | 0 |
07/06/1989 | Opinion and Order issued denying request for two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS and granting GTE's two-way Extended Local Calling Plan between the Brunswick and Medinia Exchanges. | 0 |
06/06/1989 | Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of M. Williams, M.D., RE: to EAS. | 0 |
03/15/1989 | Comments filed by M. Williams, M.D., on behalf of the Brunswock Family Practice. | 0 |
01/12/1989 | Letter filed by M. Williams, Brunswick Family Practice, RE: informing the Commission on when the decision is going to be made. | 0 |
08/17/1988 | Comments filed by and on behalf of Mrs. T. M. McNeill, consumer, requesting EAS. | 0 |
07/15/1988 | Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, with attachment of various correspondence letters from consumers. | 0 |
06/23/1988 | Trans., for hearing held on 6/7/88, (CP) Submitted Vol. I, 1-245 pages. | 0 |
05/31/1988 | Testimony and attachmenets 1 thru 7 of Arthur Huggler, witness for GTE North Incorporated, filed by B. Kazee. | 0 |
05/31/1988 | Entry rescheduling hearing to be held on 6/7/88, at 10:00 a.m., at the Brunswick High School West, Concord ROom, 3641 Center Road, Brunswick, Ohio 44212; Ordering the complain- ant's post conspicuous notice of the new hearing date and time. (AE) | 0 |
05/31/1988 | Testimony and attachments of Kim O. Mazzon, witness for GTE North Incorporated, filed by B. Kazee. | 0 |
05/23/1988 | Information response of GTE North, Inc. by B. Kazee. | 0 |
05/17/1988 | Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed by B. Kazee on behalf of GTE North Incorporated. | 0 |
05/05/1988 | Proof of Publication filed. (County/Medina) | 0 |