Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
05/12/2023 | Certificate No. 23-120891E issued. | 2 |
04/18/2023 | Confidential Document Target: Confidential Document 2021 Tax Return electronically filed by Mr. Drew Gormley on behalf of INSURAGY LLC. (233 pages) | 2 |
04/10/2023 | Confidential Document Target: Exhibits C-1, C-2, C-3, and C-5 filed by Mr. Drew Gormley on behalf of Insuragy, LLC. (78 pages) | 2 |
04/10/2023 | In the Matter of the Application for Certification as a Competitive Retail Electric Power Broker electronically filed by Mr. Drew Gormley on behalf of Insuragy, LLC. | 27 |