Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
09/30/2024 | Certificate No. 16-1119E issued and electronically filed by Mr. Brandon J. Jenkins on behalf of PUCO Staff. | 2 |
06/28/2024 | Renewal Application for Competitive Retail Electric Service Governmental Aggregator electronically filed by Mr. Eric E. Burns on behalf of Madison Township, Richland. | 29 |
12/19/2023 | Opt-Out Notice to be sent to current and newly eligible customers in the Township's Electric Aggregation Program electronically filed by Eric E. Burns on behalf of Madison Township, Richland. | 9 |
01/06/2023 | Opt-Out Notice to be sent to newly eligible customers in the Township's Electric Aggregation Program electronically filed by Eric E. Burns on behalf of Madison Township, Richland. | 9 |
09/09/2022 | Certificate No. 16-1119E issued and electronically filed by Mr. Brandon J. Jenkins on behalf of PUCO Staff. | 2 |
07/20/2022 | Renewal Application for certification as a governmental aggregator of electricity electronically filed by Mr. Eric E. Burns on behalf of Madison Township, Richland. | 27 |
03/23/2022 | Opt-Out Notice to be sent to newly eligible customers in the Township's Electric Aggregation Program electronically filed by Eric E. Burns on behalf of Madison Township, Richland. | 9 |
02/24/2022 | Notice of Material Change electronically filed by Mark R. Burns on behalf of Independent Energy Consultants. | 3 |
12/28/2020 | Opt-Out Notice to be sent to current and newly eligible customers in the Township's Electric Aggregation Program. electronically filed by Andrew M Burns on behalf of Madison Township (Richland). | 9 |
09/18/2020 | Certificate No. 16-1119E issued electronically filed by Mr. Brandon J. Jenkins on behalf of PUCO Staff. | 2 |
08/12/2020 | Notice of Material Change Energy Harbor contact information electronically filed by Ty Brocksieker on behalf of Energy Harbor. | 4 |
08/04/2020 | Electric governmental aggregator application for Madison Township (Richland County) electronically filed by Ty Brocksieker on behalf of Energy Harbor and Madison Township. | 34 |
11/01/2019 | Notice of Material Change for FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. electronically filed by Ty Brocksieker on behalf of FirstEnergy Solutions. | 4 |
01/16/2019 | Notice of Material Change for FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. electronically filed by Ty Brocksieker on behalf of FirstEnergy Solutions. | 3 |
09/10/2018 | Renewal Certificate # 16-1119E(2) issued. | 4 |