Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
07/23/2014 | Service Notice | 14 |
07/23/2014 | Finding and Order stating that existing Ohio Adm.Code Chapter 4901:2-1 be rescinded; existing Ohio Adm.Code 4901:2-13-01, 4901:2-13-02, 4901:2-13-03, 4901:2-13-04, 4901:2-13-05, and 4901:2-13-08 be rescinded; new Ohio Adm.Code 4901:2-13-01, 4901:2-13-02, 4901:2-13-03, 4901:2-13-04, 4901:2-13-05, and 4901:2-13-08 be adopted; and existing Ohio Adm.Code 4901:2-13-06, 4901:2-13-07, 4901:2-13-09, 4901:2-13-10, and 4901:2-13-11 be approved and adopted. | 4 |
03/13/2014 | Service Notice | 14 |
03/12/2014 | Entry ordering all interested persons shall have until April 1, 2014, to file comments to the proposed rule changes. | 27 |
01/31/2014 | Transcript in the matter of the Commissions review of Chapter 4901:2-1 and 4901:2-13 hearing held on 01/16/14 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Gibson, Karen Sue Mrs. | 5 |
12/13/2013 | Service Notice | 11 |
12/13/2013 | Attorney Examiner Entry scheduling rule review workshop; electronically filed by Vesta R. Miller on behalf of L. Douglas Jennings, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 4 |
11/27/2013 | In the matter of the Commission's Review of Ohio Adm. Code Chapter 4901:2-1, regarding motor carrier tax payments and annual reports and Ohio Adm. Code Chapter 4901:2-13 regarding motor carrier insurance. | 1 |