DIS - Case Record for 10-0913-EL-AAM Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: AAM-Application to change accounting methods
Date Opened: 6/30/2010
Date Closed: 6/28/2013
Printable Docket Card Service List
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1 - 8 of 8 documents 1 /  1 
Date FiledSummaryPages
12/03/2012Case Action Form Archive cases electronically filed by Ms. Marta E. Stewart-Bates on behalf of PUCO2
09/28/2011Closed Case action form electronically filed by Ms. Katie L Stenman on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.2
11/10/2010Service Notice1
11/10/2010Finding and order stating that in accordance with finding (7) Duke's applications be approved, consistent with Staff's comments, and Duke be authorized to set the rates for Rider UE-ED to $0.000764 per kWh for residential customers and $1.19 per bill per month for nonresidential customers; Duke is authorized to create a regulatory asset to defer variances in uncollectible expense in future periods for recovery or refund in future proceedings to adjust Rider UE-ED.4
10/21/2010Letter stating that Duke is in complete concurrence with Staff's recommendations so there are no outstanding issues filed by E. Watts.1
10/14/2010Staff report filed.5
06/30/2010Direct testimony of Dana R. Patten on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.33
06/30/2010In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for a change in accounting authority.5
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Attorney General:
Attorney Examiner:
Pirik,Christine M.T.
Stenman, Katie