Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
07/03/2008 | Memo archiving case with an effective date of 7/3/08. | 1 |
04/02/2008 | Entry ordering that this case be dismissed without prejudice and closed of record. | 2 |
04/02/2008 | Service Notice | 1 |
02/14/2008 | Mr. Devin does not wish to pursue the formal complaint filed by L. Colosimo on behalf of complainant. | 1 |
02/05/2008 | Motion for leave to file answer to complaint instanter and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Duke Energy of Ohio Inc. by E. Watts. | 7 |
01/15/2008 | Complaint response letter and copy of brochure mailed to: Richard Devlin, complainant. | 1 |
01/15/2008 | Complaint service letter and copy of complaint mailed to: Anita Schafer, Duke Energy. | 1 |
01/14/2008 | In the matter of the complaint of Richard Devlin vs. Duke Energy alleging generation charges are excessive for amount used. | 1 |