Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
01/14/2006 | Memo automatically closing case with the effective date of 1/14/2006. | 1 |
01/13/2006 | Customer Notice and affidavit of Pamela Sherwood, filed on behalf of Time Warner Telecom of Ohio, LLC by C. Wightman. | 3 |
01/11/2006 | Proposed customer notice, filed by Time Warner Telecom of Ohio, LLC. | 1 |
01/11/2006 | Affidavit of P. Sherwood, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, filed by Time Warner Telecom of Ohio, LLC. | 1 |
01/06/2006 | Amended private line services tariff No. 5, and minor changes to the False Call Out Charge and Nonpayment of Charges or Deposits on Page 32 of tariff, filed on behalf of Time Warner Telecom of Ohio, LLC by C. Wightman. | 5 |
12/14/2005 | In the matter of the application of Time Warner Telecom of Ohio, LLC to revise private line service PUCO Tariff No.5 . | 18 |