Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
08/17/2023 | Case Action Form closing the case with an effective date of 08/17/23 electronically filed by Ms. Donielle M. Hunter on behalf of Patricia A. Schabo, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 2 |
03/28/2002 | Service Notice. | 1 |
03/27/2002 | Entry denying OCC's application for rehearing. | 3 |
03/20/2002 | Memorandum contra to the application for rehearing of OCC, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Finnigan, Jr. | 7 |
03/08/2002 | Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by D. Winkler. | 8 |
03/01/2002 | Service Notice | 1 |
02/28/2002 | Entry granting application. | 2 |
02/27/2002 | Motion to intervene and motion to disapprove application filed by D. Winkler on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel. | 5 |
02/22/2002 | In the matter of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company for approval of new gas bill format. | 4 |