Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
03/20/2001 | Revised tariff, PUCO No. 1, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Hummel. | 9 |
03/19/2001 | Service Notice | 2 |
03/16/2001 | Transcript for hearing held 3/1/01 submitted. | 11 |
03/15/2001 | Opinion & Order approving the application to the extent provided in this order; that the stipulation is adopted. | 10 |
03/05/2001 | Joint stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by K. Danosi; and applicant by G. Hummel. | 7 |
03/05/2001 | Proofs of Publication filed on behalf of applicant by G. Hummel. (Delaware, Morgan, Wood, Perry, Athens, Pickaway, and Hocking Counties) | 17 |
03/05/2001 | Joint stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by K. Danosi; and applicant by G. Hummel. | 7 |
03/02/2001 | Notice of withdrawal of motion to intervene filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson. | 2 |
02/28/2001 | Prepared testimony of Wm. Ross Willis filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. | 3 |
02/28/2001 | Testimony of Shahid U. Mahmud filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. | 4 |
02/28/2001 | Staff comments and recommendations filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. | 19 |
02/21/2001 | Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson. | 3 |
02/13/2001 | Direct Testimony of Brian R. Jonard. | 10 |
01/30/2001 | Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on March 1, 2001, at the Commission offices; that the application be accepted for filing; that applicant shall file any direct expert testimony and data in support by February 13, 2001; that any interested person shall file its motion to intervene and any direct expert testimony by February 21, 2001; that discovery in this matter be completed by February 21, 2001. | 5 |
01/18/2001 | In the matter of the application of Southeastern Natural Gas Company for an emergency increase in its rates and charges for natural gas service. | 15 |