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Document Record

Date Filed:  4/10/1995 12:30:54 PM
Document Type:  TX-Text
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Number of pages:  000000
Case Numbers: 
Notification letter of PUCO staff to Mr. Steven Alexander for the following companies listing violations in their COCOT service and corrective action needed: 1. Speedway #5274 (614-876-4892) 2. Speedway #5285 (513-599-2397) 3. McDonalds #5060 (513-592-8601) 4. Speedway #5117 (614-882-5790) 5. Speedway #1404 (614-363-0829) 6. Bonded #1176 (614-785-0569) 7. Speedway #5480 (614-764-0459) 8. Gastown (216-967-1008)
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