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Document Record

Date Filed:  6/15/1993 3:47:13 PM
Document Type:  TX-Text
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Number of pages:  000000
Case Numbers: 
Joint comments of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, the Michigan Public Service Commission, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin; In the matter of a petition for a declaratory ruling and related waivers to establish a new regulatory model for the Ameritech Region; Case No. DA 93-481; in summary, the comments support the petition's objectives of increased competition, streamlined regulation, unbundled service options, and network modernization. However, the four state Commissions caution that significant work must be done at both the state and federal level to establish the details of implementation and clarify the policy implica- tions of the plan. The four state Commissions ask the FCC to direct Ameritech to work cooperatively with the states to further refine and develop the details of the plan and call for the FCC to establish a joint review process (e.g. a fed- eral-state joint board) between the states and the FCC to facilitate the success of the initiative.
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