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Document Record

Date Filed:  10/18/2000 9:47:00 AM View Document
Document Type:  ENT-Entry View Document
Link to Document:  View Document
Number of pages:  8
Case Numbers: 
Entry ordering that effective no later that 10/25/00, each gas, natural gas, and electric utility under our jurisdiction restore service, pursuant to the terms set forth in this entry, of those whose gas or electric service has been disconnected for non-payment or to maintain service for those about to be disconnected for non-payment; that the requirement set forth in Rule 4901:1-18-04(B)(5), O.A.C., be suspended until 7/1/01, except for PIPP customers contacted by a utility provider or a Ohio Department-sponsored weatherization program; that each utility provide , on a timely basis, the data discussed in the paragraph labeled "Application for Weatherization"; that each utility provide the data requested in the "Special Data Request", attached to this entry as Appendix A, at the place and times set forth in the request.
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